~~~Free Ramblings
Amazing, Sara Palin’s book is coming out months early. She is such a rogue. I wonder who is going to buy it. I heard a suggestion that she will be selling them at NASCAR rallies since most of her followers don’t know how to find a local bookstore. I think it is coming out early because someone else has written a book that explains what a fraud she really is. She is just trying to get it out while people still remember her. She is so folksy and has a very odd view of America. I just don’t see her opinions as really important.
I hope readers are following the Ken Burns National Park series on PBS. Photography is breathtaking, the history is fascinating. The idea that in America, our National Parks are owned by the people, for the people is so exciting. This series will certainly be in many American’s video collection. It’s too bad it didn’t come out before carrying loaded weapons in National Parks became acceptable.
Speaking of loaded weapons, Arizona now allows citizens to legally carry a loaded weapon into a bar or restaurant. The gun carriers can’t consume alcohol in the establishment. The only way a bar or restaurant owner can stop loaded guns in their establishments is to post a sign on all the entrances that have a gun with the famous red slash and circle. We of Arizona may live in the west. Many may make a buck off the ‘wild west’ image. This is a stupid law. I don’t look forward to going to a restaurant and being reminded that people are prohibited from bringing loaded guns into the restaurant. I don’t want to eat at a restaurant that allows people to carry a loaded gun to dinner. In my life, I have been in restaurants where loud arguments have happened. Not a lot of them, but a few. I was even in a restaurant where the argument led to a fist fight—once. I have never been in a restaurant that had an armed robbery while I was there. I’m guessing that 99.99% of my restaurant visits in my lifetime have not had any violence. Those kinds of things don’t happen that often. And if a robbery or fight breaks out, I don’t want someone with a loaded gun to start shooting. I know that some restaurants and some bars have a loaded gun under the counter. They usually don’t shoot them because the firing of a gun escalates the incident and could easily harm innocents. After all, it is only money. Even more concerning, many bar and restaurant owners don’t even know about the law. I wonder how many innocents will be harmed before this law is repealed.
Flag and much of Northern AZ is under a wind advisory. That means sustained winds between 25-35 mph and gust up to 60mph. While we did make it to about 77° today, it was very windy. The weather guy says that a strong storm is headed our way. It will be windy through Wednesday night, but no precipitation. Just wind. I’m so glad I’m not on the Rez. I feel for those people who do. At least here in Flag the wind doesn’t pit your skin with sand.
~~~Random Facts
The temperature of the earth's interior increases by 1 degree every 60 feet down.
There are more telephones than people in Washington, D.C.
~~~Before They Were Famous
Before finding fame in Law & Order, Vincent D'Onofrio appeared as "Thor" the mechanic in 1987's Adventures in Babysitting.
Michael Douglas once worked as a gas station attendant.
David Duchnovy holds an undergrad degree from Princeton and a master's degree from Yale.
As an up and coming actor, Robert Duvall spent several months working as a post office clerk.
~~~Crazy News
A California man was arrested on suspicion of stalking after he allegedly used his airplane to violate a restraining order by buzzing a neighborhood, police said.
In recent weeks, Concord, California, police were investigating an incident in which leaflets were dropped over a residential neighborhood, possibly by a low-flying airplane. “The leaflets referenced a specific person and contained defamatory language and racial slurs. As the investigation has progressed, it appears that the motivation behind this situation is a failed domestic relationship,” the statement read. The investigation led to the identification of a possible suspect, a 51-year-old licensed pilot.
Police received several calls from residents of the neighborhood reporting a low-flying private airplane in the area. Police officers responded to the airport and contacted the man after he landed his plane. It was the same man who had been served with the restraining order earlier in the day.
~~~September Month Long Observances
Apple Month…Be Kind to Editors & Writers Month…Children’s Good Manners Month…International People Skills Month…International Strategic Thinking Month…National Honey Month…National Preparedness Month…Pleasure Your Mate Month…Healthy Aging Month…National Hispanic Heritage Month…
~~~Week of 26 Sep
Banned Books Week
~~~30 Sep Observances
273 days so far this year…92 days remain in 2009
National Women’s Health & Fitness Day
*Botswana – Independence Day (1966) from Britain
*International Translation Day, introduced in 1991 by International Federation of Translators
~~~Births on this day
~ The ARTS
1627__Robinson Crusoe according to Daniel Defoe
1921__Deborah Kerr Helensburg Scotland, actress (King & I, Night of Iguana)
1924__Truman Capote a short short story writer (In Cold Blood)
1935__Johnny Mathis singer (Chances are, 12th of Never)
1942__Frankie Lymon NYC, rocker (& Teenagers-Why do Fools Fall in Love)
1943__Marilyn McCoo Jersey City NJ, host/singer (Solid Gold, 5th Dimension)
1951__Catie Ball US, 100 m breast stroke swimmer (Olympic-4X4 gold-1968)
1962__Dave Magadan baseball: Mets, Mariners, Marlins, Astros, Cubs, Athletics, Padres
1861__William Wrigley Jr. chewing gum tycoon
1928__Elie Wiesel author (Souls on Fire), Nazi hunter (Nobel 1986)
1943__Jody Powell press secretary to Jimmy Carter
951 – Barry Marshall, Australian physician, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
1870 – Jean Baptiste Perrin French physicist, Nobel laureate
~~~In Remembrance
1943__Franz Oppenheimer, German sociologist @ 79
1955__James Dean, American actor (automobile accident) @ 24
1978__Edgar Bergen ventriloquist (Charlie McCarthy), @ 75
~~~Historical Events on this day
1452__1st book published, Johann Guttenberg's Bible
1791__Mozart's opera "The Magic Flute" premiers in Vienna
1846__Anesthetic ether used for 1st time (Dr Wm Morton extracts a tooth)
1898__City of NY established
1934__FDR dedicates Boulder Dam (Hoover Dam)
1949__Berlin Airlift ends after 277,000 flights
1951__“Thank you and may God bless.” The Red Skelton Show debuted on NBC-TV--The Mean Wittle Kid (“I dood it!”), Clem Kadiddlehopper, Sheriff Deadeye, Cauliflower McPugg, Willie Lump-Lump, San Fernando Red, Bolivar Shagnasty and Freddie the Freeloader.
1960__Flintstones premiers (1st prime time animation show)
1960__On Howdy Doody's last show Clarabelle finally talks "Goodbye Kids"
1980__Israel issued new currency. The shekel replaced the pound.
1981__Sandra Day O'Connor becomes the first female U.S. Supreme Court justice in history when she is sworn in by Chief Justice Warren Burger
1988__IBM announces shipment of 3 millionth PS/2 personal computer
~ Holy Mackerel
1865__According to a report dated today, the following number of Indians were present at the Fort Sumner, New Mexico reservation in September: 402 Apache, 7,318 Navajo.
Here are some words that can easily be anagrammed into something interesting.
1. Old West Action
2. Insane Anglo Warlord
3. Humans sad side
4. her slow cry
5. Retard Shown
6. No more stars
7. Alas! No More Z's
8. Elegant Man
9. oh so ethical
10. contaminated
Scroll down for answers
1. Clint Eastwood = Old West Action
2. Ronald Wilson Reagan = Insane Anglo Warlord
3. Saddam Hussain = Humans sad side
4. Sheryl crow = her slow cry
5. Howard Stern = Retard Shown
6. Astronomers = No more stars
7. Snooze Alarms = Alas! No More Z's
8. A Gentleman = Elegant Man
9. I hate school = oh so ethical
10. No admittance = contaminated
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About Me

- Retired, Not Dead
- Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
- I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.
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