I had a nice quiet weekend. Not a lot happened. I figure next weekend will be really busy as we all celebrate Labor Day.
There was another ‘extreme heat warning’ south of us all weekend. I really don’t recall this many days of extreme heat. From what I can find out, the term ‘excessive heat warning’ has only been around since 2006. Before that I guess the weather service just called it ‘very hot’. When I hear about these warnings, it makes me happy I live in the ‘cool’ mountains. While we have been ‘hot’, it’s nothing like the oven to the south. Somehow 85° sounds OK compared to 112°.
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Random Facts…
Factor by which the average length of a heat wave in Western Europe has increased during the past century: 2
Estimated portion of the earth where forests reduce global warming, through consumption of CO2: 1/3
Estimated portion where forests increase warming, by trapping more heat than their CO2 consumption reduces: 1/3
Even Antarctica has an area code. It’s 672.
Crazy Stuff in the News…
NICEVILLE, Fla. - Police in Florida said they arrested a woman for attacking a smoker with air freshener sprayed from a can. Niceville police allege the woman was waving the can of Glade Potpourri Air Freshener around the other woman’s head while dispensing its contents at a Niceville apartment complex Friday, the Northwest Florida Daily News of Fort Walton Beach reported. The woman then allegedly pointed the can at the back of the other woman’s head and sprayed it for nearly a full minute. Police said she told the victim she would keep using the spray can as long as the victim kept smoking in front of the attacker’s apartment. “I will do it again, and take it to the Supreme Court because I have the right to breathe fresh air,” the police report quoted the suspect as saying. The woman was arrested and charged with battery.
Month long events in August
Edinburgh Festival is an internationally famous arts festival that takes place during August National Immunization Awareness Month… National Psoriasis Awareness Month… Women's Small Business Month... National Back to School month…American Adventures Month…Golf Month…National Inventor’s Month…National Win with Civility Month…What will be your legacy Month
Week of Aug 31…
Waffle Week
31 Aug…
243 days so far this year…122 days remain in 2009
Love Litigating Lawyers Day
*Poland: Day of Solidarity—from 1980
*Moldova: National Anthem Day—1994
*Malaysia: Hari Merdeka—Independence Day 1957 from UK
*Kyrgyzstan—Independence Day 1991 from USSR
*Trinidad and Topango—Independence Day 1962 from UK
1903…. Arthur Godfrey radio, TV host
1914…. Richard Basehart Zanesville Oh, actor (Voyage to Bottom of Sea)
1918…. Alan Jay Lerner Songwriters Hall of Famer
1924…. Buddy (Leonard) Hackett Brooklyn, comedian
1928…. James Coburn Laurel Nebr, actor (Our Man Flint, Magnificent Seven)
1931…. Dan Rather news anchor
1945…. Itzhak Perlman Tel Aviv Israel, violinist/polio victim
1889…. A Provost Idell father of modern volleyball
1955…. Edwin Moses Olympic Gold Medalist [1976, 1984] & Hall of Famer
1935…. Eldridge Cleaver Black Panther turned Republican
1870 - Maria Montessori educator: first woman to attend medical school, first female Doctor of Medicine in Italy, worked with handicapped and socially deprived children, developed unique educational method known as the Montessori method; Montessori Schools named for her
Events on this day…
1887…. Thomas A Edison patents Kinetoscope, (produces moving pictures)
1888…. The first attributed to victim of Jack the Ripper "Mary Ann Nichols" a prostitute from London's East End was found mutilated and murdered in London's East End
1935…. FDR signs an act prohibiting export of US arms to belligerents
1964…. California officially became the most populated of the United States.
1980…. Poland's Solidarity labor union founded
1988…. 5-day power blackout of downtown Seattle begins
1997…. Diana The Princess of Wales and her constant companion Dodi Fayed are killed in a car crash in Paris
Holy Mackerel….
1978…. 400 of the world’s top climatologists are meeting in Geneva to discuss climate change
Can you guess what each of these riddles is describing?
1. Sir, I bear a rhyme excelling
In mystic force and magic spelling
Celestial sprites elucidate
All my own striving can't relate
2. What work is it that the faster you work, the longer it is before you're done, and the slower you work, the sooner you're finished?
3. When I am filled,
I can point the way;
When I am empty,
Nothing moves me.
I have two skins,
One without and one within.
What am I?
4. As a whole, I am both safe and secure.
Behead me, and I become a place of meeting.
Behead me again, and I am the partner of ready.
Restore me, and I become the domain of beasts.
What am I?
5. I fly, yet I have no wings. I cry, yet I have no eyes. Darkness follows me; lower light I never see.
*Bonus: What walks on four legs in the morning, two at mid-day, and three in the evening?
1. The number PI, the digits of which are illustrated by the length of each word in the riddle.
2. Roasting meat on a spit.
3. A glove.
4. A stable.
5. A cloud.
*Bonus: A human does. As a baby, it crawls; in old age, uses a cane.
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About Me

- Retired, Not Dead
- Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
- I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.
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