Dec 17, 2012

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Flagstaff Almanac:  Week: 51/ Day: 353   
Today: H   30°L 16° Averages: H  42° L 16°
Records: H   63°(1958)L -18°(1971)
Wind: ave:   12mph; Gusts:  16mph Today’s ave. humidity:  92%
Quote of the Day:

Today’s Historical Highlights:
Anti-WTO protesters riot in Wan Chai, Hong Kong—2005 
Astrodome opens, 1st event is Judy Garland & Supremes concertv—1965
Aztec calendar stone discovered in Mexico City—1790
Kentucky abolishes debtors prisons—1821
Longest-running American sitcom The Simpsons had its debut—1989
Niteroi Circus of Rio de Janeiro catches fire; 323 die—1961
OPEC raises oil prices 18%—1978
Pope Clemens VII publishes degree Cum ad zero - forms Inquisition—1526
Republic of Lakotah asserts independence from the United States—2007 
USAF closes Project Blue Book, concluding no evidence of extraterrestrial—1969

     Happy Birthday To: ♪. ♪   
How many can you identify?…answers in Today’s Birthdays

Free Rambling Thoughts:   
Sun shine, snow melting, getting ready for the next storm on Wednesday. Busy week ahead with lots of lunches and then a plane trip to Chicago. Amazing how quickly time flies when Christmas gets close.
Very moving service today with our President in Newtown.
What do you know…both the Broncos and the Cardinals won today…amazing!
Game  Center: (answers at the end of post)
Duplicate Letter Puzzles
Find common words with certain letters duplicated in the given positions. V stands for a duplicated vowel, C stands for a duplicated consonant, L stands for any duplicated letter, and _ stands for any letter
_ V C C V V C
Lifestyle  Substance:     
Old Saying Explained:
In the Middle Ages people thought that bear cubs were born shapeless and their mother literally licked them into shape.
Ok, then?

Movie Theme Songs you may remember:
Toy Story ''You've Got a Friend in Me''
Read This Headline Carefully!!
On the menu of a Swiss Restaurant:
Winter-ish cartoons:

Bet You Didn’t Know…from History Channel
According to recent studies, the Maya were producing rubber products 3,000 years before Charles Goodyear received his patent for rubber vulcanization in 1843.
Harper’s Index:         
Minimum gigabytes of data stored in a typical gram of human feces: 10.000.000
Unusual Fact of the Day:
The 1980 movie Chariots of Fire was the first movie in nearly fifty years to win an Oscar for Best Picture without winning any of the five other "major" awards (Best Actor, Actress, Director, Supporting Actor, and Supporting Actress).
Found on You Tube: 

One day, a cowboy rode into a Wild, Wild West town. The people in the town love to play jokes on visitors. After tying his horse to the pole outside a bar, the cowboy went in. "A cup of milk please." he said to the bartender. After drinking, he went out, only to find his horse missing. Knowing that the villagers did it, he went back into the bar and said to everybody," I am going to have another drink and when I finish it, I want to see my horse outside! Or else, I will have to do what I did in Texas - HERE!"
The people were very frightened. When he finished his drink, he went outside and saw his horse. The villagers had put it back. Curious, the bartender asked the cowboy,” What did you do in Texas?"
The Cowboy replied," Well, I had to walk home
Rules of Thumb:   
Easy shortcuts to make an ‘educated’ guess
Don't make changes based on reader feedback until you've heard the same comment from three different people.   
Yeah, It Really Happened
DONCASTER, England- A spectator was removed from the crowd at a darts tournament in Britain when his resemblance to Jesus caused the crowd to chant toward him. "Stand up if you love Jesus," the crowd chanted. The Professional Darts Corporate ion said Nathan Grindal, 33, was escorted to another part of the venue to watch the match between Phil "The Power" Taylor and Belgian opponent Kim Huybrechts when members of the 4,500-strong crowd at the Cash Converters Players Championship in Doncaster, England, began their chant, The Mirror reported Thursday. Grindal said he did not find the incident amusing. "It was distressing. I was emotionally distraught. The crowd were bullying me and picking on me. It would have been OK if security hadn't made a fuss getting me out," he said. "In his post-match interview, Phil Taylor said something like, 'If I ever see Jesus again, I'll crucify him myself.' Now that's just hurtful." Kim Huybrechts, who lost the match, signed Grindal's program after the incident. "To Jesus. Hard luck mate," he wrote. A spokesman for the Professional Darts Corporation said officials worried the chants would be distracting to the players.
Somewhat Useless Information   
  • 3 medium size bananas weigh approximately 1 pound.
  • A cluster of bananas is called a hand and consists of 10 to 20 bananas, which are known as fingers.
  • As bananas ripen, the starch in the fruit turns to sugar. Therefore, the riper the banana the sweeter it will taste.
  • Banana plants are the largest plants on earth without a woody stem. They are actually giant herbs of the same family as lilies, orchids and palms.
  • Bananas are a good source of vitamin C, potassium and dietary fiber.
  • Bananas are America's #1 fruit.
  • Bananas are available all year-round. They are harvested every day of the year.

