~~~Free Ramblings
This is my week for doctors. I see them about every six months. Thanks to my excellent planning ability, they usually end up all in the same week. Today was the dermatologist. I have had a small spot on my nose forever, but about three months ago it changed a little. So I figured I would get it frozen off today. Ah, I am so far behind in medical technology. I must have been all of 16 when I had a spot on my face the last time. Well in today’s health care system, first it has to be biopsied. Then, it’s removed, if necessary, in a two hour office procedure. Of course the doctor said it was nothing to worry about, but he said ‘freezing’ it won’t do it. So I will be back in around Thanksgiving, to have it removed after I’m sure a fairly expensive biopsy followed by a more expensive ‘surgery’. I’m not worried about it. Whatever it turns out to be, it is small, isn’t expected to spread, and just another bump in the road of life.
I woke up this morning to rain. A rain the weatherman didn’t predict. It was nice. We only got to 55° today and last night dipped to 35° last night. Not a great day to be outside, but it is October and we are at over 7000’, so I’m not complaining.
~~~Random Facts
Queen Elizabeth II has a rubber duck in her private bath with an inflatable crown.
The giant squid has the largest eyes in the world.
~~~Crazy News from AOL
MEMPHIS — A Memphis woman who found a 1929 high school class ring while raking leaves in a lot said she traced the item back to its 97-year-old owner. Misty White said she found the Central High School ring, which bore the initials “AMM,” while raking a lot as part of a “Save Libertyland” event for cleaning defunct amusement park Libertyland.
“Something made me keep raking leaves,” White said. “It was under two years of leaves, and the ring just popped out.”
White said she found the school’s 1929 yearbook at a library and identified the ring’s owner as Anna Maude Mahaffey. “It gave me great pleasure to get it back,” Mahaffey White said. “It has a sentimental value.”
~~~Before They Were Famous
As a teenager, Tom Hanks was a popcorn and peanuts vendor at the Oakland Coliseum.
Audrey Hepburn formally entered a Dance Academy in Holland to become a ballerina. She was considered too tall, and was advised not to continue.
Before becoming a household name, Tommy Hilfiger sold his clothes out of his car trunk.
Comedian Benny Hill was once a milkman.
~~~October Month Long Observances
Birthstone: Opal Birth flower: calendula
Adopt A Shelter Animal Month ~ Apple Month ~ Celebrate the Bilingual Child Month ~ Domestic Violence Awareness Month ~ Emotional Intelligence Month ~ Gay & Lesbian History Month ~ Halloween Safety Month ~ Month of Free Thought ~ Nat’l Arts and Humanities Month ~ Nat’l Book Month ~ Nat’l Cyber Safety Awareness Month ~ Nat’l Popcorn Poppin’ Month ~ Nat’l Sarcastic Awareness Month ~ Photographer Appreciation Month ~ Squirrel Awareness Month ~ Vegetarian Month
~~~Week of 6 Oct
Physicians Assistance’s Week
~~~7 OCT Observances
281 days so far this year…86 days remain in 2009
Nat’l Depression Screening Day
World Sight Day
^Croatia: Independence Day
^Peru: Navy Day
~~~Births on this day
~ The ARTS
1920__Frank Herbert sci-fi writer (Dune)
1936__David Carradine Hollywood, actor
1939__Paul Hogan Australia, actor (Crocodile Dundee)
1943__Chevy Chase NYC, comedian/actor
1949__Sigourney [Susan Alexandra] Weaver LA, actress
1941__George Bellamy musician: guitar: The Tornados: Telstar
1970__Matt Damon actor
1956__Scott Michael Pellaton barefoot water ski champ
1959__Tony Eason football quarterback (New England Patriots)
1890__Eddie Rickenbacker aviator "Ace of Aces" (WW I)
1895__Juan Peron Argentine Pres (1946-55, 1973-74)
1941__Jesse Jackson clergyman/presidential candidate
1873__Ejnar Hertzsprung Denmark, astronomer (Hertzsprung-Russell diagram)
~~~In Remembrance
1793__John Hancock, American revolutionary @ 56
1869__Franklin Pierce 14th President of the United States @ 65
1982__Fernando Lamas actor/director, @ 67
~~~Historical Events on this day
1775__Officers decide to bar slaves & free blacks from Continental Army
1871__Great Chicago Fire starts
1935__Ozzie Nelson marries Harriet Hilliard (Ozzie & Harriet)
1938__This day’s cover of The Saturday Evening Post portrayed Norman Rockwell, by Norman Rockwell—his first cover.
1952__The Complete Book of Etiquette was first published.
1970__The Russian writer, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, wins the Nobel Prize for literature
1998__The U.S. House of Representatives votes to proceed toward impeaching President Bill Clinton
~ Holy Mackerel
1929__A Man is Charged of Speaking Offensively in Front of a Lady and found guilty for using obscene language in front of a woman in Ohio.
Countries by population
Place these countries in order by estimated 2009 population—largest to smallest.
1. Kazakhstan
2. Kenya
3. Kiribati [in South Pacific]
4. Korea, North
5. Korea, South
Scroll down for answers
1. Kenya 39,002,772 (growth rate: 2.7%)
2. Korea, South 48,508,972 (growth rate: 0.2%)
3. Korea, North 22,665,345 (growth rate: 0.4%)
4. Kazakhstan 15,399,437 (growth rate: 0.3%)
5. Kiribati 112,850 (growth rate: 2.2%)
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About Me

- Retired, Not Dead
- Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
- I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.
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