August 21

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Flagstaff Almanac…  
Week: 34 / Day:    Today: High   80°Low 57°
Records: High   90°(2009)Low 35°(1979)
Averages: High   78°…Low 50°
Wind:   9mph;  Gusts: 20mph
Today’s humidity:  63%

Quote of the Day…

Today’s  Historical  Highlights…
2001 - The Red Cross announces that a famine is striking Tajikistan, and 
             calls for international financial aid for Tajikistan and Uzbekistan
1987 - Clayton Lonetree, 1st marine court-martialed for spying, convicted
1985 - Mary Decker Slaney runs mile in world record 4:16.71
1972 - 1st hot air balloon flight over Alps
1968 - Marine James Anderson Jr is 1st black Medal of Honor winner
1959 - Hawaii becomes 50th US state
1938 - Italy bars all Jewish teachers in Public & High School
1897 - Oldsmobile begins operation as a General Motors Corp division
1878 - American Bar Association organizes at Sarasota, NY
1680 - Pueblo Indians takes possession of Santa Fé from Spanish

   Happy Birthday To: ♪.. 
How many can you identify…answers in Today’s Birthdays
Free Rambling Thoughts…   
My week started out well. Got the pictures printed at the local Office Max and sent them to Denver. I hope everyone is happy with the results. Then I got a haircut. The lady who does it has been on vacation and just got back. She really wanted to talk about my pictures, and I could tell she enjoyed them, as she talked about her family enjoying specific pictures. Made me feel good.

I waited for the rain, but it hasn’t come…still cloudy and maybe later tonight. Still a nice day. I also called my rental people about my new lease. They forgot to send it, but thankfully the rent is not changing. The strange part is that my lease actually ended in July, according to my records, and looking at my bank statement the last payment was made in June. The guy says my rent always comes early via electronic check, and I am paid up. Hmmm. I’m sure they will find their mistake eventually, but until then, I’ll just set up another year of monthly payments. Can’t argue with The Man. I also can’t believe my rent has changed since my second lease…5 years ago. Can’t complain about that, especially in Flagstaff.

There is a very interesting video that went viral…showing a herd of elephants that are chasing a vehicle filled with tourists. I can certainly understand that this can happen. On both my safaris, we had a young bull give us ‘the look’. Neither time did we experience any fear, but we did pull out quickly and neither young bull followed us. Both drivers did tell us that it was time to leave. The reason I’m not posting this in my blog in found on YouTube, is that it doesn’t say where it happened. I have a feeling that it might have happened at a wild animal park here in the US. It is something about the flora in the area, but not being a botanist, I can’t say for sure. It seems to me, if it happened on an African Safari, the person who posted it would have said where they were. Also, all the safari experiences I’ve seen on YouTube have told where they were, usually the lodge, but always the word Africa is somewhere on the video. Wherever it happened, it certainly was exciting and frightening, I’m sure for the riders.

Game   Center: (answers at the end of post)
What is the answer?
Answer the following clue in two rhyming words (e.g. an obese feline is a fat cat) If only one number is given, the answer is a word featuring internal rhyme (e.g. voodoo)
smelled the British elevator (7,4)
Scrambled Proverbs…
Last Day for this puzzle, new on tomorrow!
Can you unscramble the words to make an English proverb? Each puzzle has an easy version (above the black square), in which each word is scrambled individually and the spaces appear in their proper place, and a more challenging version, where the entire phrase is scrambled and spaces appear at random.
Lifestyle  Substance…     
Do you remember this?

Read Carefully!!
Miners Refuse to Work after Death
Do you know what this word means?
What is this not so common name of a common object?
Historic Flagstaff, AZ—…

60’s music…:

Harper’s Index…         
Date on which Wyoming introduced a bill to create a ‘continuity’ plan in the event of a Federal collapse: 2/16/2012
Unusal Fact of the Day…
A gun with a silencer attached sounds about as loud as a car door being slammed. It’s much quieter than the usual “bang!” but it’s not as subtle as the little “whoosh” heard in James Bond films.
Found on You Tube… 
Reclassify the objects of the Solar System (English Subtitles)        
A mother mouse and a baby mouse were walking along, when all of a sudden, a cat attacked them. The mother mouse goes, "BARK!" and the cat runs away. "See?" says the mother mouse to her baby. "Now do you see why it's important to learn a foreign language?"
Rules of Thumb…   
Easy shortcuts to make an ‘educated’ guess
LIFE LESSONS When it hurts the most, you're learning the most.
Yeah, It Really Happened…
Portland OR - Police in Oregon are trying to sting a man who robbed a local restaurant using bug spray as his weapon of choice.The thief came into a place called Elmer's on Monday wearing a blonde wig, a white beanie and a green sweatshirt with gloves just before midnight, and sprayed bug repellant in a bartender's face, the Associated Press reported.The bartender tried to bat away the can of insect repellent, but got a direct spray to the face. That enabled the thief to get away with an undisclosed amount of cash from the register of the Roseburg restaurant.Sgt. Aaron Dunbar of the Roseburg police said that bug spray isn't usually used by criminals."This is an extremely unusual case. We've had robberies in the past, but the idea of using bug spray as a weapon is a first," he told KPIC-TV.               
Somewhat Useless Information…   
Americans' drinking habits held steady in the past year, with 66% saying they consume alcohol and drinkers consuming just over four alcoholic drinks per week, on average. Beer continues to be Americans' preferred drink, although wine remains a close second, with liquor favored by 22%.While only 12% of drinkers report consuming eight or more drinks in the past week -- averaging more than one per day -- Gallup finds 22% of drinkers saying they sometimes drink too much. This is up from 17% last year, but similar to the percentages in most other years over the past decade.
Calendar Information…        
Happening This Week:
National Aviation Week
Little League Baseball World Series
Minority Enterprise Development Week