 Calendar Information        
Happening This Week:

14-18> Halcyon Days
16-1/5> Christmas Bird Count Week
16-24> Gluten-free Baking Week; Posadas
17-23> Saturnalia—ancient Roman festival in honor of the deity Saturn

Today Is                                                                      
Free Shipping Day
National Maple Syrup Day
Wright Brothers Day
Today’s Events through History  
1st US diesel electric locomotive enters service, Bronx, NY—1924
Bonnie Prince Charles army retreats to Scotland—1745
Budweiser rocket car reaches 1190 kph (record for wheeled vehicle) —1979
Land cession agreement by British and the "SIX NATIONS." —1754
New Ellis Island Immigration station completed costing $1.5 million—1900
NYC traffic regulation creates 1st 1-way street—1791
US Army announces end of excluding Jap-Americans from West Coast—1944
US successfully test-fires Atlas intercontinental ballistic missile—1957
Ventriloquist Edgar Bergen & dummy Charlie McCarthy, appear on TV—1936

Today’s Birthdays                                                           
In their 60’s
Wes Studi, actor (Last of the Mohicans) is 65
In their 50’s
Bill Pullman, Hornell NY, actor (Independence Day) is 59
In their 40’s
Chuck Liddell, American mixed martial artist is 43
In their 30’s
Milla Jovovich, Kiev Ukraine, actress (Return to Blue Lagoon, Chaplin) is 37
Manny Pacquiao, Filipino boxer is 34
Remembered for being born today
Joseph Henry, US, scientist/inventor/pioneer of electromagnetism (1797-1878)
Arthur Fiedler, Boston Mass, conductor (Boston Pops) (1894-1979)
Bob Guccione, [Robert C J Edwa], US publisher (Penthouse, Omni), (1930-2010)
Kenneth E. Iverson, Canadian computer scientist (1920-2004)
George Lindsey, American actor (The Andy Griffith Show), (1935-2012)
Bob Mathias, American decathlete and congressman (1930-cancer-2006)
William Safire, political columnist (NY Times)/speech writer (Nixon), (1929-2009)
John Greenleaf Whittier, US, poet (Snow-bound) (1807-1892)

Today’s Historical Obits                                                           
Rex Allen, American actor, singer and songwriter—heart attack—1999—at 78
Jack Anderson, American journalist—2005—at 83
Dana Andrews, US actor (Laura)—pneumonia—1992—at 83
Simón Bolívar, South American revolutionary and president (Colombia)—TB—1830—at 47
Don Draper, actor (Pepper Agent 00X)—1990—AIDS at 61
Jennifer Jones, Oscar winning actress—2009—at 90
Kim Jong-il, supreme leader of North Korea—suspected heart attack—2011—at 70

Answer: Duplicate Letter Puzzles
Disclaimer: All opinions are mine…feel free to agree or disagree.
All ‘data’ info is from the internet sites and is usually checked with at least one other source, but I have learned that every site has mistakes and sadly once out the information is out there, many sites simply copy it and is therefore difficult to verify. Also for events occurring before the Gregorian calendar was adopted [1582] the dates may not be totally accurate.
§    And That Is All for Now  §

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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.