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Almanac: Week: 29 \ Day: 197
July Averages: 82°\50°
86004 Today: H 82° \ L 48° Average Sky Cover: 20% 
Wind ave:   7mph\Gusts:  25mph
Ave. High: 83° Record High:  92° (1961) Ave. Low: 50° Record Low:  37° (2001)
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Observances Today:
Fresh Spinach Day
Get to Know Your Customers Day
Hot Dog Night
National Tapioca Pudding Day
National Woodie Wagon Day
Respect Canada Day
Toss Away the "Could Haves" and "Should Haves" Day
World Snake Day

La Paz Day (Bolivia-1809-City becomes independent of Spain)
Ramadan (Islam)
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Observances This Week:
Sports Cliché Week: 12-16 
Rabbit Week: 15-21
National Baby Food Week: 15-18 
National Ventriloquism Week: 15-18  

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Quote of the Day 

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US Historical Highlights for Today
1755 - John Adams graduates Harvard
1769 - Father Junipero Serra founds Mission San Diego, 1st mission in California
1790 - US Congress establishes District of Columbia
1798 - US Public Health Service forms & US Marine Hospital authorized
1845 - NY Yacht Club holds its 1st regatta
1847 - The Mormon Battalion was mustered out on this date in 1847 after blazing the first wagon road through southern Arizona. The Mormon Battalion, the only religiously-based unit in United States military history, served from July 1846 to July 1847
1861 - Battle of Bull Run, the 1st major battle of the Civil War, is fought
1904 - Islands of Manu'a group (Samoa) ceded to US by their chiefs
1935 - 1st automatic parking meter in US installed (Oklahoma City, Ok)
1951 - Novel "Catcher in Rye" by J. D. Salinger published
1956 - Last Ringling Bros, Barnum & Bailey Circus under a canvas tent
1969 - Apollo 11, carrying 1st men to land on Moon, launched
1988 - Carl Lewis runs a wind-assisted 100 m in 9.78 sec
1988 - Florence Joyner runs 100 m in women's world record 10.49 seconds
1988 - Jackie Joyner-Kersee sets women's heptathlete record of 7,215 pts
1994 - 3 tenors-Placid Domingo, Luciano Parvoti, Jose Carreras, perform in LA
1999 - John F. Kennedy Jr., his wife Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, and sister-in-law Lauren Bessette are killed in a plane crash off the coast of Martha's Vineyard. The Piper Saratoga aircraft was piloted by Kennedy.
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Today’s World Events through History
  622 - Muslim Era begins - Muhammad begins flight from Mecca to Medina (Hijra)
1429 - Joan of Arc and the French army enter the city of Rheims
1439 - Kissing is banned in England (to stop germs from spreading)
1519 - Public debate between Martin Luther & theologist John Eck at Pleissenburg Castle in Liepzig, Luther denies the divine right of the Pope
1548 - La Paz, Bolivia is founded
1918 - A Bolshevik firing squad at Ekaterinburg, Siberia, executes Tsar Nicholas II of Russia and his family
1926 - National Geographic takes 1st natural-color undersea photos
 - Amazon river carries 190,000 m3/sec of water (record)

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Birthdays Today:
How many can you identify? Answers below in Birthdays Today 

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My Rambling Thoughts
Great summer day…warm, slight breeze.
What a strange Iranian development. The US does not recognize the Iranian government and hasn’t had diplomatic relations with it for decades, since the Hostage Crisis in the 70’s. Now we, along with others (IAEA) who do recognize Iran, have made a deal about nuclear weapons. The IAEA, not the US, will be able to send in monitors. The US sanctions are not being lifted, as that takes Congress. So what’s the big deal over signing? If the US doesn’t approve this, the IAEA will probably drop all their sanctions and all the money generated by Iran may go to building a bomb.
Riveted, waiting for the next photos of Pluto. Maybe because the former Planet, now dwarf planet, was discovered here in Flagstaff…so we are getting lots of news and events or maybe because space has always been fascinating to me. Whatever, the photos are so cool.
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Brain Teasers
(answers at the end of post)
In the following list, the words are out of order (the correct order is NOT alphabetical). Can you figure out the pattern and put them in the proper order? 

A. Leaf
B. Part
C. Mitt
D. Corn
E. Saw

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Found on You Tube with some relevance to today
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…Cool Facts…
It 'snows' metal on Venus.

Queen ants have one of the longest life-spans of any known insect - typically up to 30 years. Western harvester ant queens can live up to 40 years!
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…Flagstaff, AZ History…
75 YEARS AGO-1940
Rural schools began their two weeks of "Christmas in July" vacation” following the 4th of July holiday. Schools that closed during the deep-snow winter season and are now in session all summer are Maine, Red Lake, Cosmos, Winona, Kendrick Park and Gibson’s Camp. Bessie Best, Coconino County, AZ Superintendent.
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…Harper’s Index…
1/2 – projected portion of global wealth that will be held by the richest 1% of the world’s population by the end of 2016
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… Relationship Facts…
One in five long-term love relationships began with one or both partners being involved with others.

