~~~Free Ramblings
Finally the wind has died down. It blew all night and most of the day. We did get a little rain sometime last night; just enough to wet the dust and pollen that was on the clean car and make it look very dirty. It still hasn’t reached freezing temps at night. The hope now is that the wind will simply not start up again.
I went to a lunch today. It was put on my investment consultant. Great food. Interesting information. Seems this ‘recession’ is far from over. The scary part is that it doesn’t look like we will be back from this for quite a time. As one guy was saying, the Generation X people will be fine, the Baby Boomers will have to be very careful. It will take 5-10 years to get all the lost money back. So glad I’m not really in that group that had so much in the stock market. With less money out there, even some of the alternative investments will not be able to make the gains we thought we would get. Add that to the falling American dollar on the world market, and many more will be hurting. The new trend in alternative investments is Health Care REITS. That is investing in buildings that are used for assisted living, health care facilities, etc. Ten years ago these places were called nursing homes and were very limited. Now these centers are on the rise, and most have a 6 month waiting list to get in.
A friend of mine is leaving tomorrow for 2 weeks in Paraguay. It is a church-oriented mission to conduct some ESL classes down there and to train teachers. Sounds like they will be in some very isolated areas. Very interesting sites. Living with the people. Sounds like an engaging adventure.
~~~Random Facts
In many countries, urine was used as a detergent for washing.
If you cut a 'V' shape into your toe nails, you can prevent 'in-grown' toe nails.
~~~Before They Were Famous
In 1955 (at age 25), Clint Eastwood got his start in feature films with an uncredited role in the b-movie "Revenge of the Creature."
Michael Eisner (former CEO of Disney) was a camp counselor for his first job at age 16.
While studying Communications and Psychology at the University of Miami, Gloria Estefan worked as a translator in the Customs Department at Miami International Airport.
~~~Crazy News
MEDFORD, Mass. – Officials with a Massachusetts university said complaints led to a new policy banning students from having sex while their roommates are present. Tufts University spokeswoman Kim Thurler said officials added the rule to the 2009-10 guest policy after receiving about a dozen complaints from students “who expressed concerns that they were experiencing uncomfortable situations with their roommates’ sextra-curricular activities,” The Boston Herald reported Tuesday. “We really didn’t have anything concrete in place for (them) to set clear boundaries,” she said. The policy informs students in dormitories that they “may not engage in sexual activity while your roommate is present in the room.” Thurler said the policy does not state any penalties for a violation, but she said officials hope the rule will “empower” students to “bring that issue up” if they have a problem with their roommate’s sexual activities.
~~~October Month Long Observances
Birthstone: Opal Birth flower: calendula
Adopt A Shelter Animal Month ~ Apple Month ~ Celebrate the Bilingual Child Month ~ Domestic Violence Awareness Month ~ Emotional Intelligence Month ~ Gay & Lesbian History Month ~ Halloween Safety Month ~ Month of Free Thought ~ Nat’l Arts and Humanities Month ~ Nat’l Book Month ~ Nat’l Cyber Safety Awareness Month ~ Nat’l Popcorn Poppin’ Month ~ Nat’l Sarcastic Awareness Month ~ Photographer Appreciation Month ~ Squirrel Awareness Month ~ Vegetarian Month
~~~Week of 27 Sep
Banned Books Week
~~~1 OCT Observances
274 days so far this year…91 days remain in 2009
World Vegetarian Day
Agricultural Fair Day (since 1810)
International Day of Older Persons
Fire Pup Day—to honor all firehouse mascots
^National Day of the People's Republic of China (1949)
^Republic of Cyprus – Independence Day (from Britain, 1960)
^Nigeria – Independence Day (from Britain, 1960)
^Tuvalu – Independence Day (from Gilbert Islands (Kiribati), 1975)
^ Cameroon : Unification Day (1961)
~~~Births on this day
~ The ARTS
1847__Annie Besant [Wood], England, philosopher/thesophist
1914__Daniel Boorstin author (1974 Pulitzer Prize)
1920__Walter Matthau NYC, actor (Odd Couple)
1921__James Whitmore White Plains NY, actor
1925__Roger Williams (Louis Weertz) pianist
1927__Tom Bosley Chicago, actor (Howard-Happy Days)
1933__Richard Harris actor
1935__Julie Andrews England, actress/singer (Sound of Music, Mary Poppins)
1944__Scott McKenzie (Phillip Blondheim) singer: San Francisco [Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair]
1949__Annie Leibovitz photographer
1939__George Archer golf: Masters Champion [1969]
1945__Rod (Rodney Cline) Carew Baseball Hall of Famer
1963__Mark McGwire Baseball Oakland A's
1781__James Lawrence naval hero (War of 1812-"Don't give up the ship!")
1881__William Edward Boeing founded aircraft co (Boeing)
1924__Jimmy Earl Carter (D) 39th Pres
1924__William Rehnquist Ws, Supreme Court
~~~In Remembrance
1972__Louis Leakey anthropologist, @68
1985__E. B. White, American author @85
1996__Pat McGeown, Provisional Irish Republican Army member @40
2004__Richard Avedon, American photographer @81
~~~Historical Events on this day
1800__Spain cedes Louisiana to France in a secret treaty Treaty of San Ildefonso
1880__ John Philip Sousa became director of the United States Marine Corps Band
1885__Special delivery mail service begins in US
1890__Yosemite National Park established
1918__Arab and British forces commanded by Lawrence of Arabia capture Damascus from Turkish forces
1936__Gen Francisco Franco establishes the state of Spain
1937__The US House of Representatives passed The Marihuana Tax Act, Pub. 238, 75th Congress, 50 Stat. 551 the bill was an important bill on the path that led to the criminalization of cannabis.
1939__Winston Churchill refers to Soviet policy as "a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma"
1946__Mensa the well known high-IQ society is formed which is non political and free from all social distinctions (racial, religious, etc.).
1955__ "Honeymooners" premieres 1964 SF cable cars declared a national landmark
1971__Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida opens
1979__US returns Canal Zone to Panama after 75 years (but not the canal)
1985__The public health service agency has issued a master plan to combat the spread of Aids and has stated that an Aids vaccine is unlikely to be available till 1990.
~ Holy Mackerel
1989__US issues a stamp, labeling an Apatosaurus as a brontosaurus
Countries by population
Place these countries in order by estimated 2009 population—largest to smallest.
1. Afghanistan
2. Albania
3. Algeria
4. Andorra
5. Angola
Scroll down for answers
1. Algeria 34,178,188 (growth rate: 1.2%)
2. Afghanistan 33,609,937 (growth rate: 2.6%)
3. Angola 12,799,293 (growth rate: 2.0%)
4. Albania 3,639,453 (growth rate: 0.5%)
5. Andorra 83,888 (growth rate: 1.1%)
~~~Free Ramblings
Amazing, Sara Palin’s book is coming out months early. She is such a rogue. I wonder who is going to buy it. I heard a suggestion that she will be selling them at NASCAR rallies since most of her followers don’t know how to find a local bookstore. I think it is coming out early because someone else has written a book that explains what a fraud she really is. She is just trying to get it out while people still remember her. She is so folksy and has a very odd view of America. I just don’t see her opinions as really important.
I hope readers are following the Ken Burns National Park series on PBS. Photography is breathtaking, the history is fascinating. The idea that in America, our National Parks are owned by the people, for the people is so exciting. This series will certainly be in many American’s video collection. It’s too bad it didn’t come out before carrying loaded weapons in National Parks became acceptable.
Speaking of loaded weapons, Arizona now allows citizens to legally carry a loaded weapon into a bar or restaurant. The gun carriers can’t consume alcohol in the establishment. The only way a bar or restaurant owner can stop loaded guns in their establishments is to post a sign on all the entrances that have a gun with the famous red slash and circle. We of Arizona may live in the west. Many may make a buck off the ‘wild west’ image. This is a stupid law. I don’t look forward to going to a restaurant and being reminded that people are prohibited from bringing loaded guns into the restaurant. I don’t want to eat at a restaurant that allows people to carry a loaded gun to dinner. In my life, I have been in restaurants where loud arguments have happened. Not a lot of them, but a few. I was even in a restaurant where the argument led to a fist fight—once. I have never been in a restaurant that had an armed robbery while I was there. I’m guessing that 99.99% of my restaurant visits in my lifetime have not had any violence. Those kinds of things don’t happen that often. And if a robbery or fight breaks out, I don’t want someone with a loaded gun to start shooting. I know that some restaurants and some bars have a loaded gun under the counter. They usually don’t shoot them because the firing of a gun escalates the incident and could easily harm innocents. After all, it is only money. Even more concerning, many bar and restaurant owners don’t even know about the law. I wonder how many innocents will be harmed before this law is repealed.
Flag and much of Northern AZ is under a wind advisory. That means sustained winds between 25-35 mph and gust up to 60mph. While we did make it to about 77° today, it was very windy. The weather guy says that a strong storm is headed our way. It will be windy through Wednesday night, but no precipitation. Just wind. I’m so glad I’m not on the Rez. I feel for those people who do. At least here in Flag the wind doesn’t pit your skin with sand.
~~~Random Facts
The temperature of the earth's interior increases by 1 degree every 60 feet down.
There are more telephones than people in Washington, D.C.
~~~Before They Were Famous
Before finding fame in Law & Order, Vincent D'Onofrio appeared as "Thor" the mechanic in 1987's Adventures in Babysitting.
Michael Douglas once worked as a gas station attendant.
David Duchnovy holds an undergrad degree from Princeton and a master's degree from Yale.
As an up and coming actor, Robert Duvall spent several months working as a post office clerk.
~~~Crazy News
A California man was arrested on suspicion of stalking after he allegedly used his airplane to violate a restraining order by buzzing a neighborhood, police said.
In recent weeks, Concord, California, police were investigating an incident in which leaflets were dropped over a residential neighborhood, possibly by a low-flying airplane. “The leaflets referenced a specific person and contained defamatory language and racial slurs. As the investigation has progressed, it appears that the motivation behind this situation is a failed domestic relationship,” the statement read. The investigation led to the identification of a possible suspect, a 51-year-old licensed pilot.
Police received several calls from residents of the neighborhood reporting a low-flying private airplane in the area. Police officers responded to the airport and contacted the man after he landed his plane. It was the same man who had been served with the restraining order earlier in the day.
~~~September Month Long Observances
Apple Month…Be Kind to Editors & Writers Month…Children’s Good Manners Month…International People Skills Month…International Strategic Thinking Month…National Honey Month…National Preparedness Month…Pleasure Your Mate Month…Healthy Aging Month…National Hispanic Heritage Month…
~~~Week of 26 Sep
Banned Books Week
~~~30 Sep Observances
273 days so far this year…92 days remain in 2009
National Women’s Health & Fitness Day
*Botswana – Independence Day (1966) from Britain
*International Translation Day, introduced in 1991 by International Federation of Translators
~~~Births on this day
~ The ARTS
1627__Robinson Crusoe according to Daniel Defoe
1921__Deborah Kerr Helensburg Scotland, actress (King & I, Night of Iguana)
1924__Truman Capote a short short story writer (In Cold Blood)
1935__Johnny Mathis singer (Chances are, 12th of Never)
1942__Frankie Lymon NYC, rocker (& Teenagers-Why do Fools Fall in Love)
1943__Marilyn McCoo Jersey City NJ, host/singer (Solid Gold, 5th Dimension)
1951__Catie Ball US, 100 m breast stroke swimmer (Olympic-4X4 gold-1968)
1962__Dave Magadan baseball: Mets, Mariners, Marlins, Astros, Cubs, Athletics, Padres
1861__William Wrigley Jr. chewing gum tycoon
1928__Elie Wiesel author (Souls on Fire), Nazi hunter (Nobel 1986)
1943__Jody Powell press secretary to Jimmy Carter
951 – Barry Marshall, Australian physician, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
1870 – Jean Baptiste Perrin French physicist, Nobel laureate
~~~In Remembrance
1943__Franz Oppenheimer, German sociologist @ 79
1955__James Dean, American actor (automobile accident) @ 24
1978__Edgar Bergen ventriloquist (Charlie McCarthy), @ 75
~~~Historical Events on this day
1452__1st book published, Johann Guttenberg's Bible
1791__Mozart's opera "The Magic Flute" premiers in Vienna
1846__Anesthetic ether used for 1st time (Dr Wm Morton extracts a tooth)
1898__City of NY established
1934__FDR dedicates Boulder Dam (Hoover Dam)
1949__Berlin Airlift ends after 277,000 flights
1951__“Thank you and may God bless.” The Red Skelton Show debuted on NBC-TV--The Mean Wittle Kid (“I dood it!”), Clem Kadiddlehopper, Sheriff Deadeye, Cauliflower McPugg, Willie Lump-Lump, San Fernando Red, Bolivar Shagnasty and Freddie the Freeloader.
1960__Flintstones premiers (1st prime time animation show)
1960__On Howdy Doody's last show Clarabelle finally talks "Goodbye Kids"
1980__Israel issued new currency. The shekel replaced the pound.
1981__Sandra Day O'Connor becomes the first female U.S. Supreme Court justice in history when she is sworn in by Chief Justice Warren Burger
1988__IBM announces shipment of 3 millionth PS/2 personal computer
~ Holy Mackerel
1865__According to a report dated today, the following number of Indians were present at the Fort Sumner, New Mexico reservation in September: 402 Apache, 7,318 Navajo.
Here are some words that can easily be anagrammed into something interesting.
1. Old West Action
2. Insane Anglo Warlord
3. Humans sad side
4. her slow cry
5. Retard Shown
6. No more stars
7. Alas! No More Z's
8. Elegant Man
9. oh so ethical
10. contaminated
Scroll down for answers
1. Clint Eastwood = Old West Action
2. Ronald Wilson Reagan = Insane Anglo Warlord
3. Saddam Hussain = Humans sad side
4. Sheryl crow = her slow cry
5. Howard Stern = Retard Shown
6. Astronomers = No more stars
7. Snooze Alarms = Alas! No More Z's
8. A Gentleman = Elegant Man
9. I hate school = oh so ethical
10. No admittance = contaminated
Amazing, Sara Palin’s book is coming out months early. She is such a rogue. I wonder who is going to buy it. I heard a suggestion that she will be selling them at NASCAR rallies since most of her followers don’t know how to find a local bookstore. I think it is coming out early because someone else has written a book that explains what a fraud she really is. She is just trying to get it out while people still remember her. She is so folksy and has a very odd view of America. I just don’t see her opinions as really important.
I hope readers are following the Ken Burns National Park series on PBS. Photography is breathtaking, the history is fascinating. The idea that in America, our National Parks are owned by the people, for the people is so exciting. This series will certainly be in many American’s video collection. It’s too bad it didn’t come out before carrying loaded weapons in National Parks became acceptable.
Speaking of loaded weapons, Arizona now allows citizens to legally carry a loaded weapon into a bar or restaurant. The gun carriers can’t consume alcohol in the establishment. The only way a bar or restaurant owner can stop loaded guns in their establishments is to post a sign on all the entrances that have a gun with the famous red slash and circle. We of Arizona may live in the west. Many may make a buck off the ‘wild west’ image. This is a stupid law. I don’t look forward to going to a restaurant and being reminded that people are prohibited from bringing loaded guns into the restaurant. I don’t want to eat at a restaurant that allows people to carry a loaded gun to dinner. In my life, I have been in restaurants where loud arguments have happened. Not a lot of them, but a few. I was even in a restaurant where the argument led to a fist fight—once. I have never been in a restaurant that had an armed robbery while I was there. I’m guessing that 99.99% of my restaurant visits in my lifetime have not had any violence. Those kinds of things don’t happen that often. And if a robbery or fight breaks out, I don’t want someone with a loaded gun to start shooting. I know that some restaurants and some bars have a loaded gun under the counter. They usually don’t shoot them because the firing of a gun escalates the incident and could easily harm innocents. After all, it is only money. Even more concerning, many bar and restaurant owners don’t even know about the law. I wonder how many innocents will be harmed before this law is repealed.
Flag and much of Northern AZ is under a wind advisory. That means sustained winds between 25-35 mph and gust up to 60mph. While we did make it to about 77° today, it was very windy. The weather guy says that a strong storm is headed our way. It will be windy through Wednesday night, but no precipitation. Just wind. I’m so glad I’m not on the Rez. I feel for those people who do. At least here in Flag the wind doesn’t pit your skin with sand.
~~~Random Facts
The temperature of the earth's interior increases by 1 degree every 60 feet down.
There are more telephones than people in Washington, D.C.
~~~Before They Were Famous
Before finding fame in Law & Order, Vincent D'Onofrio appeared as "Thor" the mechanic in 1987's Adventures in Babysitting.
Michael Douglas once worked as a gas station attendant.
David Duchnovy holds an undergrad degree from Princeton and a master's degree from Yale.
As an up and coming actor, Robert Duvall spent several months working as a post office clerk.
~~~Crazy News
A California man was arrested on suspicion of stalking after he allegedly used his airplane to violate a restraining order by buzzing a neighborhood, police said.
In recent weeks, Concord, California, police were investigating an incident in which leaflets were dropped over a residential neighborhood, possibly by a low-flying airplane. “The leaflets referenced a specific person and contained defamatory language and racial slurs. As the investigation has progressed, it appears that the motivation behind this situation is a failed domestic relationship,” the statement read. The investigation led to the identification of a possible suspect, a 51-year-old licensed pilot.
Police received several calls from residents of the neighborhood reporting a low-flying private airplane in the area. Police officers responded to the airport and contacted the man after he landed his plane. It was the same man who had been served with the restraining order earlier in the day.
