23 Jan



Flagstaff Today 44°: 13°  Week 4 Day 23

Air Quality: Fair Sunshine

Wind 11 mph Gusts 18 mph cold breeze

Active Fire: 69 miles away Risk of Fire: High

Nearest lightning: 2707 miles away

Jan Averages: Temps: 44°\18° Moisture: 4 Days 

Weekly Observations

Sundance Film Festival: 16-26
Nat’l Fresh Squeezed Juice Week: 17-23
Week of Christian Unity: 18-25
Clean Out Your Inbox Week: 19-25
Nat’l Activity Professionals Week: 19-25  
Hunt For Happiness Week: 19-25

National Handwriting Analysis Week:19-25
Snowcare for Troops Week: 19-25
Sugar Awareness Week: 19-25
Internat’l Hoof-Care Week: 21-24

Daily Observations

Maternal Health Awareness Day Link
Measure Your Feet Day
National Handwriting Day
National Pie Day 
Link  Link  

Paul Pitcher Day  Link
Snowplow Mailbox Hockey Day 
Women's Healthy Weight Day

Today’s Quote                                                               


Today’s Memes





Thoughts for the day

A decent winter weather day.

It is hard for me to understand why violent offenders were pardoned…ever. As crazy as it sounds, these pardons were a campaign promise that is now true. We get what we vote for.

I’m saddened that Trump is returning Denali back to Mt. McKinley.

During other Republican administrations I worked through several ‘hiring freezes’ that were across the board.  They are neither beneficial, nor simple. We never had ‘extra’ teachers or bus drivers sitting around that could fill vacant necessary positions. Republican administrations never understood or cared about our day-to-day needs.

Mayan Culture of Mexico and beyond…

They believed in fairies.

Many cultures from around the world have a belief in fairies. These are also known as sprites, pixies, gnomes, leprechauns and, in the case of the Maya, aluxes. 

The aluxes were depicted in sculptures made from clay or wood. The tiny creatures were thought to protect the land, crops and animals. These sculptures would be taken into the forest and hidden in discreet spots, and the Maya believed that they would come to life at night and offer guardianship of the land.

Random Thoughts…

The biggest film of 2001: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (Action/Adventure) earned ~ $318,000,000


SCOTTY’S RULE: When doing work for someone and giving a completion date, make it later than you expect so when you get it done early you look golden!


Describing yourself as someone smarter than most people is not socially acceptable. Saying that people are stupid is. The only difference is the wording.


Love is like an hourglass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties.


The biggest film of 2000: How the Grinch Stole Christmas (Comedy/Adventure) earned ~ $260,000,000 

Origin of city nicknames…

Key West, Florida: ‘The Conch Republic’

Back in 1982, Key West residents were increasingly frustrated by a US Border Patrol checkpoint that stopped every car entering or leaving the area to search for illegal immigrants and drugs, causing significant traffic congestion. When their complaints were ignored, Key West Mayor Dennis Wardlow took a bold and humorous stand. On 23 April 1982, he declared that if the US was going to treat Key West as a foreign country, then they would secede from the Union and form The Conch Republic'. Although this declaration was made tongue-in-cheek, it had the desired effect: the roadblock was quietly withdrawn shortly thereafter. The Conch Republic remains a symbol of Key West’s independent spirit and is celebrated annually.

Historic Events




Mariska Hargitay, 61

TV Actress

Tiffani Thiessen, 51

TV Actress

Rachel Crow, 27

Pop Singer


@89 – Randolph Scott, American actor (d. 1987)

@59 – Stendhal (Marie-Henri Beyle), French writer (d. 1842; syphilis)


@56 – John Hancock, American general and politician (d. 1793)

@42 – Ernie Kovacs, American comedic actor and game show host (d. 1962; vehicle crash)

…The End for today…


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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.