10 Jan

10 January 2023
Daily Almanac for Flagstaff
Week 2 Day 10 \ Ave. Sky Cover 15% \ Visibility 19 miles Flagstaff Today 52° \25°  Wind 2mph \ Gusts 3mph 
Air Quality: Moderate \Low Risk of fire \ Nearest active fire 313mi \ Nearest Lightning 1001mi
Jan Averages for Flagstaff: 44° \ 16° \5 Days of moisture

Today’s Quote

Weekly Observations

6-Feb 21
Carnival Season
National Personal Trainer Awareness Week
Home Office Safety and Security Week  
National Mocktail Week

Daily Observations

Houseplant Appreciation Day Link 
League of Nations Day
National Bittersweet Chocolate Day

National Booch (Kombucha) Day 
League of Nations Day
National Bittersweet Chocolate Day
National Booch (Kombucha) Day Link
National Cut Your Energy Costs Day
National Oysters Rockefeller Day  Link
National Poetry at Work Day
National Shop For Travel Day  Link
Peculiar People Day
Save The Eagles Day

My Sometimes-Long-Winded Thoughts

Starting a new week with a nice winter day.

The Broncos ended their season with a win over the Chargers. The Cards ended their season with another loss, this time to the 49ers. I am expecting coaching changes in the near future.

Brazil is experiencing vote denial and is more violent that what happened here in the states. It is sad to see.  What has happened to democracies that when a candidate loses, they lick their wounds and move on?

Biden visited the border in El Paso, but the far right still isn’t happy. Now they are claiming the area was cleared before the President arrived.

Waterfalls around the world




It’s not just the immense scale of the reef that makes the Great Barrier Reef visible to astronauts in space. The contrast between the dark blue of the deeper parts of the ocean and the light turquoise of the lagoons on the other side of the reef makes it relatively straightforward to identify with the naked eye. But the pictures taken from space are valued for more than their aesthetic appeal. The MERIS sensor used on the Envisat satellite mission was a useful tool in mapping the extent of coral bleaching, the term given to stressed coral which has rid itself of algae.

Scientists are continually studying the Great Barrier Reef, but the discovery of a 1,640-foot-tall reef off the North Queensland coast was an exceptional find, the largest discovery in more than a century. By comparison, the Empire State Building measures 1,454 feet from sidewalk to tip. Researchers from the Schmidt Ocean Institute in California were using an underwater robot to create a 3D map of the seafloor when they made the discovery. The submarine landform, which is about a mile wide, is right off the northern tip of the Great Barrier Reef. 

Slang Origins

1960: Groovy

Meaning: hip, trendy; marvelous or excellent

Occasionally, a slang word is born that defines a generation, and groovy is one of them. It started as jazz slang in the 1930s, referring to the grooves in a record, before exploding in popularity during the 1960s and ‘70s during the hippie movement. Today, the word has become the relic of another era, a catch-all used to describe anything that comes from the decade, even baby names.

Historical Events

1776 – “Common Sense” by Thomas Paine was published.
1870 – John D. Rockefeller incorporates Standard Oil.
1878 – The first (Susan B. Anthony Woman) Woman’s Suffrage Amendment was offerd to congress by Senator Arlen A. Sargent of California.
1927 – Fritz Lang’s futuristic film Metropolis was released in Germany.
1946 – The United Nations’ General Assembly (51 countries) met for the first time in London.

Birthdays Today

@91 – Jerry Wexler, American music producer (d.2008)
@87 – Philip Levine, American poet (d.2015)
@83 – Max Roach, American drummer and composer (d.2007)
@83 – Ray Bolger, American actor (d.1987)
I was brought up on the books of The Wizard of Oz and my mother told me that these were great philosophies. It was a very simple philosophy, that everybody had a heart, that everybody had a brain, that everybody had courage. These were the gifts that are given to you when you come on this earth, and if you use them properly, you reach the pot at the end of the rainbow. And that pot of gold was a home. And home isn’t just a house or an abode, its people, people who love you and that you love. That’s a home.– Ray Bolger
@83 – David Horowitz, American activist and author
@79 – Roy E. Disney, American businessman (d.2009; cancer)
It’s not hard to make decisions once you know what your values are.– Roy E. Disney
78 – Rod Stewart, English singer-songwriter
@75 – (John) Robinson Jeffers, American poet (d.1962)
75 – Donald Fagen, American singer-songwriter, musician
It’s great to know that our old stuff still sounds good to our fans, just as it’s wonderful to think that we’ve turned a few people on to jazz over the years.– Donald Fagen
74 – George Foreman, Boxer, Grill-guy
@73 – Scott McKenzie, American singer-songwriter (d.2012)
73 – Roy Blunt, American politician
@72 – Frank James, American criminal (d.1915)
I have been hunted for twenty-one years. I have literally lived in the saddle. I have never known a day of perfect peace.– Frank James
@72 – Frank Sinatra, Jr., American singer and actor (d.2016; heart attack)
70 – Pat Benatar, American singer-songwriter
You can’t change the past so don’t let it haunt you. You can change the future but first you’ve got to want to.– Pat Benatar
@66 – Charles Phillip Ingalls, the father of Laura Ingalls Wilder (d.1902; heart disease)
@63 – Johnnie Ray, American singer-songwriter and pianist (d.1990; liver disease)
@57 – Grand Duke Peter Nikolaevich of Russia (d.1931)
@53 – Linda Lovelace, American actress (d.2002; auto accidnet)
50 – Félix Trinidad, Puerto Rican-American boxer
42 – Jared Kushner, American businessman political figure
@37 – Sal Mineo, American actor (d.1976; murdered)


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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.