Veteran's Day 2019

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Happy Veteran’s Day

Nov. 11, 2019 Week: 46  Day: 315
86004:   H 64° \ L 24° \ Average Sky Cover: 90%

Nearest active fire:  181mi.  Nearest lightning:  1656mi
Wind:   6mph\Gusts:  9mph  Visibility: 10 mi

Record High: 73°[1973]   Record Low:[1950]
Nov. Averages: 53°\23° (3 days with moisture)

Today’s Quote

“All genuine education
comes about through experience.”
~ John Dewey

Observances This Week

World Origami Days

Dear Santa Letter Week

Geography Awareness Week Link 
National Nurse Practioner's Week
Link  Link
National Radiologic Technology Week
National Split Pea Soup Week
Perioperative Nurse Week
Snowcare For Troops Awareness Week
World Kindness Week
National Book Awards Week

National Young Readers Week Link

Observances for Today

Death/Duty Day
GIS Day (Geographic Information Systems)  Link 
International Pathology Day Link
Forget-Me-Not Day Link  
National Homunculus Awareness Day  Link
National Sundae Day
Origami Day
Red Lipstick Day
Veteran's Day/
Armistice Day Link

My Rambling Thoughts

Thank you to all the Veterans for their service to this country. I learned that many Natives have served. When the Vietnam war ended, I was in Shonto, a small community with 8 miles of dirt road to get to the school of about 900 K-8 students. My 3rd graders had lots of questions when the announcement was made. Most common was ‘Does that mean that my (uncle, brother, father, grandfather) is coming home’. Back then almost all the Natives serving had volunteered. Many of my students joined the military after high school. Our business manager at Tuba was a Purple Heart Vietnam Vet. My principal at Red Lake was a Vietnam medic. The Jr. High Department Secretary was married to a Code Talker. My dad was a Vet, serving in the Navy before the war and in the Army during WWII. My friend Bob was an Air Force Vet. And many more I know have served with honor.  I hope everyone flies their flag on Veteran’s Day to honor the many who have served.

Bob’s service will be on Saturday Nov 16 @ 1:30 at the Crown Hill Mortuary in Wheat Ridge. I’ll be there with his many friends and family.

While this country is basically inflation free, Trump is requesting fees for asylum seekers and raising the fees to apply for citizenship hugely as he would say. If they go through, the US will only be the fourth country in the world to charge asylum seekers a fee.

Cards and Buccaneers are having a good game. Could easily go to either team.

Today’s Puzzle
Answer at the bottom of this page
A man was working the night shift when he received an urgent phone call, giving him information that caused him to dash home at breakneck speed.

On bursting into his bedroom quite breathless he found his informant was quite correct. His wife was in bed with someone he had never seen before.

However, far from being angry, he greeted them both with a smile and a few hours later brought them both breakfast in bed.

What is the explanation for this odd behavior?

Historical Events

1215 - The Fourth Lateran Council met, defining the doctrine of transubstantiation, the process by which bread and wine are, by that doctrine, said to transform into the body and blood of Christ.

1675 German mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz demonstrates integral calculus for the first time to find the area under the graph of y = f(x) function

1750 - The F.H.C. Society, also known as the Flat Hat Club, was formed at Raleigh Tavern, Williamsburg, Virginia. It is the first American college fraternity.

1775 Mohawk military leader Joseph Brant goes to London to solicit more support from the government and to persuade the Crown to address past Mohawk land grievances in exchange for their participation as allies in the impending war

1790 - Chrysanthemums were introduced to England from China by M. Cels (France).

1807 Washington Irving's Salmagundi periodical published - first to associate the name "Gotham" with New York City

1839 - The Virginia Military Institute was founded in Lexington, Virginia.

1851 - The first U.S. patent (Patent #8,509) for a telescope design was issued to Alvan Clark of Cambridge, Mass.

1864 - Sherman's March to the Sea - General William Tecumseh Sherman began burning Atlanta, Georgia to the ground in preparation for his march south.

1918 - Armistice signed by the Allies and Germany comes into ending WW I.

1921 - President Harding dedicated the Tomb of Unknown Soldier at Arlington Cemetery. It is also known as The Tomb of the Unknowns.

1926 - U.S. Route 66 was established. It has also been called The Will Rogers Highway.

1930 - Albert Einstein and Leó Szilárd got the patent (#1,781,541) for their invention, the Einstein refrigerator.

1935 -A record 72,395 feet was reached by Lt. Col. Albert William Stevens and Captain Orvil Anderson, by helium balloon in a sealed gondola, Explorer II.

1938 - Mary Mallon (Typhoid Mary) died. Fifty-one original cases of typhoid and three deaths were directly attributed to her, although she was immune to the typhoid bacillus (Salmonella typhi).

1939 - Kate Smith first sang Irving Berlin's God Bless America on her radio show. Irving Berlin had originally written it in 1918.

1966 - Methodist Church & Evangelical United Brethren Church joined together as the United Methodist Church (USA)

1980 - Too Close for Comfort premiered on ABC. It was modeled after the British series Keep It in the Family'.

1987 - Van Gogh's Irises sold for record 53.9 million dollars at auction via Sotheby's, New York.

1994 - Bill Gates bought Leonardo da Vinci's Codex Leicester for $30,800,000. It was an insightful overview on Leonardo's thoughts on a variety of topics. It was also the most expensive book or manuscript of all time.

2004 - The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) confirmed the death of Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas is elected chairman of the PLO minutes later.

2015 Montreal begins a controversial dumping of raw sewage (2.1bn gallons) into the St Lawrence River

2017 Largest Singles Day sales ever - Alibaba says its sales alone were $25.3 billion

2018 On centenary of WWI Armistice Day French President Macron urges world to reject Nationalism in speech to under Arc de Triomphe in Paris

2018 Chinese e-commerce company Alibaba sets new record for their Singles Day sale, $1 billion in 85 seconds, $30.8bn in 24 hours

Birthdays Today

@92 – Alger Hiss, American lawyer and convicted spy
(died in 1996)

@87 – Jonathan Winters, American actor and screenwriter
(died in 2013)

@84 – Kurt Vonnegut, American novelist, short story writer
and essayist
(died in 2007)

@83 – Pat O'Brien, American actor
(died in 1983)

@79 – Stubby Kaye  
Bernard Solomon Kotzin, American entertainer
(died in 1997; lung cancer)

79 – Barbara Boxer, American journalist and politician

@60 – George S. Patton, American general
(died in 1945; 12 days after vehicle accident)

59 – Stanley Tucci, American actor and director

57 – Demi Moore, American actress, director and producer

55 – Calista Flockhart, American actress

46 – Leonardo DiCaprio, American actor and producer

Puzzle answer:

His wife had just given birth.

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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.