May 27


Daily Almanac for Flagstaff
Week 22 Day: 147 \ Ave. sky cover: 5% \ Visibility: 10 miles Flagstaff Today 83° \41° 
Wind: 10mph \ Gusts: 18mph
Extreme risk of fire \ Nearest active fire: 10mi \ nearest Lightning: 1071mi
May Averages for Flagstaff: 68° \ 34°  (3 days of moisture)

Today’s Quote


Weekly Observations

Cannes Film Festival

National Backyard Games Week
National Safe Boating Week
World Schizophrenia Awareness Week  Link
Healthy and Safe Swimming Week Link

National Seat Belt Reinforcement Week Link

Undergraduate Research Week: Link  

Mule Days  Link 

Fleet Week

Week of Solidarity With The People of Non-Self-Governing Territories

Fleet Week (NY)

Old-Time Player Piano Weekend   Link

Mudbug Madness Days  

National Polka Weekend  Link 


Daily Observations


My Sometimes-Long-Winded Thoughts

Nice spring day.

I had lunch with Mary and Mike. Great food, great conversation.

As a former teacher and school administrator, I can’t help but wonder what I would have done…

If you don’t want sensible gun control…fine…come up with a better workable plan…NOW! The new idea is to have only one entrance to all school buildings. I worked at a school with 550-600 K-4 students. There must be multiple exits to get the students out of the building in less than 2 minutes…the normal timing for a fire drill. Having that many students entering a building will be a challenge. Even with staggered recess and staggered lunch times, and staggered bus loading this will be a remain a challenge. And please don’t talk about armed cops at the entrance or the ‘good guy with a gun’ theory…the Texas school had him and the killer still got in and slaughter children and adults. A real problem needs real solutions.

Favorite Memes






What did the magician say to the fisherman?

Go on-pick a cod


v The imperial family of Japan descends from an unbroken lineage of nearly 2,000 years. No other royal family in history has held its position for so long. The first Japanese emperor, Jimmu Tenno, ruled about the time of Christ.

v Home to 33 million people, the Tokyo-Yokohama metropolitan area is the largest populated metropolitan region in the world.

v Twenty-one percent of the Japanese population is elderly (over the age of 65), the highest proportion in the world. There are more elderly than there are children in Japan today.

v Japan has the second lowest homicide rate in the world, but it also home to the spooky "suicide forest" Aokigahara at the base of Mt. Fuji. It is the second most popular place in the world for suicides after San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge

Historical Events

Ø    1703 – Tsar Peter the Great founded the city of Saint Petersburg.
Ø    1796 – The patent (#X0116) for a piano was issued to James Sylvanus McLean of New Jersey, for “an improvement in piano fortes.”
Ø    1890 – Two U.S. patents (#428,750,#428,751) for the first jukebox were issued to Louis Glass and his business associate, William S. Arnold for a “coin actuated attachment for phonographs.”
Ø    1919 – Pyrex glass was issued a patent (#1,304,623). The inventors, Eugene C. Sullivan and William C. Taylor for Corning Glass Works.
Ø    1930 – Masking Tape was patented (#1,760,820) by Richard G. Drew of St. Paul, Minnesota for his employers, 3M.
Ø    1931 – Auguste Piccard and Charles Knipfer took man’s first trip (in a pressurized cabin) into the stratosphere when they rode their balloon to an altitude of 51,800 feet.
Ø    1937 – The Golden Gate Bridge, connecting San Francisco with Marin County, California opened. Today was “Pedestrian Day” – cars were allowed the following day.
Ø    1933 – The Century of Progress World’s Fair opened in Chicago.
Ø    1941 – The British navy sank the German battleship, Bismarck, in the North Atlantic near France, killing over 2,000 Germans.
Ø    1967 – The U.S. Navy aircraft carrier USS John F. Kennedy was launched by Jacqueline Kennedy and her daughter Caroline.
Ø     1972 – The Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty was signed by United States President Richard Nixon and Soviet Premier Leonid Brezhnev. The Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty limited the US and USSR to 2 anti-ballistic missile complexes with 100 missiles each, and the number of intercontinental ballistic missiles and submarine-launched ballistic missiles was frozen at the then-existing levels.
Ø    1987 – U2 played in Rome so loud that they set off earthquake alarms in 2 different neighborhoods.
Ø    1994 – The National League and American League Baseball MVPs were Jeff Bagwell and Frank Thomas, respectively. Jeff and Frank were both born on the exact same day: May 27, 1968.

Birthdays Today

99 – Henry Kissinger, German-American political scientist, politician, Nobel Prize laureate

@93 – Christopher Lee, English actor (d. 2015)

87 – Lee Meriwether, American model and actress, Miss America 1955

@82 – Cornelius Vanderbilt, American businessman and philanthropist (d. 1877)

@82 – Vincent Price, American actor (d. 1993)

@56 – Rachel Carson, American biologist, environmentalist, author (d. 1964; breast cancer)

51 – Paul Bettany, English actor

51 – Jamie Oliver, Chef

47 – Wild Bill Hickok [James Butler Hickok], American folk hero (d. 1876; shot at Poker game)

32 – Chris Colfer, American actor and singer


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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.