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Flagstaff Almanac: Day: 183 / Week: 27 
June Averages: 78° \ 42°
Today: Average Sky Cover: 95%
    H 79° L 57° Ave. humidity: 33%
    Wind: ave:   9mph; Gusts:  26mph  
    Average High: 82° Record High:  92° (1969)
    Average Low: 47° Record Low:  34° (1997)
Quote of the Day
Historical Highlights for Today
1561 - Menas, Emperor of Ethiopia, defeats a revolt in Emfraz.
1613 – 1st English expedition from Massachusetts against Acadia
1679 - Europeans first visit Minnesota and see headwaters of Mississippi
1787 - De Sade shouts from Bastille that prisoners are being slaughtered
1808 - Simon Fraser completes his trip down Fraser River, BC,
1823 - Bahia Independence Day: the end of Portuguese rule in Brazil
1862 - Lincoln signs act granting land for state agricultural colleges
1865 - William Booth founds Salvation Army (Army of the Salvation)
1867 - 1st US elevated railroad begins service, NYC
1881 - President James Garfield shot by disappointed office-seeker
1890 - Congress passes Sherman Antitrust Act
1916 - Lenin says Imperialism is caused by capitalism
1937 - Amelia Earhart & Fred Noonan disappear over Pacific Ocean
1976 - Formal reunification of North & South Vietnam
1979 - Susan B Anthony dollar is issued, 1st US coin to honor a woman
2000 - Vicente Fox Quesada is elected 1st President from an opposition party
  Birthdays Today:   
How many can you identify? Answers in Birthday’s Today below
My Rambling Thoughts   
Windy day. Clouds in and out. Heavy Thunderstorm warning. Still no rain at my place, but looks like there is rain just about everywhere else around town.
Ortho guy was of little help. Want my PCP to do a gout panel…whatever that is.
Had a good lunch with my financial advisor. Signed some papers. All is good.
Tried to follow the soccer game, but not real successful at the Ortho office. Sorry to hear to that USA is out, but we done good.
Interesting report on NPR’s Code Switching…many of the Guatemalan children coming across the border to do not speak Spanish, but rather their Mayan language…one of 6 major Mayan languages there. This is adding to the translation problems at the various detention centers…turns out there are not that many Mayan translators available.
Game  Center (answers at the end of post)
Brain Teasers
Which one of the following does not belong with the others?
Binoculars, eyeglasses, goggles, handlebars, jeans, pliers, scissors, shoes, tweezers
Lifestyle  Substance:     
Found on You Tube with some relevance to today
OK Then…
Harper’s Index 
Number of people fatally shot near the Mexican border since 2010 for throwing rocks at US Border Patarol agents: 10            
Unusual Fact of the Day
Contrary to popular belief, there are no wild tigers in Africa.
Trivia about AZ…
Arizona's most abundant mineral is copper.
Bisbee, located in Tombstone Canyon, is known as the Queen of the Copper Mines. During its mining history the town was the largest city between Saint Louis and San Francisco.
Interesting facts about Islam…
Muslims believe that God has revealed 99 of His names (or attributes) in the Holy Qur'an. It is through these names that one can come to know the Creator. A few of these names are: the All-Merciful, the All-Knower, the Protector, the Provider, the Near, the First, the Last, the Hidden, and the Source of Peace.
Weather Facts…
Most people notice a distinctive smell in the air after it rains. That smell after rain is caused by bacteria called 'actinomycetes'.
People Facts…
Worrying too much is scientifically associated with higher intelligence. People who over-think tend to have higher IQs.
Historical Facts…
In 1963, the US Military created an artificial ring around Earth, similar to that of the planet Saturn. The ring was made of copper needles and was used for worldwide communications in the case that the Soviets disabled all other methods of communication.
There was this old eccentric man who constantly chased children off his property, never said hello to anyone he met and because of his negative character, was described as "A man of means!” 
Rules of Thumb:   
Figure $3.00 per item to estimate the cost of your groceries at the check-out counter. Inflation is not a factor; as prices rise, packages shrink.
Yeah, It Really Happened
COLUMBUS, Ohio (UPI) - In a major medical breakthrough, a paralyzed Ohio man was able to move his fingers and hand using only his thoughts using a device called Neurobridge.
The innovative machine -- a collaboration between researchers at Ohio State University's Wexner Medical Center and the Battelle Memorial Institute -- was able to reconnect Ian Burkhart's brain to his muscles, bypassing his unresponsive spinal cord.
Burkhart, a 23-year-old quadriplegic and native of Dublin, Ohio, is the first of of a potential five participants in a clinical study testing the effectiveness of the new Neurobridge.