~~~September Month Long Observances
Apple Month…Be Kind to Editors & Writers Month…Children’s Good Manners Month…International People Skills Month…International Strategic Thinking Month…National Honey Month…National Preparedness Month…Pleasure Your Mate Month…Healthy Aging Month…National Hispanic Heritage Month…
~~~Week of 26 Sep
Banned Books Week
~~~30 Sep Observances
273 days so far this year…92 days remain in 2009
National Women’s Health & Fitness Day
*Botswana – Independence Day (1966) from Britain
*International Translation Day, introduced in 1991 by International Federation of Translators
~~~Births on this day
~ The ARTS
1627__Robinson Crusoe according to Daniel Defoe
1921__Deborah Kerr Helensburg Scotland, actress (King & I, Night of Iguana)
1924__Truman Capote a short short story writer (In Cold Blood)
1935__Johnny Mathis singer (Chances are, 12th of Never)
1942__Frankie Lymon NYC, rocker (& Teenagers-Why do Fools Fall in Love)
1943__Marilyn McCoo Jersey City NJ, host/singer (Solid Gold, 5th Dimension)
1951__Catie Ball US, 100 m breast stroke swimmer (Olympic-4X4 gold-1968)
1962__Dave Magadan baseball: Mets, Mariners, Marlins, Astros, Cubs, Athletics, Padres
1861__William Wrigley Jr. chewing gum tycoon
1928__Elie Wiesel author (Souls on Fire), Nazi hunter (Nobel 1986)
1943__Jody Powell press secretary to Jimmy Carter
951 – Barry Marshall, Australian physician, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
1870 – Jean Baptiste Perrin French physicist, Nobel laureate
~~~In Remembrance
1943__Franz Oppenheimer, German sociologist @ 79
1955__James Dean, American actor (automobile accident) @ 24
1978__Edgar Bergen ventriloquist (Charlie McCarthy), @ 75
~~~Historical Events on this day
1452__1st book published, Johann Guttenberg's Bible
1791__Mozart's opera "The Magic Flute" premiers in Vienna
1846__Anesthetic ether used for 1st time (Dr Wm Morton extracts a tooth)
1898__City of NY established
1934__FDR dedicates Boulder Dam (Hoover Dam)
1949__Berlin Airlift ends after 277,000 flights
1951__“Thank you and may God bless.” The Red Skelton Show debuted on NBC-TV--The Mean Wittle Kid (“I dood it!”), Clem Kadiddlehopper, Sheriff Deadeye, Cauliflower McPugg, Willie Lump-Lump, San Fernando Red, Bolivar Shagnasty and Freddie the Freeloader.
1960__Flintstones premiers (1st prime time animation show)
1960__On Howdy Doody's last show Clarabelle finally talks "Goodbye Kids"
1980__Israel issued new currency. The shekel replaced the pound.
1981__Sandra Day O'Connor becomes the first female U.S. Supreme Court justice in history when she is sworn in by Chief Justice Warren Burger
1988__IBM announces shipment of 3 millionth PS/2 personal computer
~ Holy Mackerel
1865__According to a report dated today, the following number of Indians were present at the Fort Sumner, New Mexico reservation in September: 402 Apache, 7,318 Navajo.
Here are some words that can easily be anagrammed into something interesting.
1. Old West Action
2. Insane Anglo Warlord
3. Humans sad side
4. her slow cry
5. Retard Shown
6. No more stars
7. Alas! No More Z's
8. Elegant Man
9. oh so ethical
10. contaminated
Scroll down for answers
1. Clint Eastwood = Old West Action
2. Ronald Wilson Reagan = Insane Anglo Warlord
3. Saddam Hussain = Humans sad side
4. Sheryl crow = her slow cry
5. Howard Stern = Retard Shown
6. Astronomers = No more stars
7. Snooze Alarms = Alas! No More Z's
8. A Gentleman = Elegant Man
9. I hate school = oh so ethical
10. No admittance = contaminated
~~~Free Ramblings
UPS delivered a duffle bag today. It is from HLO Travel, the provider for my trip to Africa. How cool is that? The wheeled duffle bag is big enough for my stuff, and is said to work better out in the wild than a suitcase. The trip is only three weeks away and I’m getting more excited with each passing day.
Many eyes will be on Denmark at the end of the week. Four world leaders will be in Copenhagen to bid their country’s venue as the best place for the 2016 Olympics. Chicago, Rio, Madrid and Tokyo are the front runners. This is the first time in our history that a President has gone to help a city bid. We are one of the few countries that haven’t had our chief executive schmoozing for the Olympic Games. The games are not supposed to be political, just athletes competing in the Olympic spirit. It looks to me like Obama is just leveling the playing field, as it were. With the Chief Executives from Brazil, Spain, and Japan at the final meeting before the vote, the US absence of the Chief Executive would certainly not help Chicago’s chances. Again, Obama promised change, and he continues to bring it on.
We had another 80°+ day with a low of 39°. The weather guy keeps saying that we will be getting colder. We have now broken the record for longest growing season. We are at 150 days and counting—the previous record was 147 days. I will believe freezing temperatures when they finally arrive. Longest growing season doesn’t mean good crops around here since it was also our third driest year on record.
~~~Random Facts
75% of Honda vehicles purchased in the U.S. are manufactured in North America!
An albatross can sleep while it flies!
~~~Before They Were Famous
Danny DeVito was a formally trained hair stylist before his break on Taxi.
Leonardo DiCaprio's road to fame included an appearance on the TV show Romper Room at age five, a Bubble Yum commercial, and a 2-year stint on Growing Pains in the early 1990's as the homeless boy Luke Brower.
Vin Diesel said in an interview that he worked as a bouncer for 9 years in New York. In his teens, he also performed in a break dancing instructional video.
Walt Disney drove an ambulance for the Red Cross during World War I.
~~~Crazy News
George D. Bryson, a businessman from Connecticut, decided to change his travel plans and stop in Louisville, Kentucky, a place he’d never visited before. He went to a local hotel and made preparations to check into Room 307. Before he could do so, a hotel employee handed him a letter addressed to his exact name. It turned out the previous occupant of Room 307 was another George D. Bryson.
One three separate occasions – in the years 1664, 1785, and
1860 – there was a shipwreck in which only one person survived the accident. Each time that one person was named Hugh Williams.
Several secret code words were devised by Allied military commanders during their preparations to invade Normandy in World War II. Among them: “Utah,” “Neptune,” “Mulberry,” “Omaha,” and “Overlord.” Before the invasion could begin, however, all of these words appeared in a crossword puzzle in the London Daily Telegraph. After interrogating the puzzle’s author, an English school teacher, authorities became convinced that it was sheer, inexplicable coincidence.
~~~September Month Long Observances
Apple Month…Be Kind to Editors & Writers Month…Children’s Good Manners Month…International People Skills Month…International Strategic Thinking Month…National Honey Month…National Preparedness Month…Pleasure Your Mate Month…Healthy Aging Month…National Hispanic Heritage Month…
~~~Week of 26 Sep
Banned Books Week
~~~29 Sep Observances
272 days so far this year…93 days remain in 2009
*Argentina: Inventor's Day
~~~Births on this day
~ The ARTS
1547__Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra author: Don Quixote
1908__Greer Garson North Ireland, actress
1929__Bob Newhart Oak Park Ill, actor/comedian
1931__Anita Ekberg Sweden, actress (La Dolce Vita)
1935__Jerry Lee Lewis singer (Great Balls of Fire)
1939__Larry Linville Ojai Calif, actor (Frank Burns-M*A*S*H)
1907__Gene Autry Tioga Tx, cowpoke/singer/actor/Calif Angels owner
1923__O.A. "Bum" Phillips football coach (Houston Oilers/New Orleans Saints)
1956__Sebastian Coe England, 1500m runner (Olympic-gold-1980, 84)
1758__Horatio Nelson Burnham Thorpe Britain, naval hero at Trafalgar
1848__Caroline Ardelia Yale US, educated deaf
1943__Lech Walesa Popowo Poland, leads Polish Solidarity (Nobel 1983)
1895__Joseph Banks Rhine Penn, parapsychologist (Extra-Sensory Perception)
~~~In Remembrance
1902__William Topaz McGonagall, British poet (b. 1825) 77 years old
1975__Casey Stengel, baseball player and manager (b. 1890) 85 years old
~~~Historical Events on this day
1806__Zebulon Pike holds a grand council with the Pawnee. Pike estimates 400 Pawnee warriors attend. He hopes to win their allegiance to the United States, rather than Spain.
1829__Scotland Yard formed in London
1907__Construction begins on Washington National Cathedral
1936__Radio used for 1st time for a presidential campaign
~ Holy Mackerel
1979__Pope John Paul II becomes 1st pope to visit Ireland
Here are some words that can easily be anagrammed into something interesting.
1. Bad Credit
2. where moist
3. satanic moan
4. Obey god
5. poor devil
6. Man's crisis
7. Very cool talentless star
8. Real Fun
9. Microsoft
Scroll down for answers
1. Debit card = Bad Credit
2. shower time = where moist
3. Santa Monica = satanic moan
4. goodbye = Obey god
5. ipod lover = poor devil
6. Narcissism = Man's crisis
7. Actor Sylvester Stallone = Very cool talentless star
8. Funeral = Real Fun
9. comfort is = microsoft
UPS delivered a duffle bag today. It is from HLO Travel, the provider for my trip to Africa. How cool is that? The wheeled duffle bag is big enough for my stuff, and is said to work better out in the wild than a suitcase. The trip is only three weeks away and I’m getting more excited with each passing day.
Many eyes will be on Denmark at the end of the week. Four world leaders will be in Copenhagen to bid their country’s venue as the best place for the 2016 Olympics. Chicago, Rio, Madrid and Tokyo are the front runners. This is the first time in our history that a President has gone to help a city bid. We are one of the few countries that haven’t had our chief executive schmoozing for the Olympic Games. The games are not supposed to be political, just athletes competing in the Olympic spirit. It looks to me like Obama is just leveling the playing field, as it were. With the Chief Executives from Brazil, Spain, and Japan at the final meeting before the vote, the US absence of the Chief Executive would certainly not help Chicago’s chances. Again, Obama promised change, and he continues to bring it on.
We had another 80°+ day with a low of 39°. The weather guy keeps saying that we will be getting colder. We have now broken the record for longest growing season. We are at 150 days and counting—the previous record was 147 days. I will believe freezing temperatures when they finally arrive. Longest growing season doesn’t mean good crops around here since it was also our third driest year on record.
~~~Random Facts
75% of Honda vehicles purchased in the U.S. are manufactured in North America!
An albatross can sleep while it flies!
~~~Before They Were Famous
Danny DeVito was a formally trained hair stylist before his break on Taxi.
Leonardo DiCaprio's road to fame included an appearance on the TV show Romper Room at age five, a Bubble Yum commercial, and a 2-year stint on Growing Pains in the early 1990's as the homeless boy Luke Brower.
Vin Diesel said in an interview that he worked as a bouncer for 9 years in New York. In his teens, he also performed in a break dancing instructional video.
Walt Disney drove an ambulance for the Red Cross during World War I.
~~~Crazy News
George D. Bryson, a businessman from Connecticut, decided to change his travel plans and stop in Louisville, Kentucky, a place he’d never visited before. He went to a local hotel and made preparations to check into Room 307. Before he could do so, a hotel employee handed him a letter addressed to his exact name. It turned out the previous occupant of Room 307 was another George D. Bryson.
One three separate occasions – in the years 1664, 1785, and
1860 – there was a shipwreck in which only one person survived the accident. Each time that one person was named Hugh Williams.
Several secret code words were devised by Allied military commanders during their preparations to invade Normandy in World War II. Among them: “Utah,” “Neptune,” “Mulberry,” “Omaha,” and “Overlord.” Before the invasion could begin, however, all of these words appeared in a crossword puzzle in the London Daily Telegraph. After interrogating the puzzle’s author, an English school teacher, authorities became convinced that it was sheer, inexplicable coincidence.
~~~September Month Long Observances
Apple Month…Be Kind to Editors & Writers Month…Children’s Good Manners Month…International People Skills Month…International Strategic Thinking Month…National Honey Month…National Preparedness Month…Pleasure Your Mate Month…Healthy Aging Month…National Hispanic Heritage Month…
~~~Week of 26 Sep
Banned Books Week
~~~29 Sep Observances
272 days so far this year…93 days remain in 2009
*Argentina: Inventor's Day
~~~Births on this day
~ The ARTS
1547__Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra author: Don Quixote
1908__Greer Garson North Ireland, actress
1929__Bob Newhart Oak Park Ill, actor/comedian
1931__Anita Ekberg Sweden, actress (La Dolce Vita)
1935__Jerry Lee Lewis singer (Great Balls of Fire)
1939__Larry Linville Ojai Calif, actor (Frank Burns-M*A*S*H)
1907__Gene Autry Tioga Tx, cowpoke/singer/actor/Calif Angels owner
1923__O.A. "Bum" Phillips football coach (Houston Oilers/New Orleans Saints)
1956__Sebastian Coe England, 1500m runner (Olympic-gold-1980, 84)
1758__Horatio Nelson Burnham Thorpe Britain, naval hero at Trafalgar
1848__Caroline Ardelia Yale US, educated deaf
1943__Lech Walesa Popowo Poland, leads Polish Solidarity (Nobel 1983)
1895__Joseph Banks Rhine Penn, parapsychologist (Extra-Sensory Perception)
~~~In Remembrance
1902__William Topaz McGonagall, British poet (b. 1825) 77 years old
1975__Casey Stengel, baseball player and manager (b. 1890) 85 years old
~~~Historical Events on this day
1806__Zebulon Pike holds a grand council with the Pawnee. Pike estimates 400 Pawnee warriors attend. He hopes to win their allegiance to the United States, rather than Spain.
1829__Scotland Yard formed in London
1907__Construction begins on Washington National Cathedral
1936__Radio used for 1st time for a presidential campaign
~ Holy Mackerel
1979__Pope John Paul II becomes 1st pope to visit Ireland
Here are some words that can easily be anagrammed into something interesting.
1. Bad Credit
2. where moist
3. satanic moan
4. Obey god
5. poor devil
6. Man's crisis
7. Very cool talentless star
8. Real Fun
9. Microsoft
Scroll down for answers
1. Debit card = Bad Credit
2. shower time = where moist
3. Santa Monica = satanic moan
4. goodbye = Obey god
5. ipod lover = poor devil
6. Narcissism = Man's crisis
7. Actor Sylvester Stallone = Very cool talentless star
8. Funeral = Real Fun
9. comfort is = microsoft
~~~Free Ramblings
Living in Arizona I didn’t get to watch the Broncos beat the Raiders. Even though I didn’t see it, it was nice to see highlights and watch them beat one of their rivals. This is one of the times I miss satellite TV. The Broncos are usually fun to watch.
I finished off my anti-virals today. I only needed one pain pill, so maybe I am healing. I look forward to a pain free week. I need to spend time gathering my wits for the trip next month. I’m not real sure where they are right now, since I have been on pain pills for a week. I’m sure they are around somewhere. Just hope they haven’t gotten too misplaced. While it was nice to be pain free, the idea of pain pill was not that much fun. Hopefully I will be pain free and pain-killer free for quite a while.
We had another day of short sleeves, shorts, and Tevas. My deck was 85°. Again, there were no clouds, little breeze, no moisture, and lots of heat. It did drop to 35° last night, so maybe fall will be coming soon.
~~~Random Facts
Americans will spend more on cat food this year than baby food.
The average city dog lives three years longer than the average country dog.
~~~Before They Were Famous
Matt Damon attended Harvard but dropped out just shy of graduating.
Ellen DeGeneres had several odd jobs including painter, oyster shucker, vacuum saleswoman and paralegal.
Johnnny Depp worked as an over-the-phone pen salesman.
~~~Crazy News
A distraught architect threw himself in front of a train in the London Underground in a suicide attempt. Luckily, the train stopped inches from his body; in fact, it had to be jacked off its tracks to allow his removal. When questioned, however, the driver informed officials he hadn’t stopped the train. An investigation revealed that one of the passengers, unaware of the suicide attempt, had independently pulled the emergency brake. London Transport officials considered prosecuting the passenger for illegal use of the emergency brake but ultimately decided against it.
~~~September Month Long Observances
Apple Month…Be Kind to Editors & Writers Month…Children’s Good Manners Month…International People Skills Month…International Strategic Thinking Month…National Honey Month…National Preparedness Month…Pleasure Your Mate Month…Healthy Aging Month…National Hispanic Heritage Month…
~~~Week of 26 Sep…
Banned Books Week
~~~28 Sep Observances…
271 days so far this year…94 days remain in 2009
Eat Dinner with your Kids
World Maritime Day
Yom Kippur—Day of Atonement for Jewish Faith
World Rabies Awareness Day
*Poland St. Wenceslas Day—Patron Saint of Poland
*Taiwan and The Philippines Teacher's Day
*The Philippines Day of Awareness and Unity Against Child Pornography
~~~Births on this day
~ The ARTS
1856__ Kate Douglas Wiggins author (Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm)
1901___William S Paley founder & chairman (CBS)
1902___Ed Sullivan TV variety show host/gossip columnist
1909___Al Capp New Haven Ct, cartoonist (Li'l Abner)
1916___Peter Finch actor
1924___Marcello Mastroianni actor
1934___Brigitte Bardot Paris France, actress
1972___Gwyneth Paltrow Academy Award-winning actress
1905___Max (Maximillian Adolph Otto Siegfried) Schmeling
International Boxing Hall of Famer
1839___Frances Willard founded Women's Christian Temperance Union 1887___Avery Brundage AAU & International Olympic Committee president
551 –BC___Confucius (as celebrated in Taiwan)
1852___Henri Moissan France, chemist; isolated fluorine (Nobel 1906)
1849___Dudley Allen Sargent US, physician/educator (Harvard U gymnasium)
~~~In Remembrance [passed on this day]
1953___Edwin P Hubble astronomer, designer of telescopes [b. 1889]
1964___Harpo Marx comedian [b. 1888]
1989___Ferdinand Marcos deposed president of Phillipines [b. 1917]
2003___Althea Gibson, American tennis player [b. 1927]
~~~Historical Events on this day
1066___William the Conqueror lands in England
1542___Portuguese explorer Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo landed his ship at what we now call San Diego Bay
1787___Congress sends Constitution to state legislatures for their approval
1867___Toronto becomes the capital of Ontario
1924___Two U.S. Army planes landed in Seattle, Washington completing the first round-the-world flight in 175 days
1928___While working at his laboratory at St Mary's Hospital, London Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin by accident
2003___A power outage has blacked out close to 90% of the country of Italy
~ Holy Mackerel
1967___Walter Washington elected 1st mayor of Washington, DC
Here are some words that can easily be anagrammed into something interesting.
