13 Feb


13 February 2023

Daily Almanac for Flagstaff
Week 7 Day 44 \ Ave. Sky Cover 5% \ Visibility 18 miles Flagstaff Today 49° \14°  Wind 9mph \ Gusts 14mph 
Air Quality: Fair \ Low Risk of fire \ Nearest active fire 398mi \ Nearest Lightning 2102mi
Feb. Averages for Flagstaff: 47° \ 19° \5 Days of moisture

Today’s Quote


Weekly Observations

Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week Link
Have A Heart for A Chained Dog Week Link
National Marriage Week Link  Link
Risk Awareness Week
Getting Dizzy Week
Date (Fruit) Week
National Entrepreneurship Week Link
Children of Alcoholics Week Link 
International Flirting Week
Jell-O Week
Love A Mench Week
National Secondhand Wardrobe Week
Random Acts of Kindness Week Link  

Daily Observations

Clean Out Your Computer Day Link 
Dream Your Sweet Day

Desperation Day 
Employee Legal Awareness Day
Galentine's Day 
Get a Different Name Day
International Condom Day 
International Epilepsy Awareness Day  
International Kissing Day  
Madly In Love With Me Day
Meal Monday (2nd Monday) 
National Break Up With Your Carrier Day 
National Cheddar Day 
National Crab Rangoon Day

National Football Hangover Day 
National Tortellini Day

National Wingman's Day
Popcorn Day
Self-Love Day
World Radio Day
 LinkWorld Whale Day

My Sometimes-Long-Winded Thoughts

Nice day while awaiting the next storm…due later today.

Guess I’ll see the end of the football season today. I don’t really care who wins, just hope for some creative and worthwhile commercials.

I’ve been buying Girl Scouts cookies every year forever. There were some girls, and their moms selling outside Fry’s. I got two boxes.

Another object shot down over Canada. A joint US-Canada operation through NORAD shot it down. Canada will do the recovery. Then this morning jets were scrambled again near Lake Michigan. What is going on? As a Sci-Fi fan, this is beginning to look a lot like a great Sci-Fi movie.   




Australia Is Home to the World’s Oldest Civilization

When Dutch explorer WIllem Janszoon landed in Australia in 1606, the first known European to do so, the continent had already been inhabited for tens of thousands of years by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. In 2016, an extensive DNA study by Cambridge University deduced that Aboriginal Australians are the world’s oldest civilization. Indigenous Australian and Papuan ancestral groups migrated to Sahul (a prehistoric subcontinent made up of present-day Australia, New Guinea, and Tasmania) about 50,000 years ago. Eventually, rising sea levels caused the separation of the islands, and forced the Aboriginal peoples into genetic isolation that developed unique communities. 

Slang Origins

1991: Bestie

Meaning: best friend

“Bestie,” a word used by young women to describe their close friends, was only added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2014. Its addition was a long time coming and, as the OED notes, shows just how much young women influence our language. Linguists have shown that women in general are half a generation ahead of their male counterparts when it comes to speech patterns. So if you want to know how the world will sound 15 years from now, just listen to any 13-year-old girl.


Continents shift at about the same rate as your fingernails grow

Continents are the massive bodies of land that make up all of the countries on Earth. They may seem like they are immovable, but they are actually constantly moving at very slow speeds. Continents move at roughly the same speed as our fingernails grow. Moving just millimeters at a time, the original continent made up of all the modern continents, Pangea, took hundreds of millions of years to break apart and form today’s landmasses. Eventually, the continents may crash into one another.

Historical Events

1741 – American Magazine was first published. It was America’s first magazine.
1861 – Colonel Bernard Erwin earned the first Medal of Honor, America’s highest military honor.
1937 – Prince Valiant, Comic Strip debuted
1943 – Dresden, Germany was firebombed, killing an estimated 135,000 people.
1961 – The Coso Artifact was discovered, a 1920s era spark plug, supposedly found in a 500,000-year-old rock.

Birthdays Today

@97 – Bess Truman, American wife of US President Harry S Truman (d. 1982)
“I’ve liked lots of people ’til I went on a picnic jaunt with them.”– Bess Truman
@97 – Chuck Yeager, American general, pilot, first pilot to break the sound barrier (d. 2020)
“You don’t concentrate on risks. You concentrate on results. No risk is too great to prevent the necessary job from getting done.”– Chuck Yeager
90 – Kim Novak, American actress
88 – George Segal, American actor
82 – Bo Svenson, Swedish-American actor
79 – Stockard Channing, American actress
79 – Jerry Springer, English-American television host
“Life is what it is, and you take what’s handed, and you work as hard as you can, and hopefully you’ll be successful, but I just don’t spend too much time worrying about that.”– Jerry Springer
@77 – Carol Lynley, American model, actress (d. 2019; heart attack)
@77 – Peter Tork, American singer-songwriter, bass player and actor (d. 2019; cancer)
“Let them think what they think. Nobody doesn’t get stereotyped. Nobody doesn’t get scorned. Everybody’s bad news in somebody’s life.”– Peter Tork
77 – Richard Blumenthal, American politician
73 – Peter Gabriel, English singer-songwriter and musician
“One thing that really appeals to me is this idea of music being a living thing that has an evolution that, in a way, enables the artist to sell a process rather than a piece of product.”– Peter Gabriel
@72 – Tennessee Ernie Ford, American singer and actor (d. 1991; alcoholism)
62 – Henry Rollins, American singer-songwriter, producer, and actor
“I think about the meaning of pain. Pain is personal. It really belongs to the one feeling it. Probably the only thing that is your own. I like mine.”– Henry Rollins
@50 – Grant Wood, American painter (d. 1942; cancer)
55 – Kelly Hu, American actress
49 – Robbie Williams, English singer-songwriter
43 – Mena Suvari, American actress



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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.