Today Is…                                                                      
Earth Over Shoot Day or Ecological Debt Day
Poet's Day
Senior Citizen's Day
National Spumoni Day  

Today’s Events Through History…  
2001 - NATO decides to send a peace-keeping force to the former Yugoslav 
            Republic of Macedonia
2000 - Tiger Woods wins golf's PGA Championship to become the first golfer 
             since Ben Hogan in 1953 to win 3 majors in a calendar year.
1997 - US government forces closure of Hudson Foods due to E Coli break out
1995 - US marshals move in on Randy Weaver's cabin in Idaho
1982 - Rollie Fingers (Brewers) becomes 1st pitcher to get save #300
1975 - US lightens trade embargo against Cuba
1972 - US orbiting astronomy observatory Copernicus launched
1945 - Pres Harry Truman ends Lend-Lease program
1944 - Grieg/Work/Forest's musical "Song of Norway," premieres in NYC
1915 - Italy declares war on Turkey in World War One
1879 - The Virgin Mary, along with St. Joseph and St. John the Evangelist, 
             reportedly appears to the people of Knock, County Mayo, Ireland
1858 - 1st Lincoln-Douglas debate (Illinois)
1856 - America's first consul to Japan, Townsend Harris, arrives in Shimoda
1847 - The Pillager Band of Chippewa sign a treaty (9 stat. 908) at Leech Lake.
1831 - Nat Turner slave revolt kills 55 (Southampton County, Virginia)
1760 - The church (later cathedral) of "Our Lady of Candlemas of Mayagüez 
             (Puerto Rico)" is founded, establishing the basis for the founding of the city
1689 - Frenchmen convince local Indians to attack British Fort Charles in Maine.
            Several settlers are killed in the fighting.

1321 - 160 Jews of Chincon France, burned at stake

Today’s Birthdays…                                                           
Under 30
Usain Bolt, Trelawny Jamaica, sprinter (Olympic Gold 2008/2012) is 26
Brody Jenner, son of Bruce is 29
In their 30’s
Amy Fisher, Long Island NY, shot Mary Jo Buttafucco is 38

In their 50’s
Kim Cattrall, actor (Sex in the City) is 56
Jim McMahon, NFL QB (Chicago Bears, San Diego Chargers, Philadelphia Eagles) 
      is 53
In their 60’s
Jackie DeShannon, Hazel Kentucky, singer (What the World Needs Now) is 68
Harry Smith, Hammond Ind, TV co-anchor (CBS Morning Show) is 61
In their 70’s
Kenny Rogers, Houston Texas, singer (Through the Years) is 72
Clarence Williams III, NYC, actor (Mod Squad, 52 Pick Up, Purple Rain) is 73

Remembered for being born today
[William] Count Basie, Red Bank NJ, jazz musician (Blazing Saddles) b. 1904
Wilt Chamberlain, NBA great center (LA Laker, 5 time MVP) b. 1936
Giacomo F. Maraldi, French-Italian astronomer b. 1665
Blossom Rock, actress, (Grandmamma-Addams Family) b. 1895
Jack Weston, American actor b. 1924

Today’s Historical Obits…                                                           
Bernice Alexandra ‘Ray’ Eames, American designer, artist and architect 
        dies in 1988 at 76
Robert Moog, American pioneer of electronic music dies of brain tumor in 2005at 71
Benjamin Thompson, American physicist and inventor dies in 1814 at 61
Leon Trotsky, Russian revolutionary, icepicked by Ramón Mercader in 1940 at 62

Do you know what this word means?
The space between the thumb and the forefingers.
What is the answer?
Sniffed lift
Scrambled Proverbs
Like a needle in a haystack

Disclaimer: All opinions are mine…feel free to agree or disagree.
All ‘data’ info is from the internet sites and is usually checked with at least one other source, but I have learned that every site has mistakes and sadly once out the information is out there, many sites simply copy it and is therefore difficult to verify. Also for events occurring before the Gregorian calendar was adopted [1582] the dates may not be totally accurate.
    And That Is All for Now 

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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.