Dec 7


‘Tis the Season

FYI: Any Green text is a link. Click to check it out!

Dec 7, 2020  Week: 50 Day: 342     

Local:  H 54°\ L 18°\Average Sky Cover: 5%

Wind:   0mph\Gusts:  3mph                       

Nearest lightning: 1471mi.; Active fire:  59mi

High Risk of Fire          

Visibility:  10mi

Record: 66°[1958]   Record: -19°[1978]              

Nov Averages: 44°/\17° (5 days with moisture)


Today’s  Quote

Be nice to people on your way up

because you'll meet them on your way down.

Wilson Mizner


Random Tidbits

Point Nemo, an area in the southern Pacific Ocean 2,400 mi southeast of Wellington, is also a Spacecraft Cemetery. A total of more than 263 spacecraft were disposed of in this area between 1971 and 2016.


A little humor

STRESSED is just DESSERTS spelled backward..

A happy life consists not in the absence, but in the mastery of hardships. Helen Keller

The best way to get rid of mosquitos would be with a really big laser aimed at the sky. They could see it for miles, fly to it, and get obliterated when they touched it.


True Things

Twenty concerned citizens in Norman, Oklahoma, turned out on Nov. 17 to help George Simmons, an arborist from Idaho, continue the search for his missing pet raccoon, an effort that had stretched into its second week and included support from the Norman Fire Department, which deployed its thermal imaging technology. Coonsie had accompanied Simmons when he traveled to Oklahoma to help cut trees around power lines after a freak October ice storm, KFOR reported, but Coonsie got loose in Nov. 6, and Simmons says he won't return to Idaho until he locates her. He has been overwhelmed with gratitude for the Norman residents who are helping him look for Coonsie every night: "I've been all over the United States and never seen the hospitality like I have here," Simmons said. At presstime, Coonsie was still missing.


Observations This Week

Cookie Cutter Week………………………………

1-7 Link

Clerc-Gallaudet Week…………………………..


Andisop (Meterological Fiddling)………….

5-24  Link

National Hand Washing Awareness Week…

5-11 Link  

Recipe Greetings For The Holidays Week… 


Older Driver Safety Awareness Week…….. 

5-11 Link

Computer Science Education Week:……….(Always week with 12/9. Birthday of Admiral Grace Murray Hopper.)

6-12  Link


Observations for Today

International Civil Aviation Day

Letter Writing Day

National Cotton Candy Day  Link  or Ferry Floss Day(Great Britain)
National Fire Safety Council Day
National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
Pearl Harbor Day

World Trick Shot Day


My Rambling Thoughts

Looking forward to watching the Cards play this afternoon, and then the Broncos on TV. As a resident of AZ, we almost never have a live Broncos game so I’m excited.

Time to check out the Focus Travel site. It is updated with the latest information available on Tahiti as well as Ellie’s Christmas letter.

After the Sunday news shows, I did some cleaning. Kept me busy until it warmed up outside for a nice walk.

Last night’s SNL had a great sketch about the vote controversy…have to laugh so I don’t cry over this mess.


Today’s Puzzle

Answer at the bottom of the page

I come from a mine and get surrounded by wood always. Everyone uses me. What am I? 


Historical Events

1732 – The Covent Garden Theatre Royal (now the Royal Opera House) was opened on London.

1787 – Delaware became ‘The First State’ to ratify the US Constitution.

1842 – First concert of the New York Philharmonic, founded by Ureli Corelli Hill.

1909 – Leo Baekeland of Yonkers, New York, received the patent for a thermosetting artificial plastic which he called ‘Bakelite’ (patent #942,699)

1932 – The first gyro-stabilized ship to cross the Atlantic, the Conte di Savoia, arrived in New York City.

1972 – Apollo 17, the last Apollo moon mission, was launched. The crew took the photograph known as The Blue Marble as they left the Earth, the first complete photograph of our planet.

1979 – The National Fire Safety Council was founded.

1995 – The Galileo spacecraft arrived at the planet Jupiter on its mission to study the planet and its moons.

2015 Time Magazine readers name Bernie Sanders their 'person of the year'

2015 Beijing issues its 1st ever red alert for pollution

2015 US Presidential candidate Donald Trump proposes banning all Muslims from entering the US

2018 Court filings by US federal prosecutors and Special Counsel Robert Mueller against Michael Cohen appear to implicate President Donald Trump on campaign fraud and Russian dealings


Birthdays Today

@98 – Eli Wallach, American actor (d. 2014)

92 – Noam Chomsky, American linguist, and philosopher

88 – Ellen Burstyn, American actress

@80 – Clarence Nash, American voice actor, Donald Duck (d. 1985)

@67 – Louis Prima, American singer-songwriter, trumpet player, performer (d. 1978; stroke)

@62 – Ted Knight, American actor, and comedian (d. 1986; cancer)

64 – Larry Bird, American basketball player

54 – C. Thomas Howell, American actor

@50 – Richard Warren Sears, American businessman, co-founder of Sears (d. 1914; Bright’s Disease)

@38 – Harry Chapin, singer-songwriter and guitarist (d. 1981; auto crash)

33 – Aaron Carter, American singer-songwriter


Puzzle Answer

Pencil lead

Enjoy the Holiday

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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.