1. Ugly Satanic Hair
2. Voices Rant On
5. Go Get Oils
6. Trims cash
7. Hey you coward!
8. Burnished Pest
9. cannot aim
10. a year to shut down
Scroll down for answers
1. Christina Aguilera = Ugly Satanic Hair
2. Conversation = Voices Rant On
5. Geologist = Go Get Oils
6. Christmas = Trims cash
7. Why do you care? = Hey you coward!
8. President Bush = Burnished Pest
9. Action man = cannot aim
10. Year two thousand = a year to shut down
Living in Arizona I didn’t get to watch the Broncos beat the Raiders. Even though I didn’t see it, it was nice to see highlights and watch them beat one of their rivals. This is one of the times I miss satellite TV. The Broncos are usually fun to watch.
I finished off my anti-virals today. I only needed one pain pill, so maybe I am healing. I look forward to a pain free week. I need to spend time gathering my wits for the trip next month. I’m not real sure where they are right now, since I have been on pain pills for a week. I’m sure they are around somewhere. Just hope they haven’t gotten too misplaced. While it was nice to be pain free, the idea of pain pill was not that much fun. Hopefully I will be pain free and pain-killer free for quite a while.
We had another day of short sleeves, shorts, and Tevas. My deck was 85°. Again, there were no clouds, little breeze, no moisture, and lots of heat. It did drop to 35° last night, so maybe fall will be coming soon.
~~~Random Facts
Americans will spend more on cat food this year than baby food.
The average city dog lives three years longer than the average country dog.
~~~Before They Were Famous
Matt Damon attended Harvard but dropped out just shy of graduating.
Ellen DeGeneres had several odd jobs including painter, oyster shucker, vacuum saleswoman and paralegal.
Johnnny Depp worked as an over-the-phone pen salesman.
~~~Crazy News
A distraught architect threw himself in front of a train in the London Underground in a suicide attempt. Luckily, the train stopped inches from his body; in fact, it had to be jacked off its tracks to allow his removal. When questioned, however, the driver informed officials he hadn’t stopped the train. An investigation revealed that one of the passengers, unaware of the suicide attempt, had independently pulled the emergency brake. London Transport officials considered prosecuting the passenger for illegal use of the emergency brake but ultimately decided against it.
~~~September Month Long Observances
Apple Month…Be Kind to Editors & Writers Month…Children’s Good Manners Month…International People Skills Month…International Strategic Thinking Month…National Honey Month…National Preparedness Month…Pleasure Your Mate Month…Healthy Aging Month…National Hispanic Heritage Month…
~~~Week of 26 Sep…
Banned Books Week
~~~28 Sep Observances…
271 days so far this year…94 days remain in 2009
Eat Dinner with your Kids
World Maritime Day
Yom Kippur—Day of Atonement for Jewish Faith
World Rabies Awareness Day
*Poland St. Wenceslas Day—Patron Saint of Poland
*Taiwan and The Philippines Teacher's Day
*The Philippines Day of Awareness and Unity Against Child Pornography
~~~Births on this day
~ The ARTS
1856__ Kate Douglas Wiggins author (Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm)
1901___William S Paley founder & chairman (CBS)
1902___Ed Sullivan TV variety show host/gossip columnist
1909___Al Capp New Haven Ct, cartoonist (Li'l Abner)
1916___Peter Finch actor
1924___Marcello Mastroianni actor
1934___Brigitte Bardot Paris France, actress
1972___Gwyneth Paltrow Academy Award-winning actress
1905___Max (Maximillian Adolph Otto Siegfried) Schmeling
International Boxing Hall of Famer
1839___Frances Willard founded Women's Christian Temperance Union 1887___Avery Brundage AAU & International Olympic Committee president
551 –BC___Confucius (as celebrated in Taiwan)
1852___Henri Moissan France, chemist; isolated fluorine (Nobel 1906)
1849___Dudley Allen Sargent US, physician/educator (Harvard U gymnasium)
~~~In Remembrance [passed on this day]
1953___Edwin P Hubble astronomer, designer of telescopes [b. 1889]
1964___Harpo Marx comedian [b. 1888]
1989___Ferdinand Marcos deposed president of Phillipines [b. 1917]
2003___Althea Gibson, American tennis player [b. 1927]
~~~Historical Events on this day
1066___William the Conqueror lands in England
1542___Portuguese explorer Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo landed his ship at what we now call San Diego Bay
1787___Congress sends Constitution to state legislatures for their approval
1867___Toronto becomes the capital of Ontario
1924___Two U.S. Army planes landed in Seattle, Washington completing the first round-the-world flight in 175 days
1928___While working at his laboratory at St Mary's Hospital, London Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin by accident
2003___A power outage has blacked out close to 90% of the country of Italy
~ Holy Mackerel
1967___Walter Washington elected 1st mayor of Washington, DC
Here are some words that can easily be anagrammed into something interesting.
1. Ugly Satanic Hair
2. Voices Rant On
5. Go Get Oils
6. Trims cash
7. Hey you coward!
8. Burnished Pest
9. cannot aim
10. a year to shut down
Scroll down for answers
1. Christina Aguilera = Ugly Satanic Hair
2. Conversation = Voices Rant On
5. Geologist = Go Get Oils
6. Christmas = Trims cash
7. Why do you care? = Hey you coward!
8. President Bush = Burnished Pest
9. Action man = cannot aim
10. Year two thousand = a year to shut down
Flagstaff certainly keeps us on our toes. All last week we were preparing for fall. Nights were getting cooler and days were not as warm as they had been. The sun was setting earlier and earlier. Darkness lasted longer into the morning. It was time to think about frost, preparing plants for winter, looking for those long sleeve pullovers and sweaters. But alas, we have been tricked again. While we did make it down to 36° last night, we climbed to 80° today. Eighty, that’s like a very warm summer day here in Flagstaff. The birds are still preparing for winter, eating a lot of seed. They must be as confused as the rest of us. Those temperatures with the low humidity are really making the forest dry—more than it already was. I forgot to check the sign near the forest service building today, but I’m sure we are either high or extreme when it come to fire danger.
I’m sure glad that I do not have the burdens of President Obama. Here we are with a messed up economy, fighting over a health care bill that will save many lives, and now he has to get back to the world issues. Nuclear plants in Iran, terrorists arrested in Denver and NYC, and of course Afghanistan are forcing our leadership into some very difficult decisions. Since retiring I had forgotten that Oct 1 is a scary day for Federal Employees. After the BIA was shut down two different times when the Congress did not approve a budget, we were lucky to get what was called forward funding. It meant that we could stay open while Congress played the budget game. Not all in the Federal system are that lucky. Yesterday, our Representative voted NO on a budget bill that would keep many government offices open if a budget isn’t approved by Oct. 1. Ann may carry the Democratic banner as her party of record but her voting record is much too conservative for me. I’m saddened to say, that my dreams of hope in Northern AZ are quickly slipping away. Ms Kirkpatrick wants to be reelected and believes that by being conservative, that will happen. She is selling out her base to appease the conservatives in this district. That is not what I voted for, and it is not what I will be voting for next year. The only bright side to our much too conservative state is that our non-elected Governor Brewer, is not getting the support of her own party. Her party is now asking if she is able to lead. The Middle and Liberals have been asking that since February. Take a minute to read the “Crazy Stuff in the News” below. It shows how messed up our state has become. Thanks to Martha for sharing the emailed story.
Random Facts…
Pain travels through your body at 350 ft. per second.
If you toss a penny 10,000 times, it will not be heads 5,000 times, but more like 4,950. The heads picture weighs more, so it ends up on the bottom.
Crazy Stuff In The News …
TUCSON A University of Arizona graduate student was arrested and charged with "criminal damage" and "disturbing an educational institution" for using sidewalk chalk today at a pro-education rally on campus.
More than 150 faculty, staff, graduate and undergraduate students gathered for a noontime rally at the university to protest cuts to public education in the State of Arizona. As members of the U of A marching band played "Bear Down Arizona", demonstrators held signs and made chalk outlines of "bodies" in front of the administration building, with slogans like "Death by a Million Cuts", "Edu-cide",
and "Stop Student Sacrifice".
Jacob Miller, a first-year master's student, was arrested by police as he was leaving the rally. Police told Miller that the order to arrest him came "from higher up."
Said Miller "the administration has said that they want people to get involved and dialogue concerning the budget situation. But now they are penalizing me for speaking out. And all I did was to use sidewalk chalk."
The rally, organized by Arizona for Education, was part of a university-wide day of action in support of education that also included teach-ins and other educational events. Last year, the university took a $77 Million cut and is expected to take a cut between $18 and $25 Million this year. The day of action was organized in support of the state-wide walkouts organized today throughout the University of California system, where campuses are also facing dramatic budget cuts.
Arizona for Education is a coalition of students, faculty and staff as well as members of the Tucson community concerned about cuts to university education spending.
As of 2 pm all chalk had been removed from the sidewalks in front of the university administration building.
September Month Long Observances
Apple Month…Be Kind to Editors & Writers Month…Children’s Good Manners Month…International People Skills Month…International Strategic Thinking Month…National Honey Month…National Preparedness Month…Pleasure Your Mate Month…Healthy Aging Month…National Hispanic Heritage Month…
Before They Were Famous…
Sheryl Crow was once an elementary school teacher in St. Louis, Missouri.
Russell Crowe did a public broadcast promoting AIDS awareness.
Billy Crystal worked as a substitute teacher after graduating from New York Univerity.
Billy Ray Cyrus went to Georgetown College, a Baptist College in KY, on a baseball scholarship before fully concentrating on his music career.
Week of 26 Sep…
Banned Books Week
27 Sep Observances…
270 days so far this year…95 days remain in 2009
Gold Star Mother’s Day
National Good Neighbor Day
Ancestor Appreciation Day
*World Heart Day
*World Tourism Day
*Belgium: French Community Holiday
1792 George Cruikshank England, illustrator for Charles Dickens
1920….. William Conrad Louisville Ky, actor (Bullwinkle Show, Cannon)
1926….. Jayne Meadows Wu Chang China, Mrs Steve Allen, actress
1933….. Kathleen Nolan actress: The Real McCoys (Kate); Screen Actor’s Guild president
1934….. Greg Morris Cleveland Ohio, actor (Mission Impossible)
1943….. Randy Bachman Winnipeg, rocker (Bachman-Turner Overdrive
1947….. A Martinez Glendale Calif, actor
1939….. Kathy Whitworth golf champion
1949….. Mike (Michael Jack) Schmidt Baseball Hall of Famer
1722….. Samuel Adams revolutionary rabble rouser—led Boston Tea Party
1840….. Thomas Nast political cartoonist: considered the father of American political cartooning: drew cartoon [Harper’s Weekly] using elephant as symbol of Republican party
1896….. Sam Ervin (D-Sen-NC), Watergate committee chairman
1918..... Sir Martin Ryle Britain, radio astronomer, astronomer royal 1972-82
1952..... Dumitru Prunariu 1st Romanian space traveler (on board Soyuz 40)
Events on this day…
1540..... Society of Jesus (Jesuits) founded by Ignatius Loyola
1894..... Aqueduct Race Track opened in New York on this day
1919..... Democratic National Committee votes to admit women
1938..... RMS Queen Elizabeth is launched at the John Brown and Company yard in Clydebank, Scotland
1954..... Steve Allen's "Tonight Show" premiers .
1994..... The Contract with America, a 10-point legislative agenda prepared by Republican congressman Newt Gingrich, is signed by more than 350 Republican candidates for Congress.
1996: The Taliban, an Islamic fundamentalist movement in Afghanistan, captures the country's capital, Kabul.
1998..... Mark McGwire of the St. Louis Cardinals breaks the single-season home run record ( held by Roger Maris ) hitting his record-setting 69th and 70th home runs during the last game of the season against the Montreal Expos .
Holy Mackerel…
1964..... The Warren Commission, named to investigate the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, releases its report, which finds that Kennedy's assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, acted alone.
Here are some words that can easily be anagrammed into something interesting.
1. moon starer
2. Epic Plan
3. Fascinating, No scars
4. Call up curse
5. one cool dance musician
6. Attaineth its cause, freedom
7. A Rope Ends It
8. He'll mesh crooks
9. Oily Fart
10. Babes All
Scroll down for answers
1. Astronomer = moon starer
2. Apple, Inc = Epic Plan
3. San Francisco Giants- Fascinating, No scars
4. Pre Calculus = Call up curse
5. madonna louise ciccone = one cool dance musician
6. The United States of America = Attaineth its cause, freedom
7. Desperation = A Rope Ends It
8. Sherlock Holmes = He'll mesh crooks
9. Frito Lay = Oily Fart
10. Baseball = Babes All
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
I’m sure glad that I do not have the burdens of President Obama. Here we are with a messed up economy, fighting over a health care bill that will save many lives, and now he has to get back to the world issues. Nuclear plants in Iran, terrorists arrested in Denver and NYC, and of course Afghanistan are forcing our leadership into some very difficult decisions. Since retiring I had forgotten that Oct 1 is a scary day for Federal Employees. After the BIA was shut down two different times when the Congress did not approve a budget, we were lucky to get what was called forward funding. It meant that we could stay open while Congress played the budget game. Not all in the Federal system are that lucky. Yesterday, our Representative voted NO on a budget bill that would keep many government offices open if a budget isn’t approved by Oct. 1. Ann may carry the Democratic banner as her party of record but her voting record is much too conservative for me. I’m saddened to say, that my dreams of hope in Northern AZ are quickly slipping away. Ms Kirkpatrick wants to be reelected and believes that by being conservative, that will happen. She is selling out her base to appease the conservatives in this district. That is not what I voted for, and it is not what I will be voting for next year. The only bright side to our much too conservative state is that our non-elected Governor Brewer, is not getting the support of her own party. Her party is now asking if she is able to lead. The Middle and Liberals have been asking that since February. Take a minute to read the “Crazy Stuff in the News” below. It shows how messed up our state has become. Thanks to Martha for sharing the emailed story.
Random Facts…
Pain travels through your body at 350 ft. per second.
If you toss a penny 10,000 times, it will not be heads 5,000 times, but more like 4,950. The heads picture weighs more, so it ends up on the bottom.
Crazy Stuff In The News …
TUCSON A University of Arizona graduate student was arrested and charged with "criminal damage" and "disturbing an educational institution" for using sidewalk chalk today at a pro-education rally on campus.
More than 150 faculty, staff, graduate and undergraduate students gathered for a noontime rally at the university to protest cuts to public education in the State of Arizona. As members of the U of A marching band played "Bear Down Arizona", demonstrators held signs and made chalk outlines of "bodies" in front of the administration building, with slogans like "Death by a Million Cuts", "Edu-cide",
and "Stop Student Sacrifice".
Jacob Miller, a first-year master's student, was arrested by police as he was leaving the rally. Police told Miller that the order to arrest him came "from higher up."
Said Miller "the administration has said that they want people to get involved and dialogue concerning the budget situation. But now they are penalizing me for speaking out. And all I did was to use sidewalk chalk."
The rally, organized by Arizona for Education, was part of a university-wide day of action in support of education that also included teach-ins and other educational events. Last year, the university took a $77 Million cut and is expected to take a cut between $18 and $25 Million this year. The day of action was organized in support of the state-wide walkouts organized today throughout the University of California system, where campuses are also facing dramatic budget cuts.
Arizona for Education is a coalition of students, faculty and staff as well as members of the Tucson community concerned about cuts to university education spending.
As of 2 pm all chalk had been removed from the sidewalks in front of the university administration building.
September Month Long Observances
Apple Month…Be Kind to Editors & Writers Month…Children’s Good Manners Month…International People Skills Month…International Strategic Thinking Month…National Honey Month…National Preparedness Month…Pleasure Your Mate Month…Healthy Aging Month…National Hispanic Heritage Month…
Before They Were Famous…
Sheryl Crow was once an elementary school teacher in St. Louis, Missouri.
Russell Crowe did a public broadcast promoting AIDS awareness.
Billy Crystal worked as a substitute teacher after graduating from New York Univerity.
Billy Ray Cyrus went to Georgetown College, a Baptist College in KY, on a baseball scholarship before fully concentrating on his music career.
Week of 26 Sep…
Banned Books Week
27 Sep Observances…
270 days so far this year…95 days remain in 2009
Gold Star Mother’s Day
National Good Neighbor Day
Ancestor Appreciation Day
*World Heart Day
*World Tourism Day
*Belgium: French Community Holiday
1792 George Cruikshank England, illustrator for Charles Dickens
1920….. William Conrad Louisville Ky, actor (Bullwinkle Show, Cannon)
1926….. Jayne Meadows Wu Chang China, Mrs Steve Allen, actress
1933….. Kathleen Nolan actress: The Real McCoys (Kate); Screen Actor’s Guild president
1934….. Greg Morris Cleveland Ohio, actor (Mission Impossible)
1943….. Randy Bachman Winnipeg, rocker (Bachman-Turner Overdrive
1947….. A Martinez Glendale Calif, actor
1939….. Kathy Whitworth golf champion
1949….. Mike (Michael Jack) Schmidt Baseball Hall of Famer
1722….. Samuel Adams revolutionary rabble rouser—led Boston Tea Party
1840….. Thomas Nast political cartoonist: considered the father of American political cartooning: drew cartoon [Harper’s Weekly] using elephant as symbol of Republican party
1896….. Sam Ervin (D-Sen-NC), Watergate committee chairman
1918..... Sir Martin Ryle Britain, radio astronomer, astronomer royal 1972-82
1952..... Dumitru Prunariu 1st Romanian space traveler (on board Soyuz 40)
Events on this day…
1540..... Society of Jesus (Jesuits) founded by Ignatius Loyola
1894..... Aqueduct Race Track opened in New York on this day
1919..... Democratic National Committee votes to admit women
1938..... RMS Queen Elizabeth is launched at the John Brown and Company yard in Clydebank, Scotland
1954..... Steve Allen's "Tonight Show" premiers .
