Attention! For Immediate Release—
I enjoy getting emails. I enjoy reading emails. I even forward many emails to my buddies. Some might even say, I send out too many emails. There are two kinds of emails I never--repeat never--send on. Can you guess what categories these emails fall into?
The first category are those that say I will have bad luck, bad karma, bad vibes, or something else bad will happen if I don’t forward them. The ones I really dislike are the ones that threaten me with a time limit. You must send this on in 4,5, 10 minutes for this to work. This is usually followed by how much good will come based on the number of people I send it to. One person brings 2 minutes of good, five people bring a week of good, 10 people bring a month, 2000 people bring a lifetime of good. Give me a break.
The second category are the ones that send a cheery message, with lots of cute little hearts, cute smiling animals, and dancing animations. These are OK, and are usually creative, until you get to the end. That’s what sets me off. If you agree with all this sugary sentiment, send it back to me so I will know how you feel. If I am really your best friend, you know it already. If I am really in love with you, you know it already. If I really like you a lot, you know it already. And finally, why would anyone send this sugar sweet note to so many people? How many best friends can one have? Note that even Facebook doesn’t call people a Best Friend, only a friend. Also these forwards usually have three or four pages of addresses of people who have received and sent the message. Ever hear of BCC? If you really like, luv, or care about me, call me on the phone or send a personal note just to me.
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Random Fact
The wingspan of a Boeing 747 jet is longer than the Wright Brothers' first flight.
July is…
…Air Conditioning Appreciation Month…Blueberries Month…Cell Phone Courtesy Month…Family Reunion Month…Herbal/Prescription Awareness Month…Nat’l Doghouse Repair Month…Nat’l Grilling, Nat’l Hot Dog, Nat’l Horseradish, and Nat’l Ice Cream Month…Smart Irrigation Month…Social Wellness Month…Tour de France Month…Women’s Motorcycle Month…
Week of July 21
National Baby Food Week
July 22—203 days so far this year…162 days remain in 2009
Health, Happiness through Hypnosis Day
Rat-Catcher’s Day—for Pied Piper of Hamelin
Spoonerism Day
American Poet Day—for Stephen Vincent Benet
*Pakistan: Bank Holiday
*Poland: Liberation Day [1944]
Gregor Mendel monk/geneticist, discoverer of the laws of heredity
Rev William Archibald Spooner London, invented "spoonerisms"
Emma Lazarus poet ("The New Colossus"-base of Statue of Liberty)
Rose Kennedy mom of JFK, RFK & Ted
Stephen Vincent Benet US, writer (The Devil & Daniel Webster)
Amy Vanderbilt authority on etiquette
Robert Dole (Sen-R-Ks)
Orson Bean actor/comedian
Oscar de la Renta Dom Rep, designer
Alex Trebek Sudbury Ontario, TV game host
Danny Glover actor: Lethal Weapon series
Don Henley drummer (Eagles)
Willem Dafoe actor
English defeat Scots at Battle of Falkirk
The United States enacts a law for the formal regulation of trade with Indians titled "An Act providing for Holding a Treaty or Treaties to Establish Peace with Certain Indian Tribes." It also enacts "An Act to Regulate Trade and Intercourse With the Indian Tribes."
Caterina Jarboro sings "Aida," NYC-1st Black prima donna in US
Gasoline rationing begins in US during WW II
In his monoplane, the Winnie Mae, American aviator Wiley Post completes the first solo around-the-world flight.
Word Puzzle from NPR Sunday Puzzler…1987
For each pair of words below, name an animal that can follow the first word and precede the second one to complete a compound word or a familiar two-word phrase. Note: None of the new words or phrases formed can themselves be animals.
EX: Cash _____ Slip
Answers: cow
1. Dark _____ Laugh
2. Grease _____ Business
3. Copy _____ Nap
4. Hot _____ Paddle
5. Paper _____ Lily
6. Road _____ Wild
7. Pack _____ Race
8. White _____ Ears
9. Silver _____ Trot
10. Literary _____ Hearted
• Bonus: Lone _____ Whistle
1. Horse
2. Monkey
3. Cat
4. Dog
5. Tiger
6. Hog
7. Rat
8. Elephant
9. Fox
10. Lion
* Bonus: Wolf
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About Me

- Retired, Not Dead
- Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
- I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.
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