Oct 14


Week: 42 Day: 287
Ave. Sky Cover:  10%\Visibility: 10 miles
Local Temp:   48°\ 21° Wind: 5mph\ Gusts: 8mph
Low risk of fire Active fire: 122mi. \ Lightning: 648mi.
Oct Averages: 63°\32° (4 days w/moisture)


Today’s Quote

Weekly Observations



Death Penalty Focus Week
National Metric Week
Drink Local Wine Week
Earth Science Week
Emergency Nurses Week
National Chestnut Week  
National Food Bank Week
Teen Read Week  


Take Your Medicine Americans Week


World Rainforest Week: Link  
Choose To Be G.R.E.A.T. Week  
National School Lunch Week  


Bone and Joint Health National Awareness Week Link


National Police Week  Link  


Daily Observations



Favorite Memes










Kalashnikov, or AK-47

Arguably the most famous weapon in history, the AK-47 was designed from a hospital bed by Mikhail Kalashnikov. Kalashnikov, who served in a Russian tank unit, had been wounded during a battle against Germany in World War II.



The Jacuzzi family emigrated from Italy to California in the early 1900s. They worked in the agriculture sector, improving aviation devices and water pumps. They invented the submersible pump, which was the first of its kind in the world. When a family member developed arthritis, the brothers created a portable hydrotherapy pump, which was the first type of Jacuzzi.



My Sometimes-Long-Winded Thoughts


Sunny day, snow gone. Still chilly. Fall as usual.

So, Captain Kirk went up into space, floated, came back down. All good. And is he 90 years old. Cool.

Scammers are part of our life. I’m amazed that nobody can end these guys. I have basically given up answering my land line. If a human leaves a message and I’m interested I call back. If not, I simply erase the message. My next step is to turn off the ringer. I got 5 calls between 8am and 9a this morning. Not one left a message, not one had a name with the phone number on my phone. Disgusted.

My CPAP provider called me to tell me my supplies were ready. I asked when they were going to check the Oxygen machine I use with the CPAP. The guy checked and said they would be out today. I put a reminder on my phone so I can call them next year when it is time. They have gotten much better about supplies, but still don’t have the machine checks figured out.  Baby steps I guess.




Historical Events



1066 – The Battle of Hastings – Normany forces defeated the Anglo-Saxons.

1888 – Louis Le Prince filmed the first motion picture, Roundhay Garden Scene.

1892 Arthur Conan Doyle publishes "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" collection of 12 stories originally published serially in "The Strand Magazine"

1926 A. A. Milne's book "Winnie the Pooh" released

1947 – Flying a Bell X-1, pilot Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier in the first supersonic flight.

1964 – Dr. Martin Luther King won the Nobel Peace Prize.

1980 Presidential nominee Ronald Reagan promises to name a woman to the US Supreme Court

2012 – Felix Baumgartner jumped from a helium balloon 24 miles up, falling for 9 minutes, and reaching a speed of 844 miles per hour, breaking the sound barrier before he landed safely with his parachute.

2020 A copy of William Shakespeare's First Folio sells for a record $9.98 million at auction in New York



Birthdays Today















 C. Everett Koop, 13th United States Surgeon General (d. 2013)

 Roger Moore, English actor, James Bond #4 (d. 2017)

 Ralph Lauren, American fashion designer, founded the Ralph Lauren Corporation

 Dwight D. Eisenhower, 34th President of the United States (d. 1969)

 William Penn, an English businessman who founded Pennsylvania (d. 1718)

 e e cummings, American poet, and playwright (d. 1962; stroke)

 Harry Anderson, American actor (d. 2018; strokes)

 Natalie Maines, American singer-songwriter, Dixie Chicks

 George Floyd, (d.2020, by Cop)

 Usher, American singer-songwriter



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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.