1994..... The Contract with America, a 10-point legislative agenda prepared by Republican congressman Newt Gingrich, is signed by more than 350 Republican candidates for Congress.
1996: The Taliban, an Islamic fundamentalist movement in Afghanistan, captures the country's capital, Kabul.
1998..... Mark McGwire of the St. Louis Cardinals breaks the single-season home run record ( held by Roger Maris ) hitting his record-setting 69th and 70th home runs during the last game of the season against the Montreal Expos .
Holy Mackerel…
1964..... The Warren Commission, named to investigate the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, releases its report, which finds that Kennedy's assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, acted alone.
Here are some words that can easily be anagrammed into something interesting.
1. moon starer
2. Epic Plan
3. Fascinating, No scars
4. Call up curse
5. one cool dance musician
6. Attaineth its cause, freedom
7. A Rope Ends It
8. He'll mesh crooks
9. Oily Fart
10. Babes All
Scroll down for answers
1. Astronomer = moon starer
2. Apple, Inc = Epic Plan
3. San Francisco Giants- Fascinating, No scars
4. Pre Calculus = Call up curse
5. madonna louise ciccone = one cool dance musician
6. The United States of America = Attaineth its cause, freedom
7. Desperation = A Rope Ends It
8. Sherlock Holmes = He'll mesh crooks
9. Frito Lay = Oily Fart
10. Baseball = Babes All
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
I thought my pain was gone, but alas, it isn’t. Had to take a pill about 4am and other about 10am. That did it for the day. Hopefully this is really getting better. I must say that the pain is just about 3 out of 10, but enough that I don’t want it.
When I was a working stiff, I used to put tons of miles on my vehicle. Now that I’m retired, I don’t. I had to get the oil changed today. I go to a place that also gives a good car wash when you have the oil changed. I was amazed. I’ve been taking my car to the local ‘hands free’ car wash where you drive in, park and the machine goes around the car a bunch of times. Today, after the oil change I got the car washed and wiped down with the inside cleaned. It looks like I have a brand new car. Those ‘hands free’ washes do a decent job. They ain’t nuttin’ like the old fashioned wash when a gang of people envelop your vehicle and clean the inside, do the windows, and wipe down the car. I’ll have to remember this. Nuttin’ like driving a really clean ride.
We had a nice summer day. Yeah, I know it's fall, but it sure felt like summer. We made it to 78° with no clouds and very little breeze. It did get down to 35° last night. That was enough for the furnace to kick in early this morning. It only went through one cycle, but reminds me that fall is in the air.
Random Facts…
There are less than 100 surviving American World War I veterans.
The chicken is one of the few things that man eats before it's born and after it's dead.
Cat's urine glows under a black light
Crazy Stuff In The News …
LISMORE, Australia – Australian police said two teenage brothers turned in more than $86,000 they found in a creek while fishing in the eastern part of the country. Police said the boys hooked the money, which was in a plastic package, while fishing for catfish in Tuntable Creek, near the town of Lismore, and spent three weeks deciding on a plan of action before telling their mother and obtaining legal advice on how best to turn the cash over to police, The Times of London reported Monday.
The mother of the boys, who requested anonymity, said the family did not want to keep the money because it might be “dirty.” “We just don’t want any trouble,” one of the brothers said. “We were sweet before the money and we’ll be sweet afterwards.”
Investigators said the area has recently been hit by major flooding, so the package of money could have originated from any one of several different streams. They said the boys might be given the option of keeping the money if nobody comes forward with a legitimate claim.
September Month Long Observances
Apple Month…Be Kind to Editors & Writers Month…Children’s Good Manners Month…International People Skills Month…International Strategic Thinking Month…National Honey Month…National Preparedness Month…Pleasure Your Mate Month…Healthy Aging Month…National Hispanic Heritage Month…
Before They Were Famous…
Bill Cosby shined shoes and sold produce when he was young
Elvis Costello used to be a computer programmer.
Katie Couric's first job was as a desk assistant at ABC.
Simon Cowell started out as a mail room clerk for EMI Music Publishing where his father worked.
Cindy Crawford graduated from DeKalb High School (Dekalb, Illinois) in 1984, as valedictorian.
Joan Crawford used to work in a laundromat and as an elevator operator in a Kansas City department store.
Week of 26 Sep…
Banned Books Week
26 Sep Observances…
269 days so far this year…96 days remain in 2009
National Public Lands Day
Ironically it is also
.Fish Amnesty Day
.National Hunting and Fishing Day
*European Day of Language—since 2001
* New Zealand : Dominion Day
*Yemen Arab Republic Revolution Day (1962)
1888….. T.S. Eliot St Louis poet/dramatist/critic (Waste Land-Nobel 1948)
1898….. George Gershwin (Jacob Gershvin) composer: Rhapsody in Blue
1925….. Marty Robbins Glendale Az, singer (Devil Woman
1933….. Donna Douglas [Dot Smith], Pride La, actress (Beverly Hillbillies—Ellie Mae)
1948….. Olivia Newton-John Cambridge England, singer
1962….. Melissa Sue Anderson actress: Little House on the Prairie--Mary
1914….. Jack La Lanne exercise mogul and Juicer
1729….. Moses Mendelssohn philosopher/critic/Bible translator
1774….. John Chapman [Johnny Appleseed], frontier nurseryman
1897….. Pope Paul VI (Giovanni Battista Montini) 262nd Roman Catholic pope (1963-78)
Events on this day…
1580….. The British ship the Golden Hind, commanded by Sir Francis Drake, returns from its around-the-world journey bearing a cargo of spices and captured Spanish treasure.
1892….. 1st public appearance of John Philip Sousa's band (NJ)
1914….. Federal Trade Commission formed to regulate interstate commerce
1957….. West Side Story opened in New York.
1960….. 1st of 4 TV debates Nixon & Kennedy took place (Chicago)
1962….. Negro James Meredeth tried for the third time to register for classes at the University of Mississippi today but was turned away
1991….. A group of scientists, four men and four women began a two-year stay inside Biosphere 2, a sealed structure in Oracle, AZ
Holy Mackerel…
1932….. Mahatma Gandhi broke his death fast after 6 days and 5 hrs after the British Government had approved most of the compromise plan on the privileges of Indian Untouchables in legislative elections.
Here are some words that can easily be anagrammed into something interesting.
1. Indecent Christian
2. Dirty Room
3. On scale of sin
4. Nerd Amid Late TV
5. end is a car spin
6. Newest Drip
7. Built to Stay Free
8. exit lava
9. Evil's Agent
10. he grew bogus
Scroll down for answers
1. The Cincinnati Reds = Indecent Christian
2. Dormitory = Dirty Room
3. Confessional = On scale of sin
4. David Letterman = Nerd Amid Late TV
5. Princess Diana = end is a car spin
6. President W = Newest Drip
7. Statue of Liberty = Built to Stay Free
8. Laxative = exit lava
9. Evangelist = Evil's Agent
10. George W Bush = he grew bogus
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
When I was a working stiff, I used to put tons of miles on my vehicle. Now that I’m retired, I don’t. I had to get the oil changed today. I go to a place that also gives a good car wash when you have the oil changed. I was amazed. I’ve been taking my car to the local ‘hands free’ car wash where you drive in, park and the machine goes around the car a bunch of times. Today, after the oil change I got the car washed and wiped down with the inside cleaned. It looks like I have a brand new car. Those ‘hands free’ washes do a decent job. They ain’t nuttin’ like the old fashioned wash when a gang of people envelop your vehicle and clean the inside, do the windows, and wipe down the car. I’ll have to remember this. Nuttin’ like driving a really clean ride.
We had a nice summer day. Yeah, I know it's fall, but it sure felt like summer. We made it to 78° with no clouds and very little breeze. It did get down to 35° last night. That was enough for the furnace to kick in early this morning. It only went through one cycle, but reminds me that fall is in the air.
Random Facts…
There are less than 100 surviving American World War I veterans.
The chicken is one of the few things that man eats before it's born and after it's dead.
Cat's urine glows under a black light
Crazy Stuff In The News …
LISMORE, Australia – Australian police said two teenage brothers turned in more than $86,000 they found in a creek while fishing in the eastern part of the country. Police said the boys hooked the money, which was in a plastic package, while fishing for catfish in Tuntable Creek, near the town of Lismore, and spent three weeks deciding on a plan of action before telling their mother and obtaining legal advice on how best to turn the cash over to police, The Times of London reported Monday.
The mother of the boys, who requested anonymity, said the family did not want to keep the money because it might be “dirty.” “We just don’t want any trouble,” one of the brothers said. “We were sweet before the money and we’ll be sweet afterwards.”
Investigators said the area has recently been hit by major flooding, so the package of money could have originated from any one of several different streams. They said the boys might be given the option of keeping the money if nobody comes forward with a legitimate claim.
September Month Long Observances
Apple Month…Be Kind to Editors & Writers Month…Children’s Good Manners Month…International People Skills Month…International Strategic Thinking Month…National Honey Month…National Preparedness Month…Pleasure Your Mate Month…Healthy Aging Month…National Hispanic Heritage Month…
Before They Were Famous…
Bill Cosby shined shoes and sold produce when he was young
Elvis Costello used to be a computer programmer.
Katie Couric's first job was as a desk assistant at ABC.
Simon Cowell started out as a mail room clerk for EMI Music Publishing where his father worked.
Cindy Crawford graduated from DeKalb High School (Dekalb, Illinois) in 1984, as valedictorian.
Joan Crawford used to work in a laundromat and as an elevator operator in a Kansas City department store.
Week of 26 Sep…
Banned Books Week
26 Sep Observances…
269 days so far this year…96 days remain in 2009
National Public Lands Day
Ironically it is also
.Fish Amnesty Day
.National Hunting and Fishing Day
*European Day of Language—since 2001
* New Zealand : Dominion Day
*Yemen Arab Republic Revolution Day (1962)
1888….. T.S. Eliot St Louis poet/dramatist/critic (Waste Land-Nobel 1948)
1898….. George Gershwin (Jacob Gershvin) composer: Rhapsody in Blue
1925….. Marty Robbins Glendale Az, singer (Devil Woman
1933….. Donna Douglas [Dot Smith], Pride La, actress (Beverly Hillbillies—Ellie Mae)
1948….. Olivia Newton-John Cambridge England, singer
1962….. Melissa Sue Anderson actress: Little House on the Prairie--Mary
1914….. Jack La Lanne exercise mogul and Juicer
1729….. Moses Mendelssohn philosopher/critic/Bible translator
1774….. John Chapman [Johnny Appleseed], frontier nurseryman
1897….. Pope Paul VI (Giovanni Battista Montini) 262nd Roman Catholic pope (1963-78)
Events on this day…
1580….. The British ship the Golden Hind, commanded by Sir Francis Drake, returns from its around-the-world journey bearing a cargo of spices and captured Spanish treasure.
1892….. 1st public appearance of John Philip Sousa's band (NJ)
1914….. Federal Trade Commission formed to regulate interstate commerce
1957….. West Side Story opened in New York.
1960….. 1st of 4 TV debates Nixon & Kennedy took place (Chicago)
1962….. Negro James Meredeth tried for the third time to register for classes at the University of Mississippi today but was turned away
1991….. A group of scientists, four men and four women began a two-year stay inside Biosphere 2, a sealed structure in Oracle, AZ
Holy Mackerel…
1932….. Mahatma Gandhi broke his death fast after 6 days and 5 hrs after the British Government had approved most of the compromise plan on the privileges of Indian Untouchables in legislative elections.
Here are some words that can easily be anagrammed into something interesting.
1. Indecent Christian
2. Dirty Room
3. On scale of sin
4. Nerd Amid Late TV
5. end is a car spin
6. Newest Drip
7. Built to Stay Free
8. exit lava
9. Evil's Agent
10. he grew bogus
Scroll down for answers
1. The Cincinnati Reds = Indecent Christian
2. Dormitory = Dirty Room
3. Confessional = On scale of sin
4. David Letterman = Nerd Amid Late TV
5. Princess Diana = end is a car spin
6. President W = Newest Drip
7. Statue of Liberty = Built to Stay Free
8. Laxative = exit lava
9. Evangelist = Evil's Agent
10. George W Bush = he grew bogus
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
The NAU news station just interviewed the State Superintendent for Instruction and his Deputy. Some kind of conference brought them to Flagstaff. The head guy was interviewed first. He said the state’s biggest concern in Education is our low funding. Yeah, we are 39th in funding. Then, in a separate interview by a different reporter the same question was asked. The answer was “Our biggest problem in people talking about the fact that we have problems.” She went on to explain that when people talk about problems, others listen and then believe those issues are problems. So from her point of view, I guess, everything is just fine. That kind of leadership will certainly not help our students.
While shopping today, I ran into a Hopi couple I have known for ever. The husband retired two years ago, the wife this year. They are both amazed at how much they have to do. Both are still in very good health. Always on the go, always getting ready for something or participating in something, or recovering after something. It was great to see them, and good to hear things are going well. The wife was always afraid that when she retired she would just get bored. She isn’t. Living in the Village keeps all the elderly busy with something. Actually it keeps everyone busy, but when you are working, it is hard to do all the stuff you feel you need to or just want to. Now that Sara and Wayne are retired, they have the time they need. Very cool.
Well, we still haven’t had a freeze. Our trustworthy local weatherman has not been very trustworthy when it comes to temperatures this week. Every day he says we will have a freeze. We haven’t yet. Last night, instead of a freeze, it only got down to 47°. He is usually spot on when it comes to our local weather. Something is messing up his ability to do this. I’m beginning to believe that weather forecasting is more an art than a science. All the fancy maps, all the moving icons, all the fancy graphs just aren’t helping him determine when it will freeze. Guess I will just wait until there is frost on the car and then I will know it froze the night before. I have sympathy for all those gardeners who are covering their plants night after night when it doesn’t even get close to a freeze.
Ken Burns is starting a new series on PBS—“America’s Best Idea”. He has been on several news shows the past few days. It should be great series on our National Parks. He always does amazing specials, but this one may be his best. It starts Sunday on your local PBS station. I only hope it is not another fund raiser event.
Random Facts…
Cow is a Japanese brand of shaving foam.
Goldfish lose their color if they are kept in dim light or are placed in a body of running water, such as a stream.
Crazy Stuff In The News …
JENSEN BEACH, Fla. – Authorities in Florida said a man who blamed 10 counts of possession of child pornography on his cat is facing 90 additional charges of the crime.
The Martin County Sheriff’s Office said Keith Riley Griffin, 48, of Jensen Beach, Fla., was charged in early August with 10 counts of possession of child ornography and is now facing 100 counts of the offense, TCPalm.com reported Monday. Investigators said Griffin told them after his August arrest that the offending material had been downloaded as a result of his cat walking on the computer keyboard while he was away from home.
Griffin was being held at the Martin County Jail with bail set at $2.2 million.
September Month Long Observances
Apple Month…Be Kind to Editors & Writers Month…Children’s Good Manners Month…International People Skills Month…International Strategic Thinking Month…National Honey Month…National Preparedness Month…Pleasure Your Mate Month…Healthy Aging Month…National Hispanic Heritage Month…
Before They Were Famous…
Hayden Christensen used to be a tennis ball boy and he once accidentally interrupted play during a John McEnroe match.
George Clooney was in an episode of Murder She Wrote titled "No Laughing Matter."
P-Diddy was an intern at Uptown Records where he did grunt work like washing cars & fetching coffee.
Sean Connery's first job was delivering milk for St. Cuthbert's Co-operative Society in Scotland.
Week of 22 Sep…
Pollution Prevention Week
American Massage Therapy Week
25 Sep Observances…
268 days so far this year…97 days remain in 2009
Native American Day
Hug a Vegetarian Day
National One Hit Wonders Day
Love Note Day
*Rwanda: Government Day
1897 - William (Cuthbert) Faulkner Nobel Prize-winning writer
1905 - Red (Walter) Smith Pulitzer Prize-winning sportswriter
1931 Barbara Walters Boston Mass, newscaster
1949 Anson Williams LA Calif, actor (Potsie-Happy Days)
1951 Mark Hamill Oakland Calif, actor (Star Wars)
1952 Christopher Reeve actor (Superman)
1965 Will Smith [Fresh Prince ], rapper, actor
1969 - Catherine Zeta-Jones actress
1887 May Sutton Bundy US, 1st US woman to win Wimbledon (US 1904)
1942 - Oscar Bonavena boxing: heavyweight
1951 - Bob McAdoo basketball
1644 Olaus RÃmer Denmark, 1st to accurately measure speed of light
Events on this day…
1513 Vasco Nunez de Balboa is the 1st European to see the Pacific Ocean
1690: ‘Publick Occurrences, Both Forreign and Domestick’, the first newspaper in the American colonies, publishes its only issue before being suppressed by the government.
1789 Congress proposes Bill of Rights (10 of 12 will ratify)
1890 Congress establishes Yosemite National Park (Calif)
1926 Henry Ford announces the 8 hour, 5-day work week
1981 Sandra Day O'Connor sworn in as 1st female supreme court justice
1988 Florence Griffith Joyner runs Olympic record 100m in 10.54s
Holy Mackerel…
2004 : West Africa including Chad, Mali, Gambia, Niger and Mauritania are suffering the worst Plague of Locusts in 40 years.
Here are some words that can easily be anagrammed into something interesting.
1. ate in grave
2. out in a drag
3. Needy Chick
4. Bad credit
5. I'm a Dot in Place
6. fine in torn jeans
7. Nice, save them
8. So Let's Pinch
9. Nice Shirt
10. Pig Slices
Scroll down for answers
1. vegetarian = ate in grave
2. graduation = out in a drag
3. Dick Cheney = Needy Chick
4. Debit card = Bad credit
5. A Decimal Point = I'm a Dot in Place
6. Jennifer Aniston = fine in torn jeans
7. Achievements = Nice, save them
8. Clothespins = So Let's Pinch
9. Christine = Nice Shirt
10. Spice Girls = Pig Slices
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
While shopping today, I ran into a Hopi couple I have known for ever. The husband retired two years ago, the wife this year. They are both amazed at how much they have to do. Both are still in very good health. Always on the go, always getting ready for something or participating in something, or recovering after something. It was great to see them, and good to hear things are going well. The wife was always afraid that when she retired she would just get bored. She isn’t. Living in the Village keeps all the elderly busy with something. Actually it keeps everyone busy, but when you are working, it is hard to do all the stuff you feel you need to or just want to. Now that Sara and Wayne are retired, they have the time they need. Very cool.
