Flagstaff Today 50°:
Week 11 Day 72 Air Quality: Fair Mostly Cloudy Wind 9 mph Gusts -- mph Active
Fire: 444 miles away Risk of Fire:
Low Nearest lightning: 2460 miles away Mar Averages: Temps: 52°\24°
Moisture: 4 Days |
Weekly Observations
3-4/19 Orthodox
Lent 5-4/19 Lent 9-15 Campfire
USA Birthday Week Pediatric
Nurse Practitioner Week Link |
10-14 International
Water Week Link 10-16 Bar
Crawl Week Link 11-17 Turkey
Vultures Return to the Living Sign AKC
Agility Championships Link |
Daily Observations
Coconut Torte Day K-9 Veterans
Day Link |
L. Ron
Hubbard Day National
Jewelry Day Link |
Today’s Quote
Today’s Memes
Thoughts for the day
Another storm seems to be moving in.
Time will tell how much snow sticks.
Since its inception, the Dept. of Education
has worked with BIA/BIE schools to provide training, $$$, and guidance to improve
education of Native students. That seems to be ending as ½ of the DOE staff has
been dismissed.
There was a commercial for the Tesla
on the White House grounds yesterday and a dealership brought many Tesla’s so
Trump could buy a red one. Weird…just weird.
Symbols of USA and their hidden meaaning…
The Liberty Bell
The Liberty Bell, residing in Philadelphia,
is a cherished symbol of American independence. Its famous crack adds to its
mystique, representing the struggle for freedom and justice.
The bell's inscription, "Proclaim
LIBERTY Throughout all the Land unto all the Inhabitants thereof,"
resonates with the ideals of the American Revolution. Over the years, the
Liberty Bell has become an emblem of the ongoing quest for civil rights.
It stands as a testament to the nation's
resilience and determination in the face of adversity. This bell, which once
rang to announce the birth of a nation, continues to inspire those who seek
equality and justice.
Random Thoughts…
Sean Connery – Real Name: Thomas
· Some day in the future, when
space flight is common, some nerd is going to recreate a complete NASA Apollo
moon rocket and re-create the moon landing.
Hubert Blaine
Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff Sr. has the longest recorded surname in
In 1999 the United Nations
proposed a global tax on every email sent.
The groove located in the middle
of the place above your lips is called a “philtrum.”
The skin of a Honey Badger is
tough enough to resist several machete blows and is almost impervious to arrows
and spears.
· The biggest film of 1967: The
Jungle Book (Musical) earned ~ $142,000,000 |
Historic Events
Click here for the history on
13 Mar
86 – Neil Sedaka, American singer-songwriter |
@102 – Al
Jaffee, American cartoonist (d. 2023) @94 –
Walter Annenberg, American publisher, philanthropist, diplomat (d. 2002) |
…The End for today…
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