Today 47°:
25° Week 52 Day 363 Air
Quality: Fair Sunshine Wind
12 mph Gusts 19 mph Breezy Active Fire:
347 miles away Risk
of Fire: Low Nearest
lightning: 1304 miles away Dec
Averages: Temps: 45°\18° Moisture: 5 Days |
Weekly Observations
14-1/5/25 Christmas Bird Count Week Link Halcyon Days: 14-28 (Always 7 days before and 7 days after
the Winter Solstice) |
25—1/2/25 Chanukah It's About Time Week Kwanzaa |
Daily Observations
Call a Friend Day |
National Chocolate Day Link |
Today’s Quote
Today’s Meme
Thoughts for the day
A breezy but tolerable day. I took a
nice walk around the neighborhood before the breeze picked up. I just needed a
light jacket.
Alcoholism is a real problem on many
reservations. Back in 2019 there were a number of new ‘treatment centers for
Natives’ spring up in Phoenix. Since there has been a string of news stories
that they were not working. Natives attending these places were either missing
or found dead. Now the Navajo Nation has filed a $2.8 billion lawsuit against
the state of Arizona for failure to stopping various fraud schemes involving
Medicare/Medicaid (ACCCHS). These frauds claimed to set up drug treatment facilities,
but in fact provided drugs and alcohol to patients, while being paid by ACCCHS
for their service. Shameful.
Panama’s President has stated that
Chinese are not working in the Panama Canal, and that the only Chinese would be
passengers of cruise ships entering and leaving the canal. It sounds to me like
Trump is having another ‘They are eating the pets’ moments. I am remaining calm
and waiting to see what Trump actually does after Jan. 20. …
Random Thoughts…
The original drummer of The Velvet Underground, Angus MacLise, once showed up for a show a
half-hour after it started and played for a half-hour after the rest of the
band ended. He later quit the band after they took a paying gig because he
considered that as selling out.
A group of Stories is an Anthology.
Roman Emperor Antoninus Pius (86 AD – 161 AD) had the most peaceful reign of any ruler in antiquity. There is no record of any major events or conflicts during his 23-year reign.
The Vatican broadcast
its public approval of Pokémon in April
2001 after Christian groups argued that it promoted Satanic themes.
Diet Coke was first marketed in 1982.
The Bee Gees song Stayin’
Alive was used in a study to train
medical professionals to provide chest compressions per minute while performing
Quirky town names…
Yeehaw Junction, Florida
Yeehaw Junction’s name reflects its Wild West-inspired roots.
Originally a trading post and cattle town, it embraced the cowboy culture of
Florida's past and now attracts tourists for its quirky vibe.
Historic Events
28 Dec. History Click on date
Edgar Winter, 79 singer-songwriter Denzel
Washington, 70 Movie Actor David
Archuleta, 34 Pop Singer |
@90 – Johnny Otis, American singer-songwriter (d. 2012)
@67 – Woodrow Wilson, American politician, 28th President (d. 1924) |
…The End for today…
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