Well, we still haven’t had a freeze. Our trustworthy local weatherman has not been very trustworthy when it comes to temperatures this week. Every day he says we will have a freeze. We haven’t yet. Last night, instead of a freeze, it only got down to 47°. He is usually spot on when it comes to our local weather. Something is messing up his ability to do this. I’m beginning to believe that weather forecasting is more an art than a science. All the fancy maps, all the moving icons, all the fancy graphs just aren’t helping him determine when it will freeze. Guess I will just wait until there is frost on the car and then I will know it froze the night before. I have sympathy for all those gardeners who are covering their plants night after night when it doesn’t even get close to a freeze.
Ken Burns is starting a new series on PBS—“America’s Best Idea”. He has been on several news shows the past few days. It should be great series on our National Parks. He always does amazing specials, but this one may be his best. It starts Sunday on your local PBS station. I only hope it is not another fund raiser event.
Random Facts…
Cow is a Japanese brand of shaving foam.
Goldfish lose their color if they are kept in dim light or are placed in a body of running water, such as a stream.
Crazy Stuff In The News …
JENSEN BEACH, Fla. – Authorities in Florida said a man who blamed 10 counts of possession of child pornography on his cat is facing 90 additional charges of the crime.
The Martin County Sheriff’s Office said Keith Riley Griffin, 48, of Jensen Beach, Fla., was charged in early August with 10 counts of possession of child ornography and is now facing 100 counts of the offense, TCPalm.com reported Monday. Investigators said Griffin told them after his August arrest that the offending material had been downloaded as a result of his cat walking on the computer keyboard while he was away from home.
Griffin was being held at the Martin County Jail with bail set at $2.2 million.
September Month Long Observances
Apple Month…Be Kind to Editors & Writers Month…Children’s Good Manners Month…International People Skills Month…International Strategic Thinking Month…National Honey Month…National Preparedness Month…Pleasure Your Mate Month…Healthy Aging Month…National Hispanic Heritage Month…
Before They Were Famous…
Hayden Christensen used to be a tennis ball boy and he once accidentally interrupted play during a John McEnroe match.
George Clooney was in an episode of Murder She Wrote titled "No Laughing Matter."
P-Diddy was an intern at Uptown Records where he did grunt work like washing cars & fetching coffee.
Sean Connery's first job was delivering milk for St. Cuthbert's Co-operative Society in Scotland.
Week of 22 Sep…
Pollution Prevention Week
American Massage Therapy Week
25 Sep Observances…
268 days so far this year…97 days remain in 2009
Native American Day
Hug a Vegetarian Day
National One Hit Wonders Day
Love Note Day
*Rwanda: Government Day
1897 - William (Cuthbert) Faulkner Nobel Prize-winning writer
1905 - Red (Walter) Smith Pulitzer Prize-winning sportswriter
1931 Barbara Walters Boston Mass, newscaster
1949 Anson Williams LA Calif, actor (Potsie-Happy Days)
1951 Mark Hamill Oakland Calif, actor (Star Wars)
1952 Christopher Reeve actor (Superman)
1965 Will Smith [Fresh Prince ], rapper, actor
1969 - Catherine Zeta-Jones actress
1887 May Sutton Bundy US, 1st US woman to win Wimbledon (US 1904)
1942 - Oscar Bonavena boxing: heavyweight
1951 - Bob McAdoo basketball
1644 Olaus RÃmer Denmark, 1st to accurately measure speed of light
Events on this day…
1513 Vasco Nunez de Balboa is the 1st European to see the Pacific Ocean
1690: ‘Publick Occurrences, Both Forreign and Domestick’, the first newspaper in the American colonies, publishes its only issue before being suppressed by the government.
1789 Congress proposes Bill of Rights (10 of 12 will ratify)
1890 Congress establishes Yosemite National Park (Calif)
1926 Henry Ford announces the 8 hour, 5-day work week
1981 Sandra Day O'Connor sworn in as 1st female supreme court justice
1988 Florence Griffith Joyner runs Olympic record 100m in 10.54s
Holy Mackerel…
2004 : West Africa including Chad, Mali, Gambia, Niger and Mauritania are suffering the worst Plague of Locusts in 40 years.
Here are some words that can easily be anagrammed into something interesting.
1. ate in grave
2. out in a drag
3. Needy Chick
4. Bad credit
5. I'm a Dot in Place
6. fine in torn jeans
7. Nice, save them
8. So Let's Pinch
9. Nice Shirt
10. Pig Slices
Scroll down for answers
1. vegetarian = ate in grave
2. graduation = out in a drag
3. Dick Cheney = Needy Chick
4. Debit card = Bad credit
5. A Decimal Point = I'm a Dot in Place
6. Jennifer Aniston = fine in torn jeans
7. Achievements = Nice, save them
8. Clothespins = So Let's Pinch
9. Christine = Nice Shirt
10. Spice Girls = Pig Slices
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
I’ve gone most of the day without a pain pill. Partly because the pain in much less, partly because no matter how I try, I remember that ‘suck it up’ is what one does with pain. I’ll be taking a pill in a little while, as the pain is increasing and I need to get a good night’s sleep.
The UPS guy stopped by this afternoon. He brought me my airline tickets, name badges, visa forms, and everything I need for the trip. I’ll be calling Hamdy tomorrow to let him know I am getting excited about the trip. It is amazing that a guy who spent so many years on the Rez is now discovering the world. What a great life I have.
A friend from Tuba called last night. She retired just before I did, and moved to North Carolina. It was great to talk to her. She has done a few cruises since retiring and we both had great stories to exchange. Camille is taking a cruise from New England through parts of Canada. I don’t quite get how that works, but sounds like a great trip. The cruise takes her from New England to somewhere in the middle of Canada. Then she flies home from there. Must be a small ship, like the one we had on the Nile. We both agree that travel should be relaxing and not filled with finding hotels, places to eat, etc. We both like some free time to do our own thing. This is working well for her, and it certainly works well for me.
We didn’t freeze last night…so much for weathermen. Now we are headed for a new record…the longest growing season. It’s been 145 days since the last frost. The record from 1947 was 147 days.
Random Facts…
A person will burn 7 percent more calories if they walk on hard dirt compared to pavement.
In Spain, it is common to pour chocolate milk on cereal for breakfast.
Crazy Stuff In The News … Real things from newspapers…
3-year-old teacher needed for preschool. Experience preferred.
Wanted. Man to take care of cow that does not smoke or drink.
Vacation special: Have your house exterminated.
Dinner Specials: Turkey $3.25 Chicken or Beef $2.75 Children $2.00.
Illiterate? Write today for free help.
Auto Repair Service. Free pick-up and delivery. Try us once, you’ll never go anywhere again.
Dog for sale: eats anything and is fond of children.
Our experienced Mom will care for your child. Fenced yard, meals, and smacks included.
Stock up and save. Limit: one.
Man wanted to work in dynamite factory. Must be willing to travel.
Semi-Annual after Christmas Sale.
For sale: antique desk suitable for lady with thick legs and large drawers.
Now is your chance to have your ears pierced and get an extra pair to take home, too.
We do not tear your clothing with machinery. We do it carefully by hand.
Used Cars: Why go elsewhere to be cheated. Come here first.
September Month Long Observances
Apple Month…Be Kind to Editors & Writers Month…Children’s Good Manners Month…International People Skills Month…International Strategic Thinking Month…National Honey Month…National Preparedness Month…Pleasure Your Mate Month…Healthy Aging Month…National Hispanic Heritage Month…
Before They Were Famous…
When Jim Carrey was 14, he was a rifleman with the army cadets. Jim Carrey also worked as a janitor in a factory.
Before becoming a champion WWE wrestling entertainer, John Cena worked as a chauffeur for a limousine company.
Before his recording career took off, Chubby Checker plucked chickens at a poultry market named Henry Colt's.
Before his big break, country singer Kenny Chesney worked as a valet attendant, telemarketer and mail sorter.
Week of 22 Sep…
Pollution Prevention Week
American Massage Therapy Week
24 Sep Observances…
267 days so far this year…98 days remain in 2009
Punctuation Day
*Guinea-Bissau – Independence Day (declared, from Portugal, 1973)
*New Caledonia – Territorial Day
*South Africa – Heritage Day
*Trinidad and Tobago – Republic Day (1976).
1896….. F Scott Fitzgerald St Paul Minn, author (Great Gatsby)
1936….. Jim Henson Greenville Miss, muppeteer (Sesame Street, Muppet Show)
1941….. Linda McCartney (Eastman) photographer—Mrs. Paul McCartney
1948….. Phil Hartman actor, comedian: Saturday Night Live
1959….. Steve Whitmire voice [since Jim Henson died in 1990] of Kermit the Frog, Rizzo the Rat, Beaker, Bean Bunny, Doozer; shares same birthday as Jim Henson
1921….. Jim McKay Phila Pa, sportscaster (ABC's Wide World of Sports)
1946….. "Mean" Joe Greene NFL tackle (Pitts Steelers), Coke spokesman
1755….. John Marshall Va, 4th Supreme Court Chief Justice
1870….. Georges Claude inventor (neon light)
1898….. Baron Florey pathologist; purified penicillin (Nobel '45)
Events on this day…
787….. 2nd Council of Nicaea (7th ecumenical council) opens in Asia Minor
1789….. Congress creates the Post Office
1845….. 1st baseball team is organized
1968….. "60 Minutes" premiers
1988….. Barbara C Harris of Mass, elected 1st woman Episcopal bishop
Holy Mackerel…
1908….. The first factory-built Ford Model T was completed which became affectionately known as the Tin Lizzie.
Here are some words that can easily be anagrammed into something interesting.
1. Liberal bod
2. He bugs Gore
3. A stew, Sir?
4. naughtiness drug
5. Bra sets
6. Death, it starts in ice
7. Support Placed
8. No Wire Unsent
9. Creep brings tunes
10. So I'm Cuter
Scroll down for answers
1. Barbie doll = Liberal bod
2. George Bush = He bugs Gore
3. Waitress = A stew, Sir?
4. Guinness draught = naughtiness drug
5. Breasts = Bra sets
6. The Titanic disaster = Death, it starts in ice
7. Apple Products = Support Placed
8. Western Union = No Wire Unsent
9. Bruce Springsteen = Creep brings tunes
10. Tom Cruise = So I'm Cuter
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
The UPS guy stopped by this afternoon. He brought me my airline tickets, name badges, visa forms, and everything I need for the trip. I’ll be calling Hamdy tomorrow to let him know I am getting excited about the trip. It is amazing that a guy who spent so many years on the Rez is now discovering the world. What a great life I have.
A friend from Tuba called last night. She retired just before I did, and moved to North Carolina. It was great to talk to her. She has done a few cruises since retiring and we both had great stories to exchange. Camille is taking a cruise from New England through parts of Canada. I don’t quite get how that works, but sounds like a great trip. The cruise takes her from New England to somewhere in the middle of Canada. Then she flies home from there. Must be a small ship, like the one we had on the Nile. We both agree that travel should be relaxing and not filled with finding hotels, places to eat, etc. We both like some free time to do our own thing. This is working well for her, and it certainly works well for me.
We didn’t freeze last night…so much for weathermen. Now we are headed for a new record…the longest growing season. It’s been 145 days since the last frost. The record from 1947 was 147 days.
Random Facts…
A person will burn 7 percent more calories if they walk on hard dirt compared to pavement.
In Spain, it is common to pour chocolate milk on cereal for breakfast.
Crazy Stuff In The News … Real things from newspapers…
3-year-old teacher needed for preschool. Experience preferred.
Wanted. Man to take care of cow that does not smoke or drink.
Vacation special: Have your house exterminated.
Dinner Specials: Turkey $3.25 Chicken or Beef $2.75 Children $2.00.
Illiterate? Write today for free help.
Auto Repair Service. Free pick-up and delivery. Try us once, you’ll never go anywhere again.
Dog for sale: eats anything and is fond of children.
Our experienced Mom will care for your child. Fenced yard, meals, and smacks included.
Stock up and save. Limit: one.
Man wanted to work in dynamite factory. Must be willing to travel.
Semi-Annual after Christmas Sale.
For sale: antique desk suitable for lady with thick legs and large drawers.
Now is your chance to have your ears pierced and get an extra pair to take home, too.
We do not tear your clothing with machinery. We do it carefully by hand.
Used Cars: Why go elsewhere to be cheated. Come here first.
September Month Long Observances
Apple Month…Be Kind to Editors & Writers Month…Children’s Good Manners Month…International People Skills Month…International Strategic Thinking Month…National Honey Month…National Preparedness Month…Pleasure Your Mate Month…Healthy Aging Month…National Hispanic Heritage Month…
Before They Were Famous…
When Jim Carrey was 14, he was a rifleman with the army cadets. Jim Carrey also worked as a janitor in a factory.
Before becoming a champion WWE wrestling entertainer, John Cena worked as a chauffeur for a limousine company.
Before his recording career took off, Chubby Checker plucked chickens at a poultry market named Henry Colt's.
Before his big break, country singer Kenny Chesney worked as a valet attendant, telemarketer and mail sorter.
Week of 22 Sep…
Pollution Prevention Week
American Massage Therapy Week
24 Sep Observances…
267 days so far this year…98 days remain in 2009
Punctuation Day
*Guinea-Bissau – Independence Day (declared, from Portugal, 1973)
*New Caledonia – Territorial Day
*South Africa – Heritage Day
*Trinidad and Tobago – Republic Day (1976).
1896….. F Scott Fitzgerald St Paul Minn, author (Great Gatsby)
1936….. Jim Henson Greenville Miss, muppeteer (Sesame Street, Muppet Show)
1941….. Linda McCartney (Eastman) photographer—Mrs. Paul McCartney
1948….. Phil Hartman actor, comedian: Saturday Night Live
1959….. Steve Whitmire voice [since Jim Henson died in 1990] of Kermit the Frog, Rizzo the Rat, Beaker, Bean Bunny, Doozer; shares same birthday as Jim Henson
1921….. Jim McKay Phila Pa, sportscaster (ABC's Wide World of Sports)
1946….. "Mean" Joe Greene NFL tackle (Pitts Steelers), Coke spokesman
1755….. John Marshall Va, 4th Supreme Court Chief Justice
1870….. Georges Claude inventor (neon light)
1898….. Baron Florey pathologist; purified penicillin (Nobel '45)
Events on this day…
787….. 2nd Council of Nicaea (7th ecumenical council) opens in Asia Minor
1789….. Congress creates the Post Office
1845….. 1st baseball team is organized
1968….. "60 Minutes" premiers
1988….. Barbara C Harris of Mass, elected 1st woman Episcopal bishop
Holy Mackerel…
1908….. The first factory-built Ford Model T was completed which became affectionately known as the Tin Lizzie.
Here are some words that can easily be anagrammed into something interesting.
1. Liberal bod
2. He bugs Gore
3. A stew, Sir?
4. naughtiness drug
5. Bra sets
6. Death, it starts in ice
7. Support Placed
8. No Wire Unsent
9. Creep brings tunes
10. So I'm Cuter
Scroll down for answers
1. Barbie doll = Liberal bod
2. George Bush = He bugs Gore
3. Waitress = A stew, Sir?
4. Guinness draught = naughtiness drug
5. Breasts = Bra sets
6. The Titanic disaster = Death, it starts in ice
7. Apple Products = Support Placed
8. Western Union = No Wire Unsent
9. Bruce Springsteen = Creep brings tunes
10. Tom Cruise = So I'm Cuter
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
I was able to get out today. Sure felt good. I didn’t have to take a pain pill until 2pm. My friend Mary finally got back from the summer beach house. She and her husband were there for 3 weeks. They had a good time. Mary’s mom is 97 and while she seems to still be in fairly good health, she is losing the memory battle. The mom is happy where she is, but it is really hard on the kids. Mary is the perennial optimist and is dealing well with the issues. She said her mom will get on a kick about something. Normally an argument will follow, but after a week she said I just ignored her taunting and within ten minutes she had forgotten what she said. Although Mary made jokes, I know it was tearing her up. It’s so hard to watch someone lose it.
University costs and Parking on campus are always a big deal in any University or College town. The local business and the University here are headed for a show down. It seems that a one semester parking permit is now about $350 and as we all know, that is only in one color coded area. The University has also put in parking meters on campus. They used to be only during the day. Now they are 24/7. The businesses around the campus usually have a small parking lot in front of their store. It seems the students are using those limited spaces while they attend classes. Many businesses are having the vehicles towed. And from what I can tell, this costs the business a little, while it costs the vehicle owner a lot. The last time I was in the campus area I saw a dirt lot that was charging $5 to park a vehicle. A guy was sitting at a card table at the entrance, collecting the money. I have seen these kind of parking lots at events…where homeowners open up their front lawn for parking during an event. I had never seen one that is open to go to school. This Parking War, along with the Parking War in downtown Flagstaff cannot have a good outcome. It’s too bad that both the university and the city don’t just make their areas vehicle free. They could set up a good shuttle service from a parking lot away from their venue. It has worked a lot of other places. It could work in Flagstaff.
The other big news here in Flagstaff was that Mayor Sara, our mayor of less than a year, has filed for divorce. No details except that Sara says it is ‘amicable’. She is a University Professor and I don’t know what he does. I doubt this will make any big changes in our city leadership, nor will it be fodder for any tabloids.
We haven’t had a freeze in Flagstaff since April 30th. According to everything the weather people believe, tonight will be our first big freeze.
Random Facts…
U-Haul is the world's largest advertiser in the Yellow Pages.
Goodyear Rubber Company researched and concluded that shoes wear out faster on the right foot than the left.
