Flagstaff Today 43°:
Week 10 Day 66 Air Quality: Fair Moderate Partly Mostly Cloudy
Overcast Smoky Red
Flag Warning Sunshine Wind 12 mph Gusts 33 mph Cold wind Active
Fire: 347 miles away Risk of Fire:
Very Low Nearest lightning: 312 miles away Mar Averages: Temps: 52°\24°
Moisture: 4 Days |
Monthly Observations
Problem Gambling Awareness
Month Link |
Sing With Your Child Month |
Weekly Observations
1-7 Hearing
Awareness Week Link Telecommuter
Appreciation Week |
2-8 No More
Week Link 2-9 Women of
Aviation Worldwide Week Orthodox
Lent 3-7 National
School Breakfast Week Lent |
Daily Observations
Alexander Graham Bell Day |
National “Be Heard” Day
National Cereal Day Link |
Today’s Quote
Today’s Memes
Thoughts for the day
Typical…wind, snow, sun, wind, snow,
sun. Only about an inch of snow but that
is melting.
I had lunch with Faith and Andy at our
favorite Chinese restaurant. I brushed the snow off my vehicle. Warmed it up
about 10 minutes before I was leaving for lunch. Got inside and no audio. I restarted
the car and still no audio. Drove to the restaurant without any audio. I had a
great lunch with great conversaton.dd When I started my car, the radio was
working fine. Magic I guess.
More snow expected today and tonight.
Forgotten American Heros…
Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams, wife of John Adams,
was a formidable figure in American history, known for her advocacy of women's
rights and abolitionism. Her extensive correspondence provides valuable
insights into the political climate of her time.
Adams’ influence extended beyond her
husband's presidency, as she championed education and equality. Her legacy as
an advocate for women's rights and social justice endures, reminding us of the
enduring power of words and the impact of strong, intelligent leadership.
Random Thoughts…
One day someone just started
counting every moment they could and measured it; we now know this as time.
A group of protesters is called
a tantrum.
Joan Crawford – Real Name:
Lucille LeSueur
· The official nickname of people
from the state of Indiana is “Hoosiers”, making Indiana the first state not to
have a version of their state name in their nickname (“Floridians”,
“Pennsylvanians”, etc.).
Bass is spelled the same as
bass, but bass sounds the same as base. Also, red sounds the same as read, but
read is spelled the same as read.
Irving Berlin – Real Name: Israel Baline |
Historic Events
Click here for the history on
7 Mar
88 – Willard Scott, American television
@79 – John Herschel, English mathematician and
astronomer (d. 1871)
…The End for today…