Mar 5


Week 10 Day: 64  Ave. sky cover: 65% \ Visibility: 10 miles Flagstaff Today 52° \38°  
Wind: 12mph \ Gusts: 19mph
Very Low risk of fire \ Nearest active fire: 617mi \ nearest Lightning: 241mi
Mar Averages for Flagstaff: 53° \ 23°  (6 days of moisture)

Today’s Quote

Monthly Observations

National On-Hold Month                     National Peanut Month
National Social Work Month 
Link                                                National Umbrella Month
National Women's History Month            Optimism Month
Paws To Read Month                         Play The Recorder Month
Poison Prevention Awareness Month          Quinoa Month 

Problem Gambling Awareness Month Link                  Save The Vaquita Month        

Save Your Vision Month                      Sing With Your Child Month

Weekly Observations







Hearing Awareness Week: Link
LGBT Health Awareness Week 
National Cheerleading Week
National Write A Letter of Appreciation Week
National Ghostwriters Week
National Invest in a Veteran Week 
National Pet Sitters Week 
Return The Borrowed Books Week
Universal Human Beings Week 
Will Eisner Week
World Hearing Awareness Week




International Festival of Owls Week


National Pasty Week Link


Paralympic Games


American Council on Education


Girl Scout Week Link  Link


Daily Observations

My Sometimes-Long-Winded Thoughts

The expected storm is moving in quickly. Two hours ago it was blue sky, now it is overcast. The weather guy sez rain today, then snow. Weather guy was wrong…heavy snow fall began about 1:00pm…and is continuing.

CNN hasn’t been working on my TV most of this morning. I called but they didn’t know what was wrong. Crazy.

A little nervous over Ukraine. Last night the Russians attacked the largest nuclear plant in Europe. There were some fires in the administration buildings, but the plant seems OK. First reports of increased radiation were premature. Now the Ukrainians are calling for a no fly zone…which could lead to a much bigger war.

Favorite Memes





A bit of Humor

Why did the surgeon wear a tuxedo in the operating room?

He preferred formal openings.


Q: What is the last letter of the Greek alphabet?


Q: Which mammal is known to have the most powerful bite in the world?


Q: What object does a male penguin often gift to a female penguin to win her over?


Q: How long is an elephant pregnant before it gives birth?





Answer 1: Omega

Answer 2: Hippopotamus

Answer 3: A pebble

Answer 4: 22 Months

Historical Events

Ø      521 – Guam was discovered by Ferdinand Magellan

Ø    1496 – King Henry VII of England issued letters =to John Cabot and his sons, authorizing them to explore unknown lands of (soon to be named) America.

Ø    1770 – The Boston Massacre; 5 Americans killed and 6 wounded by British soldiers.

Ø    1933 – President Franklin Roosevelt proclaimed a three-day bank holiday.

Ø    1933 – Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Party received43.9% at the Reichstag elections, allowing the Nazis to later pass the Enabling Act, establishing a dictatorship.

Ø    1946 – Winston Churchill gave his “Iron Curtain” speech

Ø    1963 – American country music stars Patsy Cline, Hawkshaw Hawkins, Cowboy Copas, and their pilot Randy Hughes were killed in a plane crash in Camden, Tennessee.

Ø    1981 – The ZX81, a pioneering British home computer, was launched by Sinclair Research.

Birthdays Today

@85 – Dean Stockwell, American actor (d. 2021)

@82 – Rex Harrison, English actor (d. 1990)

@75 – Jan van der Heyden, Dutch painter and engineer (d. 1712)

74 – Elaine Paige, English singer and actress

68 – Marsha Warfield, American actress and comedian

67 – Penn Jillette, American magician

59 – Joel Osteen, American pastor, author, and television host

@58 – Howard Pyle, American author, illustrator (d. 1911; kidney failure)

51 – Aleksandar Vučić, Serbian leader

@49 – Jack Cassidy, American actor and singer (d. 1976; house fire)

48 – Matt Lucas, English actor and television personality

48 – Eva Mendes, American model and actress

@30 – Andy Gibb, English-Australian singer-songwriter (d. 1988; myocarditis from cocaine)

26 – Taylor Hill, American model


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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.