"It's much like a heart bypass, but instead of bypassing blood, we're actually bypassing electrical signals," explained Chad Bouton, a research leader at Battelle. "We're taking those signals from the brain, going around the injury, and actually going directly to the muscles."
"Initially, it piqued my interested because I like science, and it's pretty interesting," Burkhart said of his decision to participate in the FDA-approved clinical trial.
Burkhart was paralyzed in a diving accident four years ago.
"I've realized, 'You know what? This is the way it is. You're going to have to make the best out of it,'" he said. "You can sit and complain about it, but that's not going to help you at all. So, you might as well work hard, do what you can and keep going on with life."
Dr. Ali Rezai and Dr. Jerry Mysiwto are two of the doctors who worked with Battelle in developing the Neurobridge. They will validate the success of the device as they continue to monitor the progress of Burkhart and others.
Neurobridge works with the help of a tiny computer chip that Dr. Rezai installed on the motor cortex of Burkhart's brain earlier this year. The surgery took three hours.
The computer chip reads brain signals and sends them to a computer that translates them into instructions for an electrode stimulation sleeve that then stimulates the proper muscles to enact the desired movement. The entire process, from thought to execution, happens within a tenth of a second.
Somewhat Useless Information   
Did you know that buttermilk derives from cow’s milk which has sour taste due to lactic acid bacteria?
These bacteria are the Lactococcus lactis or Lactobacillus bulgaricus.
However, traditional buttermilk is beneficial to health as it contains probiotic microbes and is sometimes referred to as “Grandma’s probiotic”. It is also good for our stomach and skin.
Buttermilk is consumed in warm climates such as Middle East, Balkans or India, as well as in cold ones such as Finland, Germany or Netherlands.
Check Your Calendar
Observances This Week:
National Unassisted Homebirth Week
Today Is  
I  Forgot Day
International Chicken Wing Day 
Made In The USA Day
World UFO Day
UN International Day of Cooperatives
Palio (Italy-horserace; Siena, Italy)
Today’s Events through History  
1850 - Benjamin Lane patents gas mask with a breathing apparatus
1940 - Hitler orders invasion of England (Operation Sealion)
1955 - "Lawrence Welk Show" premieres on ABC
2013 - 16 people are killed and 200 are injured in protest clashes at Cairo  U
Birthday’s Today                                                        
Imelda Marcos, politician/shoe collector is 86
Polly Holliday, actress (Flo-Alice, Flo-Flo) is 78
Richard Petty, auto race driver (Daytona 500-1979,81) is 77
Vicente Fox, Former Mexican president is 73
Larry David, Brooklyn, actor/comedian/writer (Seinfeld) is 68
Jose Canseco, Havana, outfielder (Oak A's, Red Sox) is 51
Johnny Weir, American figure skater is 31
Ashley Tisdale, actress and singer is 30
Lindsay LohanLindsay Lohan, actress/ gossip fodder is 29
Remembered for being born today
1489-1556 - Thomas Cranmer, England, archbishop/reformer/martyr
1877-1962 - Hermann Hesse, Switzerland, novelist (Steppenwolf, Nobel 1946)
1908-1993 - Thurgood Marshall, 1st black Supreme Court justice
1916-1991 - Ken Curtis, [Curtis Gates], actor (, Festus-Gunsmoke)
1922-1987 - Dan Rowan, comedian (Rowan & Martin's Laugh-in)
1927-2005 - Brock Peters, actor/singer (To Kill a Mockingbird)
1932-2002 - Dave Thomas, founder (Wendy's Restaurants)
Historical Obits Today                                                           
1566 - Nostradamus, [Michel de Nostre-Dam]; French astrologist; 1566;@62
1850 - Robert "Bobbie" Peel, British PM/founder London Police; 1850; @62
1937 - Amelia Earhart Putnam, Dutch pilot/1st female to fly Atl, crash?, 1937,@ 40
1961 - Ernest Hemingway, author and Nobel laureate, suicide, 1961, @61
1973 - Betty Grable, US actress (How to Marry a Millionaire), dies at 56
1993 - Fred Gwynne, actor (Herman-Munsters), cancer, 1993, @66
1997 - Jimmy Stewart, actor (It's a Wonderful Life), 1997, @89
2007 - Beverly Sills, American operatic soprano, cancer, 2007, @78
Brain Teasers                         
The word "shoes" is the only "pair" that actually has 2 separate pieces.
Disclaimer: All opinions are mine…feel free to agree or disagree.
All ‘data’ info is from the internet sites and is usually checked with at least one other source, but I have learned that every site has mistakes and sadly once out the information is out there, many sites simply copy it and is therefore difficult to verify. Also for events occurring before the Gregorian calendar was adopted [1582] the dates may not be totally accurate.
§    And That Is All for Now  §

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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.