8 out of 10 people think that the first kiss indicates how the rest of the relationship will be.
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…Unusual Fact of the Day…
Bugs Bunny was the second cartoon character to receive a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame; the first was Mickey Mouse.
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2 jokes for the day
The teacher asked the class to define “Pedestrian”

Tom raises his hand and says: “A person who can be easily reached by car.”

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A couple was having a party at their house.
An hour before the party the woman found out that she still needed escargots.
So she sent her husband out to get it.
He was walking to the supermarket and he figured he had lots of time.
So he stopped at the bar on the way.
An hour and a half later he looked at his watch and realized that the party had already started.
He quickly ran to the market, bought the snails and ran home.
He tried to sneak into the kitchen without his wife seeing him.
But at that moment his wife came out.
He quickly threw the snails on the floor and said, "Come on guys, we're almost there."

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Yep, It Really Happened
LARKSPUR, Colo. (UPI) - A man who allegedly tried to swipe a jouster's sword at the Colorado Renaissance Festival was tackled by two women and held for police by a knight in shining armor. Witnesses said the man jumped into the jousting pen during a demonstration Saturday at the event in Larkspur and ran off with a sword. Steven Chapman, who snapped photos of the incident and posted them to Facebook, said he saw the man being pursued by two women. "A man held a sword and appeared to be playing keep-away with two women. When one of the females shouted for security I realized the moment was serious," Chapman wrote on his blog, TumbleweedTourist.com. "Before onlookers could intervene, one woman ripped the stolen sword from the man and another woman (dressed as a wench) tackled him to the ground, quickly applying a headlock. I photographed the incident from the time of the take-down to when the suspect was led away by authorities." The woman who tackled the man was soon relieved by a knight in shining armor -- the woman's husband. The suspect, identified as Connor Ward, 22, was charged with attempted assault on a police officer, resisting arrest and theft. Police said Ward was drunk and is a friend of the performers who tackled and held him.    
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Somewhat Useless Information
There are no longer nine officially recognized planets. The International Astronomical Union famously reclassified Pluto as a "dwarf planet" in 2006, in a decision that remains controversial today.

Pluto was discovered in 1930 by American astronomer Clyde Tombaugh, and the dwarf planet has remained mysterious ever since. 

Astronomers didn't know Pluto had any moons until 1978, when the dwarf planet's big satellite, Charon, was first spotted. At 750 miles in diameter, Charon is about half as wide as Pluto itself. Furthermore, the two bodies' center of gravity lies outside the dwarf planet, so many researchers regard Pluto-Charon as a binary system.

Pluto's surface seems to be much younger than Charon's gray facade, New Horizons leader Alan Stern said in a press conference. Its relative lack of impact craters suggest the dwarf planet's surface is renewing, either by geological or atmospheric activity, such as erosion.
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Birthdays Today
73 - Margaret Smith Court, Australian tennis pro (24 Grand Slam wins)
72 - Jimmy Johnson, NFL coach (Dallas Cowboys, Miami Dolphins)
57 - Michael Flatley, Chicago, Irish choreographer (Lord of Dance)
48 - Will Ferrell, American comedian
44 - Corey Feldman, actor (License to Drive, Stand by Me)
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Born this day…Died in __@__
Mary Baker Eddy, Bow New Hampshire, founded Christian Science-1910@89
Orville Redenbacher, American popcorn King-1995@88
Ginger Rogers, [Virginia McMath], dancer (Gay Divorcee)-1995@83
Barbara Stanwyck, Bkln, actress (Dynasty II, Big Valley)-1990@82
Giuseppe Piazzi, Italian monk/discoverer (1st asteroid-Ceres)-1826@80
"Shoeless" Joe Jackson, African American sox player (Say it aint so, Joe)-1951@64
Roald Amundsen, Norway, explorer, discovered South Pole-1928@55
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Historical Obits Today
Kitty Wells, American country singer-2012@92
Johnny Winter, American Hall of Fame blues musician, pneumonia-2014@70
Mary Todd Lincoln, First Lady, fall, 1882@63
Anne of Cleves, queen of England/4th wife of Henry VIII, cancer?-1557@41
John F. Kennedy Jr., American publisher (George) plane crash-1999@38
Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, wife of John F. Kennedy, Jr., plane crash-1999@33
Tad Lincoln, son of U.S. president Abraham Lincoln, TB-1871@18
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Brain Teasers Answers
The words, when combined with the placement letter, form new words.

A. Corn (Acorn)
B. Leaf (Belief)
C. Saw (See-Saw)
D. Part (Depart)
E. Mitt (Emit)

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Disclaimer: All opinions are mine…feel free to agree or disagree.
All ‘data’ info is from the internet sites and is usually checked with at least one other source, but I have learned that every site contains mistakes and sadly once the information is out there, many sites simply copy it and is therefore difficult to verify. Also for events occurring before the Gregorian calendar was adopted [1582] the dates may not be totally accurate.

§…And That Is All for Now…§

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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.