2 Apr


April 2023

Daily Almanac for Flagstaff
Week 14 Day 91 \ Ave. Sky Cover 10% \ Visibility 20 miles Flagstaff Today 63° \20°  Wind 5mph \ Gusts 11mph 
Air Quality: Fair \ Moderate Risk of fire \ Nearest active fire 98mi \ Nearest Lightning 1357miApr. Averages for Flagstaff: 60° \ 27° \3 Days of moisture

Today’s Quote


Monthly Observations

Beaver Awareness Month
Car Care Month
Celebrate Diversity Month
Child Abuse Prevention Month
(International) Cesarean Awareness Month Link
Community Spirit Days (1-30)
Confederate History Month
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness Month  Link
Couple Appreciation Month

Weekly Observations

National Cherry Blossom Festival 
Consider Christianity Week
International Phace Syndrome Awareness Week
National Cleaning Week
Mule Days
        American Crossword Puzzle Days 
Apr. 1-7
APAWS Pooper Scooper  Week
Golden Rule Week
Laugh at Work Week
Medication Safety Week
Testicular Cancer Awareness Week (aka Get A Grip Day!) 
Week of The Young Child  
Bat Appreciation Week
Holy Week
National Blue Ribbon Week   (Child Abuse)
National Public Health Week
National Window Safety Week

Daily Observations

Burrito Day
Children’s Book Day
Dictionary Day  Link
Ferret Day
Geologists Day Link 
International Children's Book Day
National Education and Sharing Day 
International Children's Book Day
National Education and Sharing Day Link 
National Ferret Day 
National Ferret Day Link
National Love Your Produce Manager Day
National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day Link
Nickelodeon Day
Palm Sunday
Peanut Butter And Jelly Day
Pharmacists in Public Health Day
Reconciliation Day
World Autism Day Link
World Autism Acceptance Day Link 

My Sometimes-Long-Winded Thoughts

Another great spring day. Time to start keeping the windows open on these kinds of days.

My tax return is giving me a nice chuck of change from both the Feds and the state. Nice!

I heard an interesting report on my local NPR station this morning. We have all heard the complaint that kids spend too much time on their smart phones. We also know there are lots of cars on the streets and highways of America. In 2023 there are more guns owned by Americans than either smart phones or cars.  Somehow I don’t think this is statistic the founding fathers saw coming.



Of these 14 chip brands, Cheetos has the highest percentage of air per bag. According to this study, the average bag of chips is 43% air. 

More Slang origins…

A Hankering For

You’ve probably heard this one before. If you’ve got a hankering for something, it means that you’ve got a strong desire for it. For example, you might have a hankering for some fried chicken.

Well, where does the word “hankering” even come from? Believe it or not, this is actually a Dutch word which means “hang.” We’re not sure how it evolved into a word meaning desire… But it did!

Beauty in our 50 states…

16. Idaho

Quick: what states contain a piece of Yellowstone? Most people will name Wyoming and Montana, but Idaho also claims a slice of the national park pie. Surprises like that lay all across Idaho, which is arguably America’s most under-appreciated state for scenery. The Sawtooth Mountains have some of the best mountain biking in America, while the snow-capped peaks at Coeur d’Alene make it a world-class skiing destination. And all the state’s beauty is best taken in with a trip down the Snake River, winding through mountains and scenic meadows.

Historical Events

1513 – Ponce de Leon discovered Florida.
1792 – The United States Mint was established via the Coinage Act.
1878 – The first White House Easter Egg Roll took place.
1917 – The Great War: US President Woodrow Wilson asked the American Congress for a declaration of war on Germany.
1982 – April 2 – June 15: The Faulkland Islands War.
2006 – Over 60 tornadoes break out in the United States.

Birthdays Today

@95 – Buddy Ebsen, American actor and dancer (d. 2003)
@86 – Sir Alec Guinness, English actor (d. 2000)
@84 – Max Ernst, German painter, sculptor, and poet (d. 1976)
82 – Dr. Demento (Barret Eugene Hansen), American radio host
78 – Linda Hunt, American actress
76 – Emmylou Harris, American singer-songwriter
@74 – Leon Russell, American singer-songwriter and pianist (d. 2016; heart attack)
I love you in a place where there’s no space or time
I love you for my life ’cause you’re a friend of mine– Leon Russell
@73 – Casanova Giovaani Giacomo Girolama, Italian adventurer (d. 1798)
“Be the flame, not the moth.”– Casanova Girolama
@70 – Hans Christian Andersen, Danish novelist, short story writer, and poet (d. 1875)
“The whole world is a series of miracles, but we’re so used to them we call them ordinary things.”– Hans Christian Andersen
@66 – Charlemagne, Frankish king (d. 814; pleurisy)
“If the populace knew with what idiocy they were ruled, they would revolt.”– Charlemagne
@62 – Emile Zola, French naturalist (d. 1902; carbon monoxide)
“If you ask me what I came into this life to do, I will tell you: I came to live out loud.”– Emile Zola
62 – Christopher Meloni, American actor
@61 – Charles White, African-American artist (d. 1979; heart failure)
61 – Clark Gregg, American actor, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D
@62 – Jack Webb, American actor, director, producer, screenwriter (d. 1982; heart attack)
@44 – Marvin Gaye, American singer-songwriter (d. 1984; shot by father)


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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.