Crazy Stuff In The News …
LONDON – A towering Turk was officially crowned the world’s tallest man after his Ukrainian rival dropped out of the running by refusing to be measured. Guinness World Records said that 8-foot-1 inch Sultan Kosen, from the town of Mardin in eastern Turkey, is now officially the tallest man walking the planet. Although the previous record holder, Ukrainian Leonid Stadnyk, reportedly measured 8 feet 5.5 inches. Stadnyk, 39, told The Associated Press he refused to be independently measured because he was tired of being in the public eye. Kosen, 27, told reporters in London that he was looking forward to parlaying his newfound status into a chance at love. “Up until now it’s been really difficult to find a girlfriend,” Kosen said through an interpreter.
“I’ve never had one, they were usually scared of me.” Kosen is one of only 10 confirmed or reliably reported cases in which humans have grown past the eight foot mark.
September Month Long Observances
Apple Month…Be Kind to Editors & Writers Month…Children’s Good Manners Month…International People Skills Month…International Strategic Thinking Month…National Honey Month…National Preparedness Month…Pleasure Your Mate Month…Healthy Aging Month…National Hispanic Heritage Month…
Before They Were Famous…
Before his career in Hollywood took off, James Caan was a steer roper in the rodeo circuit.
Steve Carell was once a mail sorter in Acton, Massachusetts, but says he quit after a few months because he was "very, very bad at it."
As a young child, Naomi Campbell appeared in music videos for Bob Marley's "Is This Love" and Culture Club's "I'll Tumble 4 Ya."
Week of 22 Sep…
Pollution Prevention Week
American Massage Therapy Week
23 Sep Observances…
266 days so far this year…99 days remain in 2009
Innergize Day—Do something for yourself
Earth Overshoot Day--marks an unfortunate milestone: the day when humanity begins living beyond its ecological means. Beyond that day, we move into the ecological equivalent of deficit spending, utilizing resources at a rate faster than what the planet can regenerate in a calendar year.
* Australia, Asia, Canada, Europe, New Zealand, and the United States of America:. Bisexuality Day first recognized in 1999,
*Saudi Arabia – National Day (unification 1932).
484 –BC…. Euripides Greek playwright
1899….. Louise Nevelson sculptor
1920….. Mickey Rooney Bkln NY, actor
1926….. John Coltrane saxophonist
1930….. Ray Charles Albany Ga, singer/pianist
1943….. Julio Iglesias singer
1945….. Paul Petersen actor: The Donna Reed Show 1949….. Bruce Springsteen [Boss], Asbury NJ, rock musician
1944….. Oscar (Jose) Zamora baseball: pitcher: Chicago Cubs, Houston Astros
1800….. William H McGuffey educator (McGuffey Readers)
1889….. Walter Lippmann NYC, journalist/political writer (Men of Destany)
1944….. Loren J Shriver Iowa, Col USAF/astronaut
Events on this day…
1806….. Lewis & Clark return to St Louis from the Pacific Northwest
1839..... The Cherokee Nation's Supreme Court is established. 1846: German astronomer Johann Gottfried Galle discovers the eighth planet, Neptune
1897….. 1st frontier days rodeo celebration (Cheyene Wyoming)
1952….. Richard Nixon makes his "Checker's" speech
1952….. 1st closed circuit pay-TV telecast of a sports event
1962….. ABC's 1st color TV series-The Jetsons
Holy Mackerel…
1642….. Harvard College in Cambridge, Mass, 1st commencement
Here are some words that can easily be anagrammed into something interesting.
1. Motley Crue
2. Bob Marley
3. William Shakespeare
4. Jay Leno
5. Gene Simmons
6. Mother-in-law
7. The Morse Code
8. Microsoft Windows
9. John Mayer
10. Belgium
11. The eyes
Scroll down for answers
1. Motley Crue: Me Cruel Toy
2. Bob Marley: Marble Boy
3. William Shakespeare: I'll make a wise phrase
4. Jay Leno: Enjoy L.A.
5. Gene Simmons: Immense Song
6. Mother-in-law = Woman Hitler
7. The Morse Code = Here Come Dots
8. Microsoft Windows = Sown in discomfort
9. John Mayer = Enjoy harm
10. Belgium = Big mule
11. The eyes = They see
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
University costs and Parking on campus are always a big deal in any University or College town. The local business and the University here are headed for a show down. It seems that a one semester parking permit is now about $350 and as we all know, that is only in one color coded area. The University has also put in parking meters on campus. They used to be only during the day. Now they are 24/7. The businesses around the campus usually have a small parking lot in front of their store. It seems the students are using those limited spaces while they attend classes. Many businesses are having the vehicles towed. And from what I can tell, this costs the business a little, while it costs the vehicle owner a lot. The last time I was in the campus area I saw a dirt lot that was charging $5 to park a vehicle. A guy was sitting at a card table at the entrance, collecting the money. I have seen these kind of parking lots at events…where homeowners open up their front lawn for parking during an event. I had never seen one that is open to go to school. This Parking War, along with the Parking War in downtown Flagstaff cannot have a good outcome. It’s too bad that both the university and the city don’t just make their areas vehicle free. They could set up a good shuttle service from a parking lot away from their venue. It has worked a lot of other places. It could work in Flagstaff.
The other big news here in Flagstaff was that Mayor Sara, our mayor of less than a year, has filed for divorce. No details except that Sara says it is ‘amicable’. She is a University Professor and I don’t know what he does. I doubt this will make any big changes in our city leadership, nor will it be fodder for any tabloids.
We haven’t had a freeze in Flagstaff since April 30th. According to everything the weather people believe, tonight will be our first big freeze.
Random Facts…
U-Haul is the world's largest advertiser in the Yellow Pages.
Goodyear Rubber Company researched and concluded that shoes wear out faster on the right foot than the left.
Crazy Stuff In The News …
LONDON – A towering Turk was officially crowned the world’s tallest man after his Ukrainian rival dropped out of the running by refusing to be measured. Guinness World Records said that 8-foot-1 inch Sultan Kosen, from the town of Mardin in eastern Turkey, is now officially the tallest man walking the planet. Although the previous record holder, Ukrainian Leonid Stadnyk, reportedly measured 8 feet 5.5 inches. Stadnyk, 39, told The Associated Press he refused to be independently measured because he was tired of being in the public eye. Kosen, 27, told reporters in London that he was looking forward to parlaying his newfound status into a chance at love. “Up until now it’s been really difficult to find a girlfriend,” Kosen said through an interpreter.
“I’ve never had one, they were usually scared of me.” Kosen is one of only 10 confirmed or reliably reported cases in which humans have grown past the eight foot mark.
September Month Long Observances
Apple Month…Be Kind to Editors & Writers Month…Children’s Good Manners Month…International People Skills Month…International Strategic Thinking Month…National Honey Month…National Preparedness Month…Pleasure Your Mate Month…Healthy Aging Month…National Hispanic Heritage Month…
Before They Were Famous…
Before his career in Hollywood took off, James Caan was a steer roper in the rodeo circuit.
Steve Carell was once a mail sorter in Acton, Massachusetts, but says he quit after a few months because he was "very, very bad at it."
As a young child, Naomi Campbell appeared in music videos for Bob Marley's "Is This Love" and Culture Club's "I'll Tumble 4 Ya."
Week of 22 Sep…
Pollution Prevention Week
American Massage Therapy Week
23 Sep Observances…
266 days so far this year…99 days remain in 2009
Innergize Day—Do something for yourself
Earth Overshoot Day--marks an unfortunate milestone: the day when humanity begins living beyond its ecological means. Beyond that day, we move into the ecological equivalent of deficit spending, utilizing resources at a rate faster than what the planet can regenerate in a calendar year.
* Australia, Asia, Canada, Europe, New Zealand, and the United States of America:. Bisexuality Day first recognized in 1999,
*Saudi Arabia – National Day (unification 1932).
484 –BC…. Euripides Greek playwright
1899….. Louise Nevelson sculptor
1920….. Mickey Rooney Bkln NY, actor
1926….. John Coltrane saxophonist
1930….. Ray Charles Albany Ga, singer/pianist
1943….. Julio Iglesias singer
1945….. Paul Petersen actor: The Donna Reed Show 1949….. Bruce Springsteen [Boss], Asbury NJ, rock musician
1944….. Oscar (Jose) Zamora baseball: pitcher: Chicago Cubs, Houston Astros
1800….. William H McGuffey educator (McGuffey Readers)
1889….. Walter Lippmann NYC, journalist/political writer (Men of Destany)
1944….. Loren J Shriver Iowa, Col USAF/astronaut
Events on this day…
1806….. Lewis & Clark return to St Louis from the Pacific Northwest
1839..... The Cherokee Nation's Supreme Court is established. 1846: German astronomer Johann Gottfried Galle discovers the eighth planet, Neptune
1897….. 1st frontier days rodeo celebration (Cheyene Wyoming)
1952….. Richard Nixon makes his "Checker's" speech
1952….. 1st closed circuit pay-TV telecast of a sports event
1962….. ABC's 1st color TV series-The Jetsons
Holy Mackerel…
1642….. Harvard College in Cambridge, Mass, 1st commencement
Here are some words that can easily be anagrammed into something interesting.
1. Motley Crue
2. Bob Marley
3. William Shakespeare
4. Jay Leno
5. Gene Simmons
6. Mother-in-law
7. The Morse Code
8. Microsoft Windows
9. John Mayer
10. Belgium
11. The eyes
Scroll down for answers
1. Motley Crue: Me Cruel Toy
2. Bob Marley: Marble Boy
3. William Shakespeare: I'll make a wise phrase
4. Jay Leno: Enjoy L.A.
5. Gene Simmons: Immense Song
6. Mother-in-law = Woman Hitler
7. The Morse Code = Here Come Dots
8. Microsoft Windows = Sown in discomfort
9. John Mayer = Enjoy harm
10. Belgium = Big mule
11. The eyes = They see
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
I spent the day at home. I was not in pain, but still didn’t feel like I should be driving anywhere. I took one pain pill about 4pm yesterday then last night, one more before going to bed about 11pm. I took another one about 10am as the irritating pain was coming back. It is now 10 hours later, and still no pain. Still a little high. I can’t imagine how I would feel if I took them every four hours. I actually spent a lot of time at the computer this morning. I’m usually on about 8 and off by 10. Today I didn’t get off until almost noon. Time just seemed to move real slow, and I kept jumping around learning new things. Interesting side effect of those little white pills. My rash is starting to heal—more good news. It also didn’t spread today, the first day five that it hasn’t. More good news. Guess I am healing.
NPR did a good story this morning on the Federal Employees Health Care System. That’s the one I’m in and it gives me many choices each year for the kind of coverage I want. I pay about 25% of the cost, the Federal government pays the other 75%. This is not unusual in the business world of big business. This is also the same choices and payment that members of the Senate and House have. A right wing conservative believes that Federal Employees are having 100% of their health care premiums paid by the taxpayers. The stupid argument is that my entire salary and my entire retirement comes from tax payer money so some is paid by my Department funds of tax payer money, and my share is paid from Department funds of the tax payer money. Today I learned that my Federal BCBS has one of the highest deductibles of the BCBS system. We also have one of the highest premiums of the BCBS system. We also have a less dental and less eye care than most of the BCBS plans. It should be noted that BCBS is the most popular insurance plan in the Federal System So for all those people who think that the health care insurance industry is just fine, look at what the Feds were able to get. The Feds are the largest BCBS business in their system.
My mom passed a year ago today(21st). My dad--16 years ago yesterday (20). My brother and I had a good conversation this evening. We are both saddened that they had to pass, but are so grateful that neither had to really suffer. Both had told us that they were ready to go, and not to do any extraordinary or heroic measures. So when the inevitable questions came from the medical staff, we knew what to say without any guilt. In some ways that makes the passing easier, but it still hits the family hard. We have some very happy memories to recall, and a lot of things that bring a smile to our faces.
Today is the last day of summer. Now we have some stats on our rainfall. For September we got ¾” of rain, our average is 1.5”. For the summer we got 2.84”, while our recorded average is 7.05”. This year was the 3rd driest summer in Flags recorded history. Ouch. Thankfully we haven’t had a major forest fire around Flag this year, but have suffered from the smoke of a couple of big fires south of us. We are being told to expect our first freeze this week.
Random Facts…
A snail can sleep for three years
In France, it is legal to marry a dead person!
Crazy Stuff In The News …
KAMIAH, Idaho – If you look you can actually find pictures of this bizarre accident online! An Idaho woman who was skewered in the neck by a tree limb while driving with her husband along the Lochsa River is recovering at home.
20-year-old Michelle Childers and her husband, Daniel, were taking a recreational drive on a rural road Sept. 5 when a spruce tree crashed through the passenger side window of the vehicle. Childers says she then felt a “strange” pressure on her neck and shoulder. Her husband told her that the tree limb had impaled her.
The couple drove to the Lochsa Lodge near the Idaho-Montana border to call for help and was flown by helicopter to St. Patrick Hospital in Missoula, Mont. Childers says the 13-inch tree limb was removed from her neck during a six-hour surgery.
September Month Long Observances
Apple Month…Be Kind to Editors & Writers Month…Children’s Good Manners Month…International People Skills Month…International Strategic Thinking Month…National Honey Month…National Preparedness Month…Pleasure Your Mate Month…Healthy Aging Month…National Hispanic Heritage Month…
Before They Were Famous…
Wilford Brimley was once a rancher, rodeo rider, and blacksmith. He was a bodyguard for Howard Hughes in the 1950's. Brimley also served in the U.S. Marine Corps during the end of the Korean war.
Before Matthew Broderick became famous in War Games and Ferris Bueller, he could be seen in a 1982 commercial for Lanacane itch cream.
Immediately after high school, Adam Brody had a job working at Blockbuster.
Charles Bronson worked in a coal mine before becoming famous.
In college, Garth Brooks received a track scholarship as a javelin thrower.
Week of 21 Sep…
Women’s Ecommerce Week
22 Sep Observances…
265 days so far this year…100 days remain in 2009
Fall Equinox in Northern Hemisphere
American Business Women’s Day
Elephant Appreciation Day
Hobbit Day
Nat’l White Chocolate Day
*Celtic World: Moban—2nd Harvest Day
*French Republic: Raisin (Grape) Day, first day in the Month of Vendémiaire.
*Bulgaria: Independence Day (from The Ottoman Empire) 1908.
*Mali: Independence Day (from France, 1960).
*In Europe and in cities throughout the world, Car Free Day.
1290….. Bilbo Baggins (in Shire Reconning)
1901….. Allan "Rocky" Lane Mishawaka Ind, actor (voice of Mr Ed, Red Ryder)
1956….. Debby Boone Hackensack NJ, singer
1960….. Joan Jett Phila, singer
1961….. Scott Baio actor: Happy Days
1927….. Tom Lasorda baseball manager (LA Dodgers)
1932 ….. Ingemar Johansson boxer: world heavyweight champion [1959]
1939….. Junko Tabei Japan, 1st woman to climb Mount Everest
1939….. Mike Sullivan (Gov-Wyoming)
1791….. Michael Faraday discovered principle of electric motor
1912….. Alfred G Vanderbilt thoroughbred horse owner (Native Dancer)
1922….. Chen Ning Yang China, physicist/disproved parity (Nobel 1957)
Events on this day…
1656….. All female jury hears case of woman who killed her child (acquit her)
1692….. Last person hanged for witchcraft in US
1776….. Nathan Hale executed as a spy by the British
1862….. President Abraham Lincoln issues a preliminary Emancipation Proclamation
1949….. USSR detonates its 1st atomic bomb
1961….. President John F. Kennedy signs legislation establishing the Peace Corps as a permanent government agency
1973….. Henry Kissinger, sworn in as America's 1st Jewish Secretary of State
1991….. Calif University makes the Dead Sea Scrolls public
Holy Mackerel…
1823 ….. Joseph Smith, Jr. claims that he is directed by God through the Angel Moroni to the place where the Golden plates are stored.
Word Wise Word Games
The word contronym (also antagonym) is used to refer to words or phrases that, by some freak of language evolution, are their own antonyms. Both contronym and antagonym are neologisms; however, there is no alternative term that is more established in the English language.
Here are 10 definitions. What word is defined?
1. admission of fault in what you think, say, or do; formal defense of what you think, say, or do
2. multiplication (e.g., a three by five matrix), division (e.g., dividing eight by four)
3. fasten, detach
4. usual, special
5. a large amount, a small amount
6. prescribe, prohibit
7. most severe (e.g., murder), least severe (e.g., burn)
8. incline, level
9. remaining, departed from
10. error, care
Need so help--Here are the words
oversight/ grade / enjoin / dollop / clip /
apology / by / custom / first degree / left /
Scroll down for answers
1. apology - admission of fault in what you think, say, or do; formal defense of what you think, say, or do
2. by - multiplication (e.g., a three by five matrix), division (e.g., dividing eight by four)
3. clip - fasten, detach
4. custom - usual, special
5. dollop - a large amount, a small amount
6. enjoin - prescribe, prohibit
7. first degree - most severe (e.g., murder), least severe (e.g., burn)
8. grade - incline, level
9. left - remaining, departed from
10. oversight - error, care
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
NPR did a good story this morning on the Federal Employees Health Care System. That’s the one I’m in and it gives me many choices each year for the kind of coverage I want. I pay about 25% of the cost, the Federal government pays the other 75%. This is not unusual in the business world of big business. This is also the same choices and payment that members of the Senate and House have. A right wing conservative believes that Federal Employees are having 100% of their health care premiums paid by the taxpayers. The stupid argument is that my entire salary and my entire retirement comes from tax payer money so some is paid by my Department funds of tax payer money, and my share is paid from Department funds of the tax payer money. Today I learned that my Federal BCBS has one of the highest deductibles of the BCBS system. We also have one of the highest premiums of the BCBS system. We also have a less dental and less eye care than most of the BCBS plans. It should be noted that BCBS is the most popular insurance plan in the Federal System So for all those people who think that the health care insurance industry is just fine, look at what the Feds were able to get. The Feds are the largest BCBS business in their system.
