Mar 6

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Mar. 6, 2020 Week: 10 Day: 66
86004: H 59° \ L 31° \ Average Sky Cover: 5%
Nearest lightning: 1692mi.; Nearest active fire: 347mi.
Wind: 9mph\Gusts: 12mph Visibility: 10 mi

Record High: 68°[1910] Record Low: -2°[1935]
Mar. Averages: 53°\19° (6 days with moisture)

Today’s Quote

"May peace and plenty be the first
To lift the latch on your door"

Random Tidbits

A complete orbit of the earth around the sun takes exactly 365.2422 days to complete, but the Gregorian calendar uses 365 days. So every four years an extra day is added to make up for the Gregorian calendar's disparity with the solar system.

The Roman calendar used to have 355 days with an extra 22-day month every two years until Julius Caesar became emperor in the 1st Century and ordered his Alexandrian astronomer Sosigenes to devise something better.

Observations This Week

Celebrate Your Name Week: 1-7
Hearing Awareness Week: 1-7 Link
LGBT Health Awareness Week: 1-7 Link
National Cheerleading Week: 1-7
National Consumer Protection Week: 1-7Link
National Ghostwriters Week: 1-7
National Dental Assistants Recognition Week: 1-7 Link
National Invest in a Veteran Week: 1-7 Link
National Pet Sitters Week: 1-7 Link
National Procrastination Week: 1-7
National Schools Social Work Week: 1-7 Link
National Words Matter Week: 1-7
National Write A Letter of Appreciation Week: 1-7

Read an E-Book Week: 1-7 
Return The Borrowed Books Week:  1-7
Save Your Vision Week: 1-7 
Telecommuter Appreciation Week: 1-7  

Universal Human Beings Week: 1-7 Link
Will Eisner Week: 1-7 Link
Women in Construction Week: 1-7 Link
Women of Aviation Worldwide Week: 1-8
National School Breakfast Week: 2-6
Orthodox Lent: 2-4/10
International Festival of Owls Week: 6-8

Observations for Today

Day of The Dude
Dentist's Day
Dress in Blue Day  

My Rambling Thoughts

Nice spring day, good day to be out and about.

Cheryl couldn't make it to town, but is feeling better. Mary and I had lunch, and she gave me my birthday present...2 mason jars filled with dehydrated stuff to make 2 different soups. Very cool. Think I'll have on tomorrow night.

Flag is a small town, but we have our crazies. Three people were arrested for the death of a 6 year old. They had kept him in a closet, with his 8 year old brother, for months. The tiny child died of starvation. The other boy is with social services. The mother, father and paternal grandma are sitting in jail on 1st degree murder charges. So sad.

Ellie called about the Dr. Statement. I hadn't checked my email when she called. I called my doctor and will see him Tuesday morning. Good thing cause I leave early Wednesday morning to get to Denver to be ready for Tahiti. Hopefully this is an overabundance of caution.

Today’s Puzzle
Answer at the bottom of the page

A man walks into a restaurant and the waiter says, “Good day, Admiral.” [Note: they have never met]
Why did the waiter call the man an Admiral?

Puzzle Answer:

Because he was wearing his uniform


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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.