Flag Today 50°/21° Week 48 Day 339 Air Quality: Fair Sunshine Wind 5 mph Gusts 8 mph Light
Breeze Active Fire: 132 miles away Risk of fire: Moderate
Lightning: 1056 miles away Dec. Averages: Temps: 45°\18° Moisture: 5 Days |
Weekly Observations
4-24 Andisop (Meterological
Fiddling) Link |
1-7 Cookie Cutter WeekLink Older Driver Safety
Awareness Week Link Clerc-Gallaudet Week |
Daily Observations
Alpha Phi Alpha Day |
National Dystychiphobia Awareness Day Link |
Today’s Quote
Today’s Meme
Thoughts for the day
Yet another nice fall day.
Whlie shopping, I picked up a new pair
of house slippers. It’s hard to find ones that have a heel, I don’t like the
heelless ones.
Nice to see the Broncos beat the
Browns on TV. It was a decent game.
Martial Law in South Korea. I wonder what that will do for our
relationship with S. Korea. Also
wondering how N. Korea will react. I’m hoping for the best.
Trivia Time
Christmas Traditions
The A Christmas
Story Marathon on TBS
If one of the
highlights of your holiday is tuning in for 24 hours of watching
Ralphie Parker nearly shoot his eye out, you’re not alone—over the course
of the day, millions of viewers flip to TBS. The marathon first aired
on TNT in 1997, then switched to sister station TBS in 2004.
Random Thoughts…
earliest recorded recipe for Mac & Cheese is from the 14th century.
Hitchcock chose to not conclude the film The Birds with the
usual “THE END” title because he wanted to leave the audience on edge.
used in professional badminton are made of feathers from the left wing of a
goose. Feathers from the right wing make them spin the wrong way.
is what you’re capable of doing…
Motivation determines what you do…
Attitude determines how well you do it.
Ancient Roman Life
Roman baths included
just about everything someone could need
Over the years,
archeologists have discovered amazing things that help to tell the story of
life in Ancient Rome. Roman baths are one of many discoveries. But what was
their purpose? They were much more than a place for communal bathing with the
rest of the city.
Because they covered
areas as small as little towns, the baths had all the necessary amenities. The
largest was the Baths of Caracalla. The baths could accommodate 1,600 people
and included a library, gym, and two fountains measuring 19 feet. The baths also
featured a gentleman’s residence, marble statues, artwork, and mosaics.
Historic Events
1674 –
In what is now Chicago, Father Jacques Marquette founded a mission on
the shores of Lake Michigan to minister to the Illiniwek Indians.
– The Los Angeles Times began publication.
1917 –
“Shell Shock” was introduced as psychological trauma for war veterans.
1943 –
Major League Baseball Commissioner Kenesaw Mountain Landis announced that any
club could employ black players.
1945 –
The Senate approved the participation of the United States in the UN. The
United Nations began several weeks earlier, on October 24, 1945.
1952 –
Starting today, and over the course of the next several days, Smog (severe air
pollution) killed over 4,000 people in London.
– A fire broke out at the Montreux Casino during a Frank Zappa concert, this
event was the inspiration for Deep Purple’s iconic rock anthem Smoke on
the Water.
– Falcon Crest premiered on CBS.
1991 –
Pan American World Airways (Pan Am) ceased operations.
Tomei, 60 Movie Actress Wink Martindale, 91, American game show host |
@90 – Charles Keating, American lawyer, and
financier (d. 2014) @82 – Francisco Franco, Spanish leader (d. 1975) @79 – Claude Renoir, French cinematographer (d. 1993) @49 – Edith Louisa Cavell, English nurse, and spy (d. 1915;
executed) @39 – Dennis Wilson, American singer-songwriter, and drummer (d. 1983;
drowned) |
…The End for today…