Week 2 of 2010: 15 days so far this year…350 days remain
►Provocative Quote .
"When all is said and done, too many people keep on saying and doing."
►Free Ramblings .
Our lunch group got off on child rearing today. I really don’t have much to say, not having raised any kids. However, a sad story was told. One of the teachers I knew didn’t trust the teenage kids. They would steal and sell family things. The parents were going on a trip. They took all their expensive, sellable stuff and locked it in the bedroom. They headed out. The next day one of the kids called and said they had locked the cat in the bedroom and it was hungry and making a lot of noise. The door had to be broken to let the cat out. When they returned, much of their sellable stuff was indeed sold. OMG. The parents didn’t travel much after that.
It is so sad to listen to the news from Haiti. Many of the planes that have doctors and much needed water can’t land and have to circle for hours and some have to go to another country to refuel and try again. Life in this century is sure difficult if there is no infrastructure.
We are approaching a 3-day weekend. Arizona was slow on the uptake to honor Mr. King, but we do now. Probably will be seeing a lot of Tuba people the next few days.
The expected storm never materialized in my area, however, some areas of Flag and much of Williams did get some snow. Our next expected storm is next week with ‘continuous snow showers for several days'—but only dropping about 6” of the white stuff. Last night only dropped to 24° and we made it to 42° today. The 25mph winds with 40mph gusts didn’t make it a very nice day around here.
►Quotes from Values.com—TEACHING BY EXAMPLE .
“I don’t want to be a product of my environment; I want my environment to be a product of me.”
~Line from film "Departed"
►Side Show Stories Unusual Warning Labels .
"Instructions: Open packet, eat nuts." - Found on a package of airline peanuts.
"Not intended for highway use." - Found on a 13-inch wheel for a wheelbarrow.
"Kills all kinds of insects. Warning: This spray is harmful to bees." - Found on a can of insecticide.
►Random Fact .
The ancient Greek physicians maintained that the balance of the humors, controlled a person's temperament. The blood (sanguis), made a person cheerful; phlegm (pituita), meant slow moving; Yellow bile (chole), made one hot tempered; black bile (melanchole), caused depression. If any of the four humors were out of balance, it reflected on the body and mind as a whole.
§ Interesting Statistics
*Note: I realize that statistics can be made to say just about anything.
~47% of the pregnancies in the US, according to the mothers, are unintended.
§ January Month Long Observances
Birthstone: Garnet …Flower: Carnation
Book Blitz Month * Bath Safety Month * Birth Defects Month * California Dried Plum Digestive Month * Celebration of Life Month * Cervical Cancer Screening Month * Financial Wellness Month * High Tech Month * International Creativity Month * International Quality of Life Month * International Wayfinding Month * International Wealth Mentality Month * National Be On-Purpose Month * National Bird Feeding Month * National Clean Up Your Computer Month * National Get Organized Month * National Glaucoma Awareness Month * National Hot Tea Month * National Mail Order Gardening Month * National Mentoring Month * National Personal Self-Defense Awareness Month * National Poverty in America Awareness Month * National Radon Action Month * National Skating Month * National Soup Month * National Volunteer Blood Donor Month * Oatmeal Month * Rising Star Month * Self-help Group Awareness Month * Senior Women’s Travel Month * Shape Up US Month * Thyroid Awareness Month
§ Observance Weeks in January
Cuckoo Dancing Week: 11-17 [honoring Laurel and Hardy]
National No Tillage Week: 13-16 [to reduce soil damage and increase crop production—especially organic farms]
§ 14 January Observances—US/UN/World
Hat Day
Humanitarian Day
International Fetish Day—charms or amulets with ‘power’
§14 January Observances—by country
Guatemala : Esquipulas – Day of Peace
Japan : Adults Day/Seijin-No-Hi
Jordan : Arbor Day
North Korea – Korean Alphabet Day.
Venezuala : Teachers' Day/Dia Del Maestro
§ Holy Mackerel: On this day in 1967…Ed Sullivan told The Rolling Stones to change the lyrics AND the title to the song, Let’s Spend the Night Together, or “be off my riiiillly big shew!” So, the Stones gave in... changing the tune to “Let’s Spend Some Time Together.”
§Who was born on this day?
~ The Arts
Peter C Asbjørnsen in 1812 - Norwegian fairy tale writer
Lloyd Bridges in 1913 - actor (Sea Hunt)
Charo in 1951 - actress/singer
Reverend Dr Martin Luther King Jr in 1929 speaker (Nobel 1964)
Gene Krupa in 1909 - drummer
Jean Baptiste Molière in 1622 – French dramatist
Mario Van Peebles in 1957 (Mexico) – actor
LeShon Johnson in 1971 - running back (Cardinals)
Lord Frederick Stanley in 1841 - presenter of hockey's Stanley Cup
Randy White in 1953 - NFL tackle (Cowboys)
~Business, Education, Politics
Gamal Abdel Nasser 1918 - President of Egypt
Aristotle Onassis in 1906 - Greek shipping magnate
Johann Oporinus [Herbster] in 1507 - Swiss book publisher (Koran)
Ella Flagg Young in 1845 - 1st woman president (National Educational Association)
Edward Teller in 1908 (Hungary) fathered H-bomb (Manhattan Project)
§Who Died on this day?
Matthew B Brady in 1896 - US photographer (Civil War), @ 72
Black Dahlia (Elizabeth Short) in 1949 murder victim found in Los Angeles (basis of the movie) @ 23
Ray Bolger in 1987 actor/dancer (Wizard of Oz), @ 82
§What happened on this day?
1797…1st top hat worn (John Etherington of London)
1863…1st US newspaper printed on wood-pulp paper, Boston Morning Journal
1864…Sixty starving NAVAJOs surrender to Kit Carson after the Canyon de Chelly fight.
1870…Donkey 1st used as symbol of Democratic Party, in Harper's Weekly
1895…Tchaikovsky's ballet "Swan Lake" premieres, St Petersburg
1907…Gold dental inlays 1st described by William Taggart, who invented them
1919…2 million gallons of molasses "Tidal wave" Boston MA, drowning 21
1936…The first all glass, windowless building was completed in Toledo, Ohio as the home of the Owens-Illinois Glass Company Laboratory.
1943…The Pentagon headquarters of the Department of Defense was completed after just 16 months construction
1971…George Harrison releases "My Sweet Lord"
1971…Aswan Dam official opens in Egypt
1973…Bonanza, a television program that aired for 14 seasons finally aired for the last time on this day.
1973…Following progress in Paris peace negotiations between National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger and Le Duc Tho of North Vietnam, President Richard Nixon halts the most concentrated bombing of the war against North Vietnam.
1975…Space Mountain opens (Disneyland)
►Rhyme & Reason Puzzle .
Answer the following clue in two rhyming words (e.g. an obese feline is a fat cat) If only one number is given, the answer is a word featuring internal rhyme (e.g. voodoo)
1. insufficient in number (3,3) :
2. shacking up: living ____ ______ (2,3):
3. brittle shipment (7,8):
4. rob the credulous (6,5):
5. leasing of teeth (6,6):
Scroll down for answers
1. insufficient in number (3,3) : too few
2. shacking up: living ____ ______ (2,3): in sin
3. brittle shipment (7,8): shivery delivery
4. rob the credulous (6,5): thieve naive
5. leasing of teeth (6,6): dental rental
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About Me

- Retired, Not Dead
- Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
- I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.
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