My mom passed a year ago today(21st). My dad--16 years ago yesterday (20). My brother and I had a good conversation this evening. We are both saddened that they had to pass, but are so grateful that neither had to really suffer. Both had told us that they were ready to go, and not to do any extraordinary or heroic measures. So when the inevitable questions came from the medical staff, we knew what to say without any guilt. In some ways that makes the passing easier, but it still hits the family hard. We have some very happy memories to recall, and a lot of things that bring a smile to our faces.
Today is the last day of summer. Now we have some stats on our rainfall. For September we got ¾” of rain, our average is 1.5”. For the summer we got 2.84”, while our recorded average is 7.05”. This year was the 3rd driest summer in Flags recorded history. Ouch. Thankfully we haven’t had a major forest fire around Flag this year, but have suffered from the smoke of a couple of big fires south of us. We are being told to expect our first freeze this week.
Random Facts…
A snail can sleep for three years
In France, it is legal to marry a dead person!
Crazy Stuff In The News …
KAMIAH, Idaho – If you look you can actually find pictures of this bizarre accident online! An Idaho woman who was skewered in the neck by a tree limb while driving with her husband along the Lochsa River is recovering at home.
20-year-old Michelle Childers and her husband, Daniel, were taking a recreational drive on a rural road Sept. 5 when a spruce tree crashed through the passenger side window of the vehicle. Childers says she then felt a “strange” pressure on her neck and shoulder. Her husband told her that the tree limb had impaled her.
The couple drove to the Lochsa Lodge near the Idaho-Montana border to call for help and was flown by helicopter to St. Patrick Hospital in Missoula, Mont. Childers says the 13-inch tree limb was removed from her neck during a six-hour surgery.
September Month Long Observances
Apple Month…Be Kind to Editors & Writers Month…Children’s Good Manners Month…International People Skills Month…International Strategic Thinking Month…National Honey Month…National Preparedness Month…Pleasure Your Mate Month…Healthy Aging Month…National Hispanic Heritage Month…
Before They Were Famous…
Wilford Brimley was once a rancher, rodeo rider, and blacksmith. He was a bodyguard for Howard Hughes in the 1950's. Brimley also served in the U.S. Marine Corps during the end of the Korean war.
Before Matthew Broderick became famous in War Games and Ferris Bueller, he could be seen in a 1982 commercial for Lanacane itch cream.
Immediately after high school, Adam Brody had a job working at Blockbuster.
Charles Bronson worked in a coal mine before becoming famous.
In college, Garth Brooks received a track scholarship as a javelin thrower.
Week of 21 Sep…
Women’s Ecommerce Week
22 Sep Observances…
265 days so far this year…100 days remain in 2009
Fall Equinox in Northern Hemisphere
American Business Women’s Day
Elephant Appreciation Day
Hobbit Day
Nat’l White Chocolate Day
*Celtic World: Moban—2nd Harvest Day
*French Republic: Raisin (Grape) Day, first day in the Month of Vendémiaire.
*Bulgaria: Independence Day (from The Ottoman Empire) 1908.
*Mali: Independence Day (from France, 1960).
*In Europe and in cities throughout the world, Car Free Day.
1290….. Bilbo Baggins (in Shire Reconning)
1901….. Allan "Rocky" Lane Mishawaka Ind, actor (voice of Mr Ed, Red Ryder)
1956….. Debby Boone Hackensack NJ, singer
1960….. Joan Jett Phila, singer
1961….. Scott Baio actor: Happy Days
1927….. Tom Lasorda baseball manager (LA Dodgers)
1932 ….. Ingemar Johansson boxer: world heavyweight champion [1959]
1939….. Junko Tabei Japan, 1st woman to climb Mount Everest
1939….. Mike Sullivan (Gov-Wyoming)
1791….. Michael Faraday discovered principle of electric motor
1912….. Alfred G Vanderbilt thoroughbred horse owner (Native Dancer)
1922….. Chen Ning Yang China, physicist/disproved parity (Nobel 1957)
Events on this day…
1656….. All female jury hears case of woman who killed her child (acquit her)
1692….. Last person hanged for witchcraft in US
1776….. Nathan Hale executed as a spy by the British
1862….. President Abraham Lincoln issues a preliminary Emancipation Proclamation
1949….. USSR detonates its 1st atomic bomb
1961….. President John F. Kennedy signs legislation establishing the Peace Corps as a permanent government agency
1973….. Henry Kissinger, sworn in as America's 1st Jewish Secretary of State
1991….. Calif University makes the Dead Sea Scrolls public
Holy Mackerel…
1823 ….. Joseph Smith, Jr. claims that he is directed by God through the Angel Moroni to the place where the Golden plates are stored.
Word Wise Word Games
The word contronym (also antagonym) is used to refer to words or phrases that, by some freak of language evolution, are their own antonyms. Both contronym and antagonym are neologisms; however, there is no alternative term that is more established in the English language.
Here are 10 definitions. What word is defined?
1. admission of fault in what you think, say, or do; formal defense of what you think, say, or do
2. multiplication (e.g., a three by five matrix), division (e.g., dividing eight by four)
3. fasten, detach
4. usual, special
5. a large amount, a small amount
6. prescribe, prohibit
7. most severe (e.g., murder), least severe (e.g., burn)
8. incline, level
9. remaining, departed from
10. error, care
Need so help--Here are the words
oversight/ grade / enjoin / dollop / clip /
apology / by / custom / first degree / left /
Scroll down for answers
1. apology - admission of fault in what you think, say, or do; formal defense of what you think, say, or do
2. by - multiplication (e.g., a three by five matrix), division (e.g., dividing eight by four)
3. clip - fasten, detach
4. custom - usual, special
5. dollop - a large amount, a small amount
6. enjoin - prescribe, prohibit
7. first degree - most severe (e.g., murder), least severe (e.g., burn)
8. grade - incline, level
9. left - remaining, departed from
10. oversight - error, care
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
I finally gave in to the discomfort and went to the walk-in clinic for my intestinal pain. Turns out I have a viral infection. Seven days on meds to kill it, and I should be fine. I also got some very strong pain meds, which really work well. So nice not to be in pain. The pain is not that severe, more of an annoyance, but something I just got tired of tolerating. Guess I really am a child of the 60’s. Jefferson Airplane’s “White Rabbit” has always been a favorite. You all remember that, ‘one pill makes you happy…’ The doctor said this little infection will not affect my trip, so all is good. I certainly understand how people become addicted to pain killers. While my pain tolerance is high, and my drug tolerance is low, the idea that there doesn’t have to be pain is great. This makes me very grateful that I am not a person with chronic pain.
One thing that is still ticking me off with this infection…my PCP wouldn’t see me for 3 weeks. That just isn’t right. Even the doctor at the walk-in said I should always see the PCP first. Well duh. It only makes sense that you see the physician that has been treating you and knows your medical history, first hand. Without electronic medical records that are available to the physician who is treating you, they are really flying blind. When a patient gets sick between routine visits, it seems there should be a way to be seen without waiting three weeks.
It was a nice day here in Flag. We had several showers at my place. Not a lot of rain, but the showers were nice. I’m getting ready for there to be a nice cool night so that the fall colors will be out around town. The mountains have already turned to yellow and orange, but here in town it hasn’t hit yet.
Random Facts…
At their closest point, the Russian and U.S. borders are less than two miles apart.
Connecticut and Rhode Island never ratified the 18th Amendment (Prohibition).
Odd Crazy Stuff …
Steely Dan: Based on the name of a dildo in William
Burrough’s novel, The Naked Lunch.
Three Dog Night: It is a practice of Australian aborigines
to sleep with three dogs on particularly cold nights.
UB40: Named after the British unemployment benefit form.
The Velvet Underground: Lou Reed lifted the name from a
title of a cheap paperback novel.
September Month Long Observances
Apple Month…Be Kind to Editors & Writers Month…Children’s Good Manners Month…International People Skills Month…International Strategic Thinking Month…National Honey Month…National Preparedness Month…Pleasure Your Mate Month…Healthy Aging Month…National Hispanic Heritage Month…
Before They Were Famous…
When Orlando Bloom was 13, he worked as a clay trapper at a local pigeon shooting range.
Jon Bon Jovi once had a job as a Christmas decoration maker.
Boy George was fired from a job at Tesco supermarkets for "choosing to wear the store's carrier bags."
Marlon Brando became a ditch digger after being expelled from military school.
Brandy has said that her first job was in a hair salon.
Week of 21 Sep…
Women’s Ecommerce Week
21 Sep Observances…
264 days so far this year…101 days remain in 2009
International Day of Peace
World’s Alzheimer’s Day
*Malta: Independence Day 1964
*Belize: Independence Day 1981
*Armenia: Independence Day 1991
1866…. H(erbert) G(eorge) Wells Bromley, England (War of the Worlds)
1912…. Chuck Jones animator (Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck)
1931…. Larry Hagman Fort Worth Tx, actor (I Dream of Jeannie, JR-Dallas)
1934…. Leonard Cohen Canada, singer/songwriter (Death of Ladies Man)
1935…. Henry Gibson (Bateman)comedian
1944…. Fannie Flagg Birmingham Ala, actress/comediene
1947…. Stephen King suspense writer
1950…. Bill Murray Evanston Ill, comedian
1962…. Rob Morrow actor: Numb3rs, Northern Exposure
1967…. Faith Hill singer
1886…. Teiichi Igarashi Japan, climbed Mt Fuji at age 99
1949…. Artis Gilmore basketball: Chicago Bulls
1788…. Margaret Taylor (Smith) First Lady: wife of 12th U.S. President Zachary Taylor
1940…. Bill Kurtis Pensacola Fla, newscaster
1756…. John Loudon McAdam created macadam road surface (asphalt)
1866…. Charles Jean Henri Nicolle France bacteriologist (Nobel-1928)
Events on this day…
1451…. Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa orders Jews of Holland to wear a badge
1784…. 1st daily newspaper in America (Penns Packet & General Advertiser)
1897…. NY Sun runs famous "Yes, Virginia there is a Santa Claus," editorial
1904…. Chief Joseph (Hinmaton-yalatkit or Hein-mot too-ya-la-kekt) dies.
1937…. J.R.R. Tolkien, publishes "The Hobbit"
1957.…. "Perry Mason" with Raymond Burr premiers on CBS-TV
1970…. "Monday Night Football" on ABC premiers
1981…. Sandra Day O'Connor becomes 1st female Supreme Court Justice
1989…. Colin Powell the first African American is appointed as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Holy Mackerel…
1915…. Stones at Stonehenge, England, sold at auction for 6,600 pounds
Word Wise Word Games
Which word is defined below
a) separation of parts of a compound word by the intervention of one or more words (as what place soever for whatsoever place)
b) 1: having many syllables; 2: given to or characterized by the use of long words
c) marked by multiplicity of meaning
d) the use of a word to modify or govern two or more words usu. in such a manner that it applies to each in a different sense or makes sense with only one eg) Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana. -Groucho Marx
e) the use of more words than those necessary to denote mere sense (as in the man he said) : redundancy
f) use of a longer phrasing in place of a possible shorter and plainer form of expression : circumlocution
g) one whose mental imagery consists of words
Here are the words
periphrasis pleonasm polysemous sesquipedalian
tmesis verbile zeugma
Scroll down for answers
a) tmesis: separation of parts of a compound word by the intervention of one or more words (as what place soever for whatsoever place)
b) sesquipedalian: 1: having many syllables; 2: given to or characterized by the use of long words
c) polysemous: marked by multiplicity of meaning
d) zeugma: the use of a word to modify or govern two or more words usu. in such a manner that it applies to each in a different sense or makes sense with only one eg) Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana.
e) pleonasm: the use of more words than those necessary to denote mere sense (as in the man he said) : redundancy
f) periphrasis: use of a longer phrasing in place of a possible shorter and plainer form of expression : circumlocution
g) verbile: one whose mental imagery consists of words
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
One thing that is still ticking me off with this infection…my PCP wouldn’t see me for 3 weeks. That just isn’t right. Even the doctor at the walk-in said I should always see the PCP first. Well duh. It only makes sense that you see the physician that has been treating you and knows your medical history, first hand. Without electronic medical records that are available to the physician who is treating you, they are really flying blind. When a patient gets sick between routine visits, it seems there should be a way to be seen without waiting three weeks.
It was a nice day here in Flag. We had several showers at my place. Not a lot of rain, but the showers were nice. I’m getting ready for there to be a nice cool night so that the fall colors will be out around town. The mountains have already turned to yellow and orange, but here in town it hasn’t hit yet.
Random Facts…
At their closest point, the Russian and U.S. borders are less than two miles apart.
Connecticut and Rhode Island never ratified the 18th Amendment (Prohibition).
Odd Crazy Stuff …
Steely Dan: Based on the name of a dildo in William
Burrough’s novel, The Naked Lunch.
Three Dog Night: It is a practice of Australian aborigines
to sleep with three dogs on particularly cold nights.
UB40: Named after the British unemployment benefit form.
The Velvet Underground: Lou Reed lifted the name from a
title of a cheap paperback novel.
September Month Long Observances
Apple Month…Be Kind to Editors & Writers Month…Children’s Good Manners Month…International People Skills Month…International Strategic Thinking Month…National Honey Month…National Preparedness Month…Pleasure Your Mate Month…Healthy Aging Month…National Hispanic Heritage Month…
Before They Were Famous…
When Orlando Bloom was 13, he worked as a clay trapper at a local pigeon shooting range.
Jon Bon Jovi once had a job as a Christmas decoration maker.
Boy George was fired from a job at Tesco supermarkets for "choosing to wear the store's carrier bags."
Marlon Brando became a ditch digger after being expelled from military school.
Brandy has said that her first job was in a hair salon.
Week of 21 Sep…
Women’s Ecommerce Week
21 Sep Observances…
264 days so far this year…101 days remain in 2009
International Day of Peace
World’s Alzheimer’s Day
*Malta: Independence Day 1964
*Belize: Independence Day 1981
*Armenia: Independence Day 1991
1866…. H(erbert) G(eorge) Wells Bromley, England (War of the Worlds)
1912…. Chuck Jones animator (Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck)
1931…. Larry Hagman Fort Worth Tx, actor (I Dream of Jeannie, JR-Dallas)
1934…. Leonard Cohen Canada, singer/songwriter (Death of Ladies Man)
1935…. Henry Gibson (Bateman)comedian
1944…. Fannie Flagg Birmingham Ala, actress/comediene
1947…. Stephen King suspense writer
1950…. Bill Murray Evanston Ill, comedian
1962…. Rob Morrow actor: Numb3rs, Northern Exposure
1967…. Faith Hill singer
1886…. Teiichi Igarashi Japan, climbed Mt Fuji at age 99
1949…. Artis Gilmore basketball: Chicago Bulls
1788…. Margaret Taylor (Smith) First Lady: wife of 12th U.S. President Zachary Taylor
1940…. Bill Kurtis Pensacola Fla, newscaster
1756…. John Loudon McAdam created macadam road surface (asphalt)
1866…. Charles Jean Henri Nicolle France bacteriologist (Nobel-1928)
Events on this day…
1451…. Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa orders Jews of Holland to wear a badge
1784…. 1st daily newspaper in America (Penns Packet & General Advertiser)
1897…. NY Sun runs famous "Yes, Virginia there is a Santa Claus," editorial
1904…. Chief Joseph (Hinmaton-yalatkit or Hein-mot too-ya-la-kekt) dies.
1937…. J.R.R. Tolkien, publishes "The Hobbit"
1957.…. "Perry Mason" with Raymond Burr premiers on CBS-TV
1970…. "Monday Night Football" on ABC premiers
1981…. Sandra Day O'Connor becomes 1st female Supreme Court Justice
1989…. Colin Powell the first African American is appointed as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Holy Mackerel…
1915…. Stones at Stonehenge, England, sold at auction for 6,600 pounds
Word Wise Word Games
Which word is defined below
a) separation of parts of a compound word by the intervention of one or more words (as what place soever for whatsoever place)
b) 1: having many syllables; 2: given to or characterized by the use of long words
c) marked by multiplicity of meaning
d) the use of a word to modify or govern two or more words usu. in such a manner that it applies to each in a different sense or makes sense with only one eg) Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana. -Groucho Marx
e) the use of more words than those necessary to denote mere sense (as in the man he said) : redundancy
f) use of a longer phrasing in place of a possible shorter and plainer form of expression : circumlocution
g) one whose mental imagery consists of words
Here are the words
periphrasis pleonasm polysemous sesquipedalian
tmesis verbile zeugma
Scroll down for answers
a) tmesis: separation of parts of a compound word by the intervention of one or more words (as what place soever for whatsoever place)
b) sesquipedalian: 1: having many syllables; 2: given to or characterized by the use of long words
c) polysemous: marked by multiplicity of meaning
d) zeugma: the use of a word to modify or govern two or more words usu. in such a manner that it applies to each in a different sense or makes sense with only one eg) Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana.
e) pleonasm: the use of more words than those necessary to denote mere sense (as in the man he said) : redundancy
f) periphrasis: use of a longer phrasing in place of a possible shorter and plainer form of expression : circumlocution
g) verbile: one whose mental imagery consists of words
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
It’s the weekend. In Flagstaff that usually means rain. Not disappointed today. After several light storms, we got 3/100 of an inch. Still really dry here, but not complaining.
A friend on Facebook found a PPM You-Tube site. Some of the same stuff I have been listening to, but one was amazing. Pete Seeger and PPM doing his song “Where Have All the Flowers Gone”. I’d seen it before on a PBS fund raising show, but hearing it again shows Pete still astounding audiences. Folk Music needs to make a comeback.
Random Facts…
25% of your bones are located in your feet.
Female canaries cannot sing.
Odd Crazy Stuff …
The Bay City Rollers: Came up with their name by sticking a pin in a map of the world. It landed on Bay City, Michigan.
Buffalo Springfield: Members of the group were stumped for a name. A member of the band was looking out their manager’s window at a construction site in Hollywood, when he spotted a steamroller with the brand name “Buffalo Springfield.”
Iron Maiden: A medieval torture device.
Jethro Tull: Named after the 18th century British inventor of the seed drill.
Pink Floyd: An amalgam of two American blues artists, Pink Anderson and Floyd Council.
September Month Long Observances
Apple Month…Be Kind to Editors & Writers Month…Children’s Good Manners Month…International People Skills Month…International Strategic Thinking Month…National Honey Month…National Preparedness Month…Pleasure Your Mate Month…Healthy Aging Month…National Hispanic Heritage Month…
Before They Were Famous…
According to allmovie.com, Kathy Bates has worked in the gift shop at the Museum of Modern Art in New York and as a singing waitress at a Catskill resort.
Warren Beatty reportedly worked as a rat catcher before hitting it big.
Halle Berry worked at Higbee's Department store in the children's department.
At age 14, country star Clint Black delivered newspapers in Houston.
Week of 20 Sep…
Build A Better Image Week
Deaf Awareness Week
Nat’l Clean Hands Week
Nat’l Keep Children Creative Week
Nat’l Singles Week
20 Sep Observances…
263 days so far this year…102 days remain in 2009
Women’s Friendship Day
*South Ossetia Independence Day—1991 From the Georgia.
*Laos Thanksgiving Day
1878..... Upton Sinclair novelist (Jungle)
1885..... Ferdinand (Jelly Roll) Morton New Orleans, jazz pianist/composer
1928..... Dr Joyce Brothers NYC, pop psychiatrist
1929..... Anne Meara Bkln NY comedian/actress
1934..... Sophia Loren Rome, actress
1957..... Fran Drescher NYC, actress
1917..... Arnold "Red" Auerbach NBA coach
357 -BC..... Alexander III the Great, king of Macedonia, emperor
Events on this day…
622..... Mohammad's Hijra—He and followers emigrate to Medina.
1805..... Today through October 9th, Lewis and Clark meet with theNez Perce in the Weippe prairie, east of Weippe, Idaho
1859..... Patent granted on the electric range
1877..... Chase National Bank opens in NYC (later merges into Chase Manhattan)
1884..... Equal Rights Party nominates female candidates for Pres & VP
1948..... One of the most popular singing groups of the 1950s got their professional start on this day. The Four Freshmen did their first gig in Fort Wayne, Indiana
1962.... Black student James Meredith is barred from enrolling at the University of Mississippi by the segregationist Governor Ross R. Barnett.
1973..... Billy Jean King beats Bobby Riggs in battle-of-sexes tennis match
1985..... Walt Disney World's 200-millionth guest
Holy Mackerel…
1946..... The first annual Cannes Film Festival opens at the resort city of Cannes on the French Riviera.
These songs were all #1 sometime between 1940-2009. Put them in order. Name the artist.
1. Gold Digger
2. Don't Worry, Be Happy
3. Oh, Pretty Woman
4. The Yellow Rose of Texas
5. My Heart Has a Mind of Its Own
6. Fame
7. Gangsta's Paradise
8. Till the End of Time
Here are the artists
David Bowie Perry Como Coolio featuring L.V. Connie Francis
Bobby McFerrin Mitch Miller Roy Orbison Kanye West featuring Jamie Foxx
Scroll down for answers
1945 Till the End of Time Perry Como
1955 The Yellow Rose of Texas Mitch Miller
1960 My Heart Has a Mind of Its Own Connie Francis
1964 Oh, Pretty Woman Roy Orbison
1975 Fame David Bowie
1988 Don't Worry, Be Happy Bobby McFerrin
1995 Gangsta's Paradise Coolio featuring L.V.
2005 Gold Digger Kanye West featuring Jamie Foxx
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
A friend on Facebook found a PPM You-Tube site. Some of the same stuff I have been listening to, but one was amazing. Pete Seeger and PPM doing his song “Where Have All the Flowers Gone”. I’d seen it before on a PBS fund raising show, but hearing it again shows Pete still astounding audiences. Folk Music needs to make a comeback.
Random Facts…
25% of your bones are located in your feet.
Female canaries cannot sing.
Odd Crazy Stuff …
The Bay City Rollers: Came up with their name by sticking a pin in a map of the world. It landed on Bay City, Michigan.
Buffalo Springfield: Members of the group were stumped for a name. A member of the band was looking out their manager’s window at a construction site in Hollywood, when he spotted a steamroller with the brand name “Buffalo Springfield.”
Iron Maiden: A medieval torture device.
Jethro Tull: Named after the 18th century British inventor of the seed drill.
Pink Floyd: An amalgam of two American blues artists, Pink Anderson and Floyd Council.
September Month Long Observances
Apple Month…Be Kind to Editors & Writers Month…Children’s Good Manners Month…International People Skills Month…International Strategic Thinking Month…National Honey Month…National Preparedness Month…Pleasure Your Mate Month…Healthy Aging Month…National Hispanic Heritage Month…
Before They Were Famous…
According to allmovie.com, Kathy Bates has worked in the gift shop at the Museum of Modern Art in New York and as a singing waitress at a Catskill resort.
Warren Beatty reportedly worked as a rat catcher before hitting it big.
Halle Berry worked at Higbee's Department store in the children's department.
At age 14, country star Clint Black delivered newspapers in Houston.
Week of 20 Sep…
Build A Better Image Week
Deaf Awareness Week
Nat’l Clean Hands Week
Nat’l Keep Children Creative Week
Nat’l Singles Week
20 Sep Observances…
263 days so far this year…102 days remain in 2009
Women’s Friendship Day
*South Ossetia Independence Day—1991 From the Georgia.
*Laos Thanksgiving Day
1878..... Upton Sinclair novelist (Jungle)
1885..... Ferdinand (Jelly Roll) Morton New Orleans, jazz pianist/composer
1928..... Dr Joyce Brothers NYC, pop psychiatrist
1929..... Anne Meara Bkln NY comedian/actress
1934..... Sophia Loren Rome, actress
1957..... Fran Drescher NYC, actress
1917..... Arnold "Red" Auerbach NBA coach
357 -BC..... Alexander III the Great, king of Macedonia, emperor
Events on this day…
622..... Mohammad's Hijra—He and followers emigrate to Medina.
1805..... Today through October 9th, Lewis and Clark meet with theNez Perce in the Weippe prairie, east of Weippe, Idaho
1859..... Patent granted on the electric range
1877..... Chase National Bank opens in NYC (later merges into Chase Manhattan)
1884..... Equal Rights Party nominates female candidates for Pres & VP
1948..... One of the most popular singing groups of the 1950s got their professional start on this day. The Four Freshmen did their first gig in Fort Wayne, Indiana
1962.... Black student James Meredith is barred from enrolling at the University of Mississippi by the segregationist Governor Ross R. Barnett.
1973..... Billy Jean King beats Bobby Riggs in battle-of-sexes tennis match
1985..... Walt Disney World's 200-millionth guest
Holy Mackerel…
1946..... The first annual Cannes Film Festival opens at the resort city of Cannes on the French Riviera.
These songs were all #1 sometime between 1940-2009. Put them in order. Name the artist.
1. Gold Digger
2. Don't Worry, Be Happy
3. Oh, Pretty Woman
4. The Yellow Rose of Texas
5. My Heart Has a Mind of Its Own
6. Fame
7. Gangsta's Paradise
8. Till the End of Time
Here are the artists
David Bowie Perry Como Coolio featuring L.V. Connie Francis
Bobby McFerrin Mitch Miller Roy Orbison Kanye West featuring Jamie Foxx
Scroll down for answers
1945 Till the End of Time Perry Como
1955 The Yellow Rose of Texas Mitch Miller
1960 My Heart Has a Mind of Its Own Connie Francis
1964 Oh, Pretty Woman Roy Orbison
1975 Fame David Bowie
1988 Don't Worry, Be Happy Bobby McFerrin
1995 Gangsta's Paradise Coolio featuring L.V.
2005 Gold Digger Kanye West featuring Jamie Foxx
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
It is certainly time for Health Care Reform. I have a PCP—primary care physician. Last night I my intestinal problem retuned. It’s not serious, but becoming very annoying. So I called the Dr. His receptionist/nurse never answer the phone, you always have to leave a message. So I called her at 9:00. She returned my call at 3:00. No appointments until October 6. If you are in a lot of pain, go to the walk-in clinic or the emergency room. The last time I went to a walk-in, I got a doctor who didn’t know crap. That time it was a dermatology problem. I went because the dermatologist had a month long wait for new patients. The advice and remedy the doctor gave me, while doing no harm, did no good either. Three days after seeing the dermatologist, I knew I was on my way to recovery. I’ve decided that whatever I have will continue to come and go. When I see my PCP, he will be getting a piece of my mind. If he truly runs his practice and has regular patients wait three weeks for an illness, then I will be looking for someone else.
My African trip is getting closer. I got my tickets to Denver today. Then I got a new pair of binoculars. I’m getting excited. Martha, a friend here in Flag sent me a link to an Africa Cam. I’m still checking to see if I’ll be at any of those places. The cams are in South Africa and are certainly in the region I will be in. Very amazing. The website has real time cameras, still cameras that refresh every 30 seconds, and motion-detector cams. Very cool.
We had a nice fall day—about 65° for a high, and 42° for the low. I wish I could keep the windows wide open at night, but now an inch or two is all can handle. We didn’t get any rain today, but there is always tomorrow.
Random Facts…
The Chow and the Chinese Shar-Pei are the only dogs that have black tongues.
If you are locked in a completely sealed room, you will die of carbon dioxide poisoning first before you will die of oxygen deprivation.
Old Crazy Stuff …
England’s John Evans achieved the world record for heavies car balanced on head after he balanced a 159.6 kg (352 lb) Mini on his head for 33 seconds at The London Studios, England, on May 24, 1999.
Cyclist Wolfgang Kulovman from Germany set a world record after riding 2.6 miles (4.1 kilometers) in 3 and a quarter hours under the sea on a lead bicycle.
Russian athlete Omar Khanapiyev, 38, set a new world record for pulling weight with his teeth. He towed a Kuban oil tanker for 36.3 feet in a shipyard. The vessel’s weight was 1,100 tons.
September Month Long Observances
Apple Month…Be Kind to Editors & Writers Month…Children’s Good Manners Month…International People Skills Month…International Strategic Thinking Month…National Honey Month…National Preparedness Month…Pleasure Your Mate Month…Healthy Aging Month…National Hispanic Heritage Month…
Before They Were Famous…
Jennifer Aniston was both a telemarketer and waitress before hitting it big.
Dan Akroyd was a mail sorter for Canada's national postal service.
Alec Baldwin was once a bouncer.
Lucille Ball was reportedly fired from an ice cream shop for not remembering to add bananas to banana splits.
Before her break-through role in E.T., Drew Barrymore appeared in commercials for dog food, Rice Krispies cereal, and Pillsbury chocolate chip cookies.
Week of 17 Sep…
National Constitution Week
19 Sep Observances…
262 days so far this year…103 days remain in 2009
Talk Like a Pirate Today
Nat’l POW/MIA Recognition Day
Big Whopper Liar Day
Responsible Dog Owner Day
International Coastal Cleanup Day
International Eat an Apple Day
Rosh Hashanah begins
Wife Appreciation Day
*Chile-Armed Forces Day
1867….. Arthur Rackham England, artist/illustrator (Grimm's Fairy Tales)
1911….. Sir William Golding Nobel Prize for literature [1983]; Lord of the Flies
1928….. Adam West Walla Walla Wash, actor (Batman)
1933….. David McCallum Glasgow Scot, actor (Ilyla Kuryakin-Man From UNCLE & NCIS)
1940….. Bill Medley Santa Ana Cal, rocker (Righteous Bros)
1943….. Mama Cass Elliot Balt Md, singer
1949….. Twiggy Lawson [Leslie Hornby], England, model
1902….. James Van Alen created Simplified Scoring System for tennis
1926….. Edwin "Duke" Snider Bkln Dodger centerfielder (406 HRs)
1936…..Al Oerter American track-and-field athlete, who became the first person to win the gold medal in the discus event in four consecutive Olympic Games.
1949….. Sidney Wicks basketball: College Player of the Year [1970]; Portland Trail Blazers, Boston Celtics, San Diego Clippers
Events on this day…
1737….. Today is the start of the walking for the "Walking Purchase" from the Delaware. The walkers are Solomon Jennings, Edward Marshall, and James Yates. The "walkers" barely stay below a run. By the next day at noon, Edward Marshall has covered sixty-five miles. Yates, who passes out from the exertion, dies three days later. Jennings gives up the first day and is sickly for the rest of his life. Many Indians complain the "walk" does not live up to the spirit of the agreement.
1796….. George Washington's farewell address as president
1819….. It was such a beautiful fall day that poet John inked one of the best-loved English poems, Ode to Autumn.
1846….. Elizabeth Barrett & Robert Browning elopes
1849….. 1st commercial laundry established, in Oakland, California
1952….. Charlie Chaplin has been refused entry to return to his home in Hollywood until he has been investigated
1957….. 1st underground nuclear explosion (Las Vegas Nevada)
1960….. Chubby Checker has a number 1 record with The Twist which launched a worldwide dance craze.
1970….. "Mary Tyler Moore" show premiers
1995….. The New York times and the Washington Post have published the Unabombers 35,000 word manifesto
Holy Mackerel…
1928….. Mickey Mouse's screen debut (Steamboat Willie at Colony Theater NYC)
1959….. Nikita Krushchev is denied access to Disneyland
New Puzzle tomorrow
Scroll down for answers
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
My African trip is getting closer. I got my tickets to Denver today. Then I got a new pair of binoculars. I’m getting excited. Martha, a friend here in Flag sent me a link to an Africa Cam. I’m still checking to see if I’ll be at any of those places. The cams are in South Africa and are certainly in the region I will be in. Very amazing. The website has real time cameras, still cameras that refresh every 30 seconds, and motion-detector cams. Very cool.
We had a nice fall day—about 65° for a high, and 42° for the low. I wish I could keep the windows wide open at night, but now an inch or two is all can handle. We didn’t get any rain today, but there is always tomorrow.
Random Facts…
The Chow and the Chinese Shar-Pei are the only dogs that have black tongues.
If you are locked in a completely sealed room, you will die of carbon dioxide poisoning first before you will die of oxygen deprivation.
Old Crazy Stuff …
England’s John Evans achieved the world record for heavies car balanced on head after he balanced a 159.6 kg (352 lb) Mini on his head for 33 seconds at The London Studios, England, on May 24, 1999.
Cyclist Wolfgang Kulovman from Germany set a world record after riding 2.6 miles (4.1 kilometers) in 3 and a quarter hours under the sea on a lead bicycle.
Russian athlete Omar Khanapiyev, 38, set a new world record for pulling weight with his teeth. He towed a Kuban oil tanker for 36.3 feet in a shipyard. The vessel’s weight was 1,100 tons.
September Month Long Observances
Apple Month…Be Kind to Editors & Writers Month…Children’s Good Manners Month…International People Skills Month…International Strategic Thinking Month…National Honey Month…National Preparedness Month…Pleasure Your Mate Month…Healthy Aging Month…National Hispanic Heritage Month…
Before They Were Famous…
Jennifer Aniston was both a telemarketer and waitress before hitting it big.
Dan Akroyd was a mail sorter for Canada's national postal service.
Alec Baldwin was once a bouncer.
Lucille Ball was reportedly fired from an ice cream shop for not remembering to add bananas to banana splits.
Before her break-through role in E.T., Drew Barrymore appeared in commercials for dog food, Rice Krispies cereal, and Pillsbury chocolate chip cookies.
Week of 17 Sep…
National Constitution Week
19 Sep Observances…
262 days so far this year…103 days remain in 2009
Talk Like a Pirate Today
Nat’l POW/MIA Recognition Day
Big Whopper Liar Day
Responsible Dog Owner Day
International Coastal Cleanup Day
International Eat an Apple Day
Rosh Hashanah begins
Wife Appreciation Day
*Chile-Armed Forces Day
1867….. Arthur Rackham England, artist/illustrator (Grimm's Fairy Tales)
1911….. Sir William Golding Nobel Prize for literature [1983]; Lord of the Flies
1928….. Adam West Walla Walla Wash, actor (Batman)
1933….. David McCallum Glasgow Scot, actor (Ilyla Kuryakin-Man From UNCLE & NCIS)
1940….. Bill Medley Santa Ana Cal, rocker (Righteous Bros)
1943….. Mama Cass Elliot Balt Md, singer
1949….. Twiggy Lawson [Leslie Hornby], England, model
1902….. James Van Alen created Simplified Scoring System for tennis
1926….. Edwin "Duke" Snider Bkln Dodger centerfielder (406 HRs)
1936…..Al Oerter American track-and-field athlete, who became the first person to win the gold medal in the discus event in four consecutive Olympic Games.
1949….. Sidney Wicks basketball: College Player of the Year [1970]; Portland Trail Blazers, Boston Celtics, San Diego Clippers
Events on this day…
1737….. Today is the start of the walking for the "Walking Purchase" from the Delaware. The walkers are Solomon Jennings, Edward Marshall, and James Yates. The "walkers" barely stay below a run. By the next day at noon, Edward Marshall has covered sixty-five miles. Yates, who passes out from the exertion, dies three days later. Jennings gives up the first day and is sickly for the rest of his life. Many Indians complain the "walk" does not live up to the spirit of the agreement.
1796….. George Washington's farewell address as president
1819….. It was such a beautiful fall day that poet John inked one of the best-loved English poems, Ode to Autumn.
1846….. Elizabeth Barrett & Robert Browning elopes
1849….. 1st commercial laundry established, in Oakland, California
1952….. Charlie Chaplin has been refused entry to return to his home in Hollywood until he has been investigated
1957….. 1st underground nuclear explosion (Las Vegas Nevada)
1960….. Chubby Checker has a number 1 record with The Twist which launched a worldwide dance craze.
1970….. "Mary Tyler Moore" show premiers
1995….. The New York times and the Washington Post have published the Unabombers 35,000 word manifesto
Holy Mackerel…
1928….. Mickey Mouse's screen debut (Steamboat Willie at Colony Theater NYC)
1959….. Nikita Krushchev is denied access to Disneyland
New Puzzle tomorrow
Scroll down for answers
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
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About Me

- Retired, Not Dead
